Contest for the creators of beauty

  • @532990d0a4=Teah:

    ((that is 2pm EST for people like me that are GMT challenged.))

    ((12-2pm EST, since he gave a range. Though whether he means between those times, or starting somewhere between them is anyones guess 🙂 ))

  • ((that is 2pm EST for people like me that are GMT challenged.))

  • The final date and time for the award ceremony have been set! On Midsummer, at Highsun, the prices will be handed out, and I hope that the party will last long into first-day of the first tenday of Eleasis. Be there!

    //this saturday 3 June, 5 to 7 pm GMT. I hope that this date allows people from all the timezones to attend. I hope to see all the contestants and a lot of other people there. Free food and drink!

  • Do the characters get to appraise their art work IG?

  • A new announcment is put under the other ones

    All entries are to be in on ((1th of June)). The prices will be awarded in a grand ceremony on the ((3th of June)) Be there!

  • _On the stream

    On the stream we gently float.
    Together on the flow.
    Finding comfort in your eyes.
    Gentle warmth that lies below.

    The caring softness in your touch
    Light that brings me back.
    Giving purpose once again.
    The hope that I lack.

    I remember all so well.
    You are always there.
    Far away and yet so close.
    Leaving my heart to bare.

    I will find you once again
    Swim far into the sea
    And the stars will guide me on
    Till you are back with me_


  • Drowning in Her Touch

    I’m spun around
    And up-side-down.
    Washed away,
    With each new day.
    Close to drowning.
    Senses screaming,
    Out to me
    In Ecstacy.

    Admit you feel the love
    Admit you’re not so tough
    That you can see
    Sune’s Beauty
    Don’t try
    To deny
    Open your eyes!

    From every side of me,
    In everything I see,
    My soul aches
    To see it all.
    Whilst some crawl,
    Eyes tight shut.
    Of her Glory.

    Admit you feel the love
    Admit you’re not so tough
    That you can see
    Sune’s Beauty
    Don’t try
    To deny
    Open your eyes!

    In the smile of a child.
    In the rainbow in the sky.
    Candle glints in a lovers sweat,
    And the twinkle in their eye.
    In the scent of a rose.
    In the cut of well made clothes.
    My soul swells,
    Can’t you see
    Her Beauty?

    Admit you feel the love
    Admit you’re not so tough
    That you can see
    Sune’s Beauty
    Don’t try
    To deny
    Open your eyes!

    The beauty of Sune’s touch,
    Is almost just too much.
    I ache with the Joy,
    At each pretty girl or boy.
    So I tell you, take the chance!
    Take this dance!
    Open up your eyes and soul!
    Let Sune’s Beauty make you whole!

    Admit you feel the love
    Admit you’re not so tough
    That you can see
    Sune’s Beauty
    Don’t try
    To deny
    Open your eyes!


    Sune’s love and Lliira’s Joy to you all


    Belade looks excited at the recent influx of entries.

    "Keep them coming!"

  • A cute little bard makes her way north carrying two parchments. After offering her prays to Sune, she submitts the following pictures.

    "Few things in life are more beautiful than the human form." Daria giggles.

  • "Lycanthropes are beautiful, and among the most majestic of those is the wereshark"

  • Two dancers meet
    Both fleet of feet
    Their limbs entwine
    Skin, a rosy shine
    With hearts that race
    Their steady pace
    The dance of life passion’s embrace.

    in flowing elven script the paper accompaning the picture is signed Rilia Dedralle follower of Hanali Celanil

  • DM

    Lacey has been looking for Belade, not having seen her in the city recently….

    (edited out a few needless ooc posts)

  • The Masked Passion

    Here's the drawing joining Tigaro is joining with, it's very Tigaroisch, really, the mask and the high-class appearance. (Tigaro's outfit :D, it cost him more than his katana)

    edited, because I forgot the name

  • Another drawing is brought in at the Wilting Flower.

    Face of a friend, it's called, and Yolanda's name is at the bottom.

  • //I'm sorry for those who have taken the trouble to make an entry, but if I don't get more of them, I'm going to cancel this competition, giving all the entrants the price money for 3th and 4th place

  • Belade puts up a reminder that the final date is fast approaching

  • The first entries have begun to come in. One of them is posted in the Wilting Flower

    "Her", by Lucidious

  • Rico Swift, fellow Paladin of Sune and all around froody guy, speaks on the subject.

    Beauty is found in many forms, and not all of them are readily apparent. I see this as both a revelry in true artistic fashion as well as a celebration of the beauty in people's hearts and minds. The money itself is an acknowledgment of that beauty, and a means of encouragement of true beauty. Oh by the way, I'll be volunteering for a position as judge.

  • Belade answers that "From the deepest darkness, the greatest beauty can come. And even if someone like Rando produces a great work of art, which I find unlikely, it might be an example to others. Besides, how can my money be put to better use than having works of art produced? Oh yes, would you care to assist in the judging?"

  • DM

    Lacey starts to look concerned at the huge prizes offered…

    "Belade... " she says to her, could not this be put to better use in the name of Sune? We might get some horrid person producing something so beautiful, and we might have to give them the prize...

  • Belade Galadon claims to have had a vision, coming from Sune herself…

    Written on the bottom of the poster:

    New price money! 4000 for 1st place, 2000 for 2nd, and 1000 for 3th and 4th place!

    //I know I'm probably going to regret this, but ah well….8k in price money now! Please, give me some good entries 😛