Reward Offered: Mecizq the Ghoul

  • The Knights of the Cerulean Stars are promising a 500 gold piece reward for information that leads to the capture of the ghoul formally known as Mecizq the Young.

    Those with information should contact Captain Caelin Cor'avel, Lieutenant Eowiel or others of the Knights.

  • _Senator Ashald was seen in the commons collecting his and Nydas part of the reward. He was later seen going to find Miss Ocean to donate his part to the orphans of the city, a happy smile on his face.

    He was also seen talking with Mecizq after he apparently killed the Senator in the fight to get him back, apparently holding no grudge against the man._

  • //winks at KB she didn't know your name.

  • :Nyda raises an eyebrow: Of course I had no hand in it…

  • leaves word at the Cerulean Knight's HQ that herself, a lady named Kara and an orc named Any will be expecting to split the reward

  • Word about the city is that Mecizq was slain and subsequently returned to life.

  • Added to the 5000 gold, Dentin offers an additional reward for whoever returns the shock hammer that Mecizq stole from him.

  • Word spreads that the Cerulean Knights have now offered up a second reward. The original offer of 500 gold pieces for mere information on Mecizq's location stands. In addition, they have offered up a 5000 gold piece reward for Mecizq's capture.

  • eyes the gnome with thinly concealed amusement

    Such information will do nothing to lead to his capture. I'm afraid you'll have to do more or recieve no reward.

    glances after the departing Banite, calling

    We seek only information, for which 500 gold is not an inconsiderable sum.

  • the colourful gnome walks past the finger-flexing banite and Dentin to submit some information

    He is really tall, as humans tend to be, tends to wear blue, has lots of divine and magical power, and is significantly less cute than I am. holds his hand to collect the gold

  • The Banite quickly gets up again, dusts himself off, and walks out off Peltarch, flexing his fingers, but showing no other emotion

  • The young man in Banite vestments is "accidently" knocked off his feet by Dentin in passing.
    "Oh, pardon me. Us fools can be of -such- incompetence."
    He then walks on, leaving the Banite to lie in the street.

  • A young man in Banite vestments responds:

    Only 500? That's a bit on the low side, isn't it?