A Whisper in the Fugue

  • Legion

    Any that were resurected may have heard the general in the fugue talking about setting off to find Tyr and murmuring about failing his people in their time of need…

  • Legion

    Those that have gone by to pay their respects for the general have noticed his body has gone missing was it the banites? Or has he dissapeared foreverto sit aside his god….

  • After returning Mark's soul to his long dead body, Corana can be heard remarking with a crooked grin that she would gladly do the same for Grag as a "service to Jiyyd".

  • The soul of the Defender finally leaves the fugue as well, with a last few words.

    "Remember, we haven't failed, and we'll be needed once more, and once more after that, probably."

  • Drelan can be seen building a rather large bond fire near jiyyd and wearing a cermonial clothing of white,blue, and gold. He can be seen praying before it with his sword in the ground and tossing powder into it that seems to make symbols as it combusts, all the while muttering something in a foreign tongue.

  • Ginger quietly says a hinnish prayer of remembrance in the temple of Tyr for the pumpkin man.

  • A prayer is said before the altar of Tyr

    You big louse. I advise you to get your big blue arse back into your city. We've got your stuff locked up in a chest…do you know how heavy your freaking armor is! I'm a bard, A BARD! I shoudln't be carrying that crap. You owe me enough for that alone to come back. Jiyyd stands, Mingal falls, and everyday you're wallowing up there is another day they don't have your arm helping out when the next dozen different things attack. Now come on my friend, come back to us...you've got far to many that will miss you at this point.

  • Equinox says a prayer for the fallen General

  • Rando makes a comment whilst in Jiyyd

    "Fat fool owes me money.. he better come back"

    Rando smiles happly

  • "Jiyyd stands, Narfell lives. Have we failed?
    I think not."

  • Sil sings cheery Legion tunes in the fugue

  • While in the fugue, Lyte grabs the big half orc by the ear, or other handy appendage, and turns him around so he can see that she and twenty other folks have also "failed", but that she isnt packing it in, and she scolds him that he had better not either.

    //stuff was recovered by dms too, ya big lug, get on back here this instant!