Rawlins ore bust!

  • An increase in goblin activity is hinted at, often not by direct observation, but from ancedotal evidence.

    Miners working the area around the goblin hold have noted an increase in the amount of goblin resistance in the area, including the occassional appearance of large armored figures or small golems…opinion on the matter is divided. Ore veins are also drying up rapidly...miners have had to contend with competing bands of goblin miners at times, which are seen off in short order, but are sometimes reinforced by the aforementioned armored devices.

    Also observed are occassional small bands of goblins heading westward carrying bundles on their backs and with family in tow.

  • As Oreth ambles away laughing, two forms detach themselves from the cliff face and slither down the stone. The air seems to shimmer around them, but they look like crippled men crawling on broken arms and legs, or four legged spiders. Their torsoes close to the ground, they flow across the earth, splitting up and heading to unknown destinations.

    Two hours later, the gates open, and three large shapes emerge from the hellish air to trod on the rough earth outside the hold.

  • _Oreth is seen in the Rawlins, staring at the new, indestructible gate for a long while. Finally, he move forward, and taps on the door lightly, gauging its thickness and strength. Then he mutters to himself, and moves beside the door, placing his hand on the stone it's anchored in.

    Then, inexplicably, he starts laughing uncontrollably and walks away, occasionally managing to mutter something to himself about "stupid goblins"_

  • upon hearing about the gates, Dwin grumbles

    Farkin gobs can build gates like that, but Jiyyd and Norwick are too cheap to build em fer themselves!

    After all those years of bustin' em down, seems the gobs learned somethin from us after all!

  • Dentin, having kept an eye on the goblin situation since he returned from a particulary long venture into the hold, hears of the new "indestructable gates" and heads back north, mumbling something in the way of
    "Finally, a challenge."

  • The migrations of goblins westward through the Rawlins seems to be slowing down, the few sightings of such now are pitiful, starved specimens, who are quickly gobbled up by their western kin.

    A woodcutting party of four went into the far East. None have been seen in days.

    Huge clouds of smoke fill the air over the goblin hold. Hissing, hammering, screeching…things are getting rather loud in the large caverns. People heading over to explore the sounds see a new addition to the hold...a large iron-banded gate, sturdy enough to withstand repeated keggings (at least until some new toys hit the spawner :P).

  • Dwin sets out with a few other union members and apprentices to see if they can ascertain anything about the activity, and more importantly to see if they are missing out on any new ore veins that have exposed themselves.

  • Oreth watches the activity with dispassionate interest, but mostly just sees to smoothing over the upturned earth through stone-shaping and earth-softening magics, reseeding them, and treating them with plant growth spells.

  • Kael nods as the rumor of the increased activety reaches him.
    I knew it! We do however need to find the source for this… vile plot, against the commonfolk of this land.
    I personally think that THE someone who is behind it, is less..... goblinlike... I doubt the greenskins have the intellect to create somthing like this on their own.he states loudly. He then hurridly dons his scale, and starts walking southwards

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia, as well as any druids willing to go with her, are seen examining the damage being done in the area, though she pointedly avoids engaging the goblins and their golem-y friends in combat for the moment