-SilverTears-, Player of Eve

  • Well she's gone from 5 to 7 in the last week or so, confirming to me she's an alt with a C-token already 😉

  • Agree with the above. Well played PC, and friendly OOC too. RP'd with Eve a few times now. Eve's interactions with Gurt and Grak usually make me smile. He/she pulls off the pick pocket and con artist bit with innocent charm. It just makes you want to ring Eve's little neck sometimes! Anyways, SilverTears has my support for a token.

  • ::checks the yes box::

    Fun to watch and as Nilla said, has some cool emotes ties to the character. Well played indeed.

  • Has my vote, excelent work with this character 🙂

  • ICC

    This little nuisane should be tokenized, before she pickpockets that character token from your pockets:)

    Seriously, this player has made a nice character which strays from the mainstream -mold of the character creation. He/she plays it well and uses quite lots of different text-based emotes to show what he/she is up to. His/her pickpocketing is fun to watch too: Little bump of the shoulder on that one and slight tumble on anothers feet make my face smile and his characters purse bit heavier.

    As I have said before (InMyHumbleOpinion); such characters are needed in order to promote Narfell as an unique and in-depth persistant world.

    Keep up the good work.

  • Played with her a few times over the last couple of days. extremely well played charecter who deserves a c

  • ICC

    In a word: Refreshing.

    If my vote holds any sway, consider it cast in favor of this fine player.

  • Yup, Eve is a lovely character.

  • Assuming she's not an alt, which I suspect she is, then definitely give her a token. She so so deserves one for her little poor girl act. I know how much money she has been given and it's not subtle 😉

  • Token up!

  • yup yup tokenize

  • I just had a chance to rp with her in the Ice Caves, she does have good emotes with an interesting character. Even when she's pickpocketing you, stealing your gold and what not, it's still fun. 😮 🙂 I'd say yes to a token.

  • I second that. Eve is a lovely character with wonderfully descriptive emotes. Definately has my vote. 🙂