::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Juster is seen walking through the city with a large smile. Wehn asked about Hjoichi being dead he gives a small chuckle and shakes his head. Him, dead? No way… He then just grins and walks off.

    Later when he hears about a pink lady in the city calling herself the Queen of fashion he just busts up laughing.

  • Recent rumors circulate that the bard, Penny, clad in her shocking hot pink catsuit, spent several hours standing atop the sundial in the commons lecturing to the crowds about the merits of fashion as a form of art. The self-declared "Minister of Fashion" proceeded to drop several juicy soundbytes, some of which included:

    "Pink is the new fashion." and "Fashion is art, people!"

    Many in the crowd seemed particularly bewildered by the display, though a select handful seemed to distill her message into the brief summary that fashion is art, and art seeks truth and beauty, therefore fashion is the everyman's vehicle to truth and beauty through art. Following the display, several women, including Senator Senella, were seen heading off to Vanity Plates with Penny, at least one returning with a more vibrant, though tasteful, set of clothing.

  • _The Dead Kitty Putsch

    Crowds of commoners report that an unusual agreement was made in the Peltarch commons, between the elven Priestess of Sharess, Hedia, and dwarfen pyrate and Umberlant cleric, Mercy. After curt, if not entirely comprehensible discussions, it was apparently agreed that cats are off the sacrifice list, in exchange for a splash of coins.

    It has been noted, however, the number of stray dogs about Peltarch has decreased. Just yesterday, Mercy was spotted, performing her usual ritual sacrifice, the moggies replaced by lovely little puppies. It is not known if they floated or not._

  • A rather pale man was seen in peltarch guard armor recently… it appears there is a new guard on duty...

  • Drelan can be heard remarking over his wine.

    "The menacer slayer?.. you're kidding aye?" He frowns as he asks, then mutters about the good ones always dying.

  • Someone said the Captain of the Far Scouts is dead for sure.

  • ICC

    _Rumors speak that there was an odd incident at the Mermaid.

    Hulking orc was strolling inside with some woman tow. After the orc had bullied some dwarven customers with a club, they both retired in nearby room with long benches and a small fountain, closing the door tightly for a clear indication for privacy. Briefly after the door closed, some customers claim that that they heard orcish screams and womans crying inside the room. Background noises from the numerous customers make it impossible to be certain about the noises thought.

    After some time, same woman quickly slipped from the room into the streets. Hulking ork emerged shortly after, obviously sulking from something. Ork sat down and had few ales alone, before he headed out.

    Those who looked inside the room saw traces of blood on the long bench leading in the fountain, which water was slightly bloodied. Both of those strange customers were clad in dark clothes._

  • Oreth, on one of his frequent trips through the city, also catches word of the ceremony. Initially, he dismisses it, saying that surely everyone in the docks just standing by and watching stretches any form of believability, but after hearing of it over and over, he finally believes it, and ends up running into Lucid just about when both of them are getting properly pissed off about it.

    ((Coincidental meeting brought to you by desire not to have two separate angry-ranting-about-dead-kittens threads))

  • @6913cc3540=ArUlric:

    … none intervened as the four kittens mewed, then gurgled their way into the freezing, unforgiving deeps.

    An elf in red robes that some may recognize as Lucidious stops at the inn to work on a bottle of wine and talk on recent events. On hearing of the strange Umberlee ritual, the elf starts choking on his wine and clutches at his chest gasping for breath. He manages to regain his composure, then storms out cursing in elvish and holding a hand to chest as he goes.

  • A man in rather ragged clothing is seen wondering the docks asking quietly if anyone saw the woman that went in with the senator as if trying to get a better description. Occaisionally coin is left for a drink or five.

  • _Much to the horror of the more squemish of the Peltarchian townsfolk, the Church of Umberlee has been more visible on the Docksides and streets of late. Mercy, dwarfen priestess of the Bitch has been spotted, demanding tithes from local seafaring merchants and fisherfolks. Refusals are met with a peg-toothed leer and a promise that the Sea Queen would have her vengeance.

    More striking, however, was a high tide prayer meeting conducted by the same dwarfen lassie, in which four kittens, tails bound together, were thrown into the Icelake to cries of praise and supplication to Umberlee. Not known for a prevalence of tree-huggers, none intervened as the four kittens mewed, then gurgled their way into the freezing, unforgiving deeps._

  • @ed1bcf27d6=DrDreadLock:

    After months of being gone, Senator Aarron Ashald can be seen leaving a ship recently returned to the city and heading for the Seafarers Hall. The crew lets slip in the taverns that the night before they departed, the Senator and a young girl wearing black and gold were seen boarding the ship and heading to his quarters, she left in the morning just before the ship sailed.

    On hearing the rumour Nyda refrains from any comment.

  • _Lilin asks everyone and everyone if they know if there are puppies for sale…

    finally after searching for a day, victory, Lilin is seen adopting a very nice Cormyr Shepard Puppy. She just smiles when she's asked about it.

    ((This mundane post brought to you by losl))_

  • After months of being gone, Senator Aarron Ashald can be seen leaving a ship recently returned to the city and heading for the Seafarers Hall. The crew lets slip in the taverns that the night before they departed, the Senator and a young girl wearing black and gold were seen boarding the ship and heading to his quarters, she left in the morning just before the ship sailed.

  • Dentin can be seen around the city with a metal version of his right leg as of a few days. Whether it is a simple casing, or it is a completely metal leg remains unclear. Though he tends to wear a robe and conceal his new "asset" as much as possible when dealing with the common folk, the limp and odd stance are unmistakeable.

  • A stout, blue and white clad dwarfen priestess of Umberlee has reared her ugly head in Peltarch and surrounding climes. Peasants clearly try and avoid her, as to most 'lubbers' with sensitive nose-buds. She accompanies Corana on occasions, and is often seen in the Docks, harrying wayward sailors and innocent merchants with her typical sermon of horror, filth and squalor. Argh, wi' a wanion cully!

  • After a while of absence, or inactivity, it seems the pale priestess of Beshaba is back. Once more she can be seen wandering the various districts of Peltarch, listening to people and suggesting her very own way to avoid accidents and general misfortunes to anyone willing to listen.

  • Rumors spread like wildfire that the pink-haired bard, Penny, has recently undergone some sort of alarming transformation of appearance. What appears to be a brilliant prismatic tattoo now curves across her forehead, around her left eye, down her cheekbone, and spirals loosely around her neck before disappearing into her clothing. Several of her outfits reveal that this tattoo continues its spiral pattern across her torso and abdomen. The more unusual of these rumors seems to indicate that the pattern isn't a tattoo at all, but rather, a continuous patch of brightly reflective scales.

  • In other news, a new power seems to be on the rise in the city.
    The Brotherhood of the Northern Star, currently consisting of Elor and Perin, who seems to be rather confused about the matter. Whether this is a diabolical scheme of world domination, a pun on the Sisterhood or an elaborate prank, or something in between, is up for debate.

    Yet one thing is clear. The Brotherhood of the Northern Star is on the rise!

  • It seems that Leti's Market has been closed. The door now locked, the only one entering occasionally seems to be Dentin. Rumours are divided between Dentin now being a rogue defender, using his mandate (whether it applies or not) to take control of the building. Other, more sensible voices say he finally closed the purchase of the store.