Sharess Temple

  • A large number of posters have been put up around peltarch they read

    _Ladys and Gentalmen I Hedia High Priestess of Sharess have desided to build my temple to the lady Sharess. In our fair city of Peltarch it is my hope they by building the temple will bring much pleasure and happyness to peltarchs people. Also makeing the city a brighter place that could atrack atention from far away places.

    But i have come under a small problem of funding that is why i am calling out for help from you the people of peltarch. By giveing a donation even just a small one you can be helping make Peltarch a better place to live.

    I also will be running small festivals and feasts in the surounding towns there will be things like archery contests and other fun activitys. Also there will be great food and drinks for all to enjoy.

    So lets all help bring something good into this world because after all good things are pleasureable and all things pleasureable are good._

    Hedia personaly signs each poster and places them around the city and is also seen handing them out to people on the streets. Giveing a small wink and a happy smile too all that take them

  • DM

    The magistrate is said to show some interest in thisโ€ฆ.

    However in discussion with those near the notice he remarks..

    "I do hope this new temple proves to celebrate the joy of sharess to all, however i do hope that it will not be extended to the outsider creatures of darkness i have seen fondly spoken of by some folk, and under the protection of some who live near Jiyyd"

    "Trust not the words of those evil creatures that come from elsewhere for whatever form they take they will never be welcome here"

    "I feel sure that the righteous priestess hedia will prove a beacon to be feared by all those who would darken this land, near or far from her temple".

  • Dance Night
    All those the love to dance or simply watch and have a good time must come to the Dance Night. The Night will be in 2 weeks from today so start to find your best outfit and shoes. It will be held in the peltarch feast hall and i shall be your host.

    Hedia Signs her name

  • the posters around the city and towns always have a date on them

    (date is when i can get a willing DM to help out but seeing as my playing hours always has a lack of Dms thats kind of hard to do ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

  • DM

    A few dwarves from the stonemasons guild are seen scratching their grey beards outside the crafters hall. One of them says to the other "Who be this 'edia" "ye know her?"

    "nay" is the only reply. "heards she be buildin' something soon enough, hope she has a strong back aye?"

    A few of the townsfolk, the regular attendees at the bardic college and a few of the noblewomen and men seen around to spa start asking questions between warm foot baths and hair braiding appointments.

    "oh, so where are these festivals going to be, its' been so long since we have had a fine one"

  • "Sweeter be the ale that's stolen, wi' a curse. 'Special if it be the lees o; a lubberly-pussy-worryin' kit-coves, argh!"

  • Hedia is seen with a smile on her face as she hands more posters out explining how one of her festivals has come and gone. But for the people not to worry as there will be more soon.

    //Ty LD for setting the area up too look all pretty for the archery contest ๐Ÿ˜„

  • :Hedia can still be seen walking the streets in her full sharess robes covered in sharess runes and symbols. She still hands out the posters to thoes that pass her and tells of a festival that shall be happening very soon:

    //any dm thats got the time to run it for me please send me pm on the forums or in irc.

  • Drelan hears about the request of donations for the temple. Then smiles as he downs his drink and leaves the inn to go out into the elements.

    As he leaves he's heard to mutter

    "Happiness and pleasure my arse. Maybe for a brief fleeting moment, until the after effects of their irresponsible actions begin to show anyways. Should say raising money for the goddess that will destroy or trade anything no matter its sanctity for a single moment of pleasure."

  • Oreth, stretched thin already, takes time to occasionally check on the stragglers of the lion migration, watching for any disappearances or strange behaviour in the wake of this announcement

  • Running trough the streets, hardly ever walking anywhere these days, Elor takes note of the poster, than changes course and runs south to find Hedia.