A Small Sign Along the Road

  • Near the crossroads, a modest wooden sign has been placed along the road to Jiyyd for travelers to see. The sign has been placed into the earth at a slightly crooked angle, and reads as follows:

    "To the beautiful elf woman with long hair who has traveled this path before,

    The handsome and dashing Mr. Lucidious Falan would very much like to meet you. If you are this woman please write down your name or a way to contact your lovely self in the space below.

    There is a large, blank space here.

    P.S. He likes Romani Wine."

    The back of the sign contains a hastily scratched through picture. Upon closer inspection, the picture is inverted and is a crude drawing of an orc holding two chicken legs with arrows pointing to what looks like 5 gold coins.

  • –- will fill out this part with the rest of the story at some point, just a placeholder for now so that people know. ---

    Wolf covers the sign with his cloak, then pulls it from the ground and carries it off

  • For a time the crossroads are empty of travelers. All is quiet as darkness falls.

    A strong breeze blows and the sign shudders for a moment.

    The elf Lucidious runs down the path, a few pages of notes flying from his open book as he goes. He stops to catch his breath only a few paces from the sign. It rocks slightly in the wind as he fumbles with the book a moment. Suddenly, the elf perks his ears toward the sound of something approaching from the east. Out of spells and out of time to memorize more he tosses the book in his pack, takes a deep breath then dashes off to the south. A group of well-armed hobgoblins give chase and the sign shudders in their wake. A moment later, all is quiet again.

  • A shaggy blonde haired druid, known as Wolf walks by the sign and reads it, incuding the things added. His eyes widen and he quickly shakes certain thoughts out of his head.

  • moe travels past in his wheelbarrow pushed by his trusty trainee militia and pauses at the sign, he read it then grins like an imp and whispers a command to one of the trainees. The trainee turns deathly pale and shakes his head too scared to go through with the command, after various threats of violence by moe he eventually agrees and the following is added to the sign
    "Dwin Dolvak (I wear wig for you baby)"
    "Rando (I like to be on top and in charge)"
    chuckling, moe orders his minions to take him onwards to jiyyd

  • The name "Belin Dolvak" appears on the sign, with what appears to be a heart carved underneath it.

  • Belade smiles as she reads the sign

    Too bad for him that I have taken a vow…

  • Raisa passes the sign and smiles, feeling a few worries lighter.

  • Ad stops to read the sign on his way across the Nars.

    I hope whoever it is has got their sexes right…the number of times I've been addressed as "Miss" by n'tel quess.....
    shakes his head ruefully….ruffling his long golden hair

  • The elf Lucidious makes his way though the crossroads, reading a leather-bound book as he walks. Facing Jiyyd, the sign now to his back, he looks up a moment to the open sky. He rubs his eyes then turns looking north for anyone along the road from Peltarch. After a bit of staring off in that direction, his attention turns back to his book and he continues on his way down the long road to Jiyyd…completely oblivious of the sign posted behind him.