Rumors heard throughout Oscura.
A good number of surfacers were seen moving through oscura recently… a man was heard saying
"Quite interesting to see such goodly folks, hell a paladin, walking through our dark city. Especially after being heard condemning it in jiyyd…"
_The reserved, yet always polite merchant Yuki, has been seen more and more wandering the streets of Oscura. She seems pleasant and respectful, to everyone she comes in contact with, something rare in this dark city.
There seems to be no pattern or purpose to her strolls, and her conversations are usually brief, except for her meeting with the increasingly popular Lady Daliera at the Coppers.
Loose tounges around the city say they went into the private room to drink and talk, and didn't come out until early the next morning._
Word spreads that the Library's stolen manuscripts have been returned safely thanks to the efforts of Lady Daliera. Inquisitor Nicahh is still looking for the culprits behind the robbery however, who still elude the punishment they deserve…
The young halfling mage Peppy was seen storming from the library after a conversation with Larpos, any near the well at the time would have heard a short conversation between her and Nicaah ending with,
"Read your history of the area, this is the same that killed the Romani. I will find quarters in Jiyyd."
before the mage is seen leaving Oscura, what appears to be Peppy's oath rag left in Nicahh's hand.
A young human lass was seen wandering about the city by most of its townsfolk. She spent much time wandering about and mingling with the merchants. Dressed in black leathers, she had blond hair that was braided into many long, small braids. She was last seen leaving the city mumbling something about needing… "a nice place like this to live...."
Lady Daliera was seen going into the Mithril Mug. It is said she met Kilir SkullKrusher in the main hall and went with him to a back room. Anyone asking any of the dwarves in the Mithril Mug about the peculiar meeting will be met with a harsh: "Be mindin yer own business."
_Rumor has it that Lady Daliera was seen earlier today with the elusive Lord William Gallows of the Black Lotus, walking the streets of Oscura. They travelled with a heavily armed escort of twenty of the brotherhood, visiting a large number of businesses around the dark city.
None of the shopkeeps or business owners seem in the least bit interested in talking about the visit.
"None of yer damn business." Is the most common response to inquiry._
Witnesses report that some malign spirit attempted to kill the much-appreciated proprietor of the Odds, Sorien. Motives for the vicious and near-fatal attack are unknown but Sorien was saved from a hideous demise by the intercession of young Percy Den'Kath.
The youth fought bravely to protect another of the blooded and should be commended for his loyalty.
The men and women dressed in plate adorned in Myrkulite sigils have mounted up and rode out of town in a hurry but orgainzed fashion. The guards report they numbered easily 100 warriors in full plate armor on large steeds with plate barding. They rode south.
A lithe black shape has been seen running around the rooftops and flitting to and fro into and out of the shadows at night in all four cities. As it's always night in Oscura, the rumors are slightly more frequent in sighting. A few of those with any types of additional vision report seeing female figure with a mask and cowl hiding her head and in the company of one bird flying alongside. Some say it's an owl, and more than one drunk dwarf with allusions of ornithology say it's clearly some sort of species of dire swallow or finch. Still more say "No, it was a bat. Had to be." When spotted, she dives off a roof and vanishes, leaving behind only a black feather. ((Anyone who finds such a feather who takes the time to have it identified finds it to belong to the common species of raven.))
More than drunk dwarf say it's the advanced guard of an invasion of bird ninjas.
hearing of this amazing feat of engineering, Dwin and several of his employees visit the Oscuran bridge.
Tis a fine bridge they have built here!
Anyone seen me friend Thor around? I'd like to talk some business!
Dwin and his folks walk across the bridge like tourists looking at the depths below and marvelling at the gates and its overall structure. Some time later, they returned to Oscura toting what smelled like copper ore.
Word spreads that some of the Library's oldest tomes were stolen with neither sight nor sound of the thieves, confounding Red Falcon House. Tribune Larpos is later said to have assured questioners the stolen texts were merely copies of the origionals which are still more than safe. Anybody who believes they know anything about the whereabouts of these mysterious thieves and foes of Oscura are reminded of their pressing obligations to inform Red Falcon House immediately…
A man with pale skin and black hair has been seen in the library often recently, he appears to be searching for something within the books…
((any dm want to pick this up shoot me a pm or find me IG
Word spreads that the West Gate is finally open to Oscurans. The SkullKrushers appologize for the wait, but explain that the bridge and supports had to be tested fully before allowing open travel on it. Many guards are posted in the area due to its close proximity to the Underdark.
On one of it's many visits to the temple a dark clad figure notices the missing trap and enters more cautiously than normal. It scans the Temple as it passes through the door, then locks it before eventually kneeling in prayer.
An invisible man steps away from the shadows outside the temple of Mask quickly disables the trap and picks the lock to the door. He turns the handle, pauses a moment
"I am not a thug….I have a purpose"
He swiftly enters teh temple and locks the door behind him
A somber looking Nicahh is seen carrying a bloody bag into the Temple of the Caverns. Rumor spreads that five robed men had entered the mines as the Inquisitor had surfaced with three companions from a trip below the city. Many speak of how she had asked the guards in the Undercity to follow the men and was met with complete disobedience. Later it was discovered the guards minds had been tampered with, and the spells that held sway over them was dispelled by one of the Sisters of the Bones. When the gaurds finally entered the mines and found the robed men a battle ensued leaving the robed strangers and the guards dead. The guards were taken to the temple to be raised.
A large fair haired man with many tattoos has been seen asking for the whereabouts of a Merchant he last met with in Norwick. The merchant was of…. ruddy... skin complection and resemembled an elf.
He leaves word that he can be contacted via the Inn Keeper at the mermaid in Peltarch should the merchant wish to have a meeting.
Rumor spreads of a gas explosion in the mines below the undercity. Inquisitor Nicahh is seen warning the Skullcrushers to keep as few laterns lit as possible for both the men's safety and the city's. Returning from her trip to investigate possible gas leaks, she is seen with two men, and one troll, who appeared to be carrying a duergar mage. If the mage had anything to do with the gas leaks or explosions, it is hard to say.
_On his regular journeys back and forth from the Red Falcon House Library, a helmed figure clothed in dark leathers and bright lizard scales can be heard muttering to himself upon hearing this news.
Another figure, this one masked, veiled, and ever-smiling, seems a bit startled on hearing it, but not entirely displeased._