The Locks to the Sewers are Changed.

  • DM

    All entrances to the sewers are now impossible to pass unless you are personally issued with one of the new keys.

    Even the seemingly less than honest folk of the docks haven't got their hands on one… to copy.. (yet).

    Guards stand watch (For now) over the sewer entrance, and as usual feel free to contact a DM in-game if your character wishes to gain entry.

    IC wise the laws and regulations haven't changed.


    You can still "buy" keys from the place you could before, but anyone using them - or their old keys (they haven't changed in the toolset) can be considered to be metagaming, and prior warning given here.

    If you have an old key feel free to trash it, and those people who feel like IC wanting to aquire one of the new keys (perhaps you are an expert on "locks", a dodgy individual, or simply a merchant seeing an opportunity - contact me my private message as a DM).

    Assume there are guards present at the docks entrance to the sewers, i shall update this thread if anything changes.

    Feel free to post your responses to this, unless you are a Peltarch Employee, where you have your own forums.

    Any actions your character wants to perform privately, speak to me.

  • Word spreads far from the ears of lawmen that entrance to the sewers can still be bought for the princely sum of five hundred golden pieces…by leaving a message for the "Waykeeper" at a fortune filled tavern...

    ((Pm me if anyone is leaving a message))

  • Kitty grumbles aboutr being locked out of her own HOME!!!

  • Dwin mumbles that he needs to get new keys, as he paid for and has an 'Exterminator's pass" to the sewers for him and his employees…