::Rumors heard in the Lucky Ferret::
Rumor spreads the Lucky Ferret has a new owner. She is short, has red hair, and is often a b*tch. And they are not talking about Gildor for a change. Oh yeah.. and blah, blah, blah… Drelan... runs it or something another. Which is not really as important and pretty vague and fuzzy.. since he is in jail.
There are rumours among Lucky Ferret patrons about the upcoming festival in the Silver Valley. They say that Juster, Gonnar and Ginger have planned a scavenger hunt and archery contest for the event. Even tallfolks are welcome to participate.
((Event is scheduled for next Satuday. Start time TBA.))
Word reaches Peltarch that the smallfolk festival in the Silver Valley is over, and that a human named Paci won the pie-eating contest. Some folks chuckle when they hear that young mother Ragnhild beat out several burly dwarves and seasoned fighters to win the boxing match. There's also some talk that a hin bard by the name of Jockser Tealeaf won the stone-throwing competition. General consensus is that folks had a good time and are looking forward to the next festival.
Rumours of the smallfolk festival in the Silver Valley appear to be true. Smallfolk pass through town and head south to the valley in search of available inn rooms and camping sites. The festivities are planned to begin within the tenday.
((Scheduled for 2pm Eastern this Saturday))
A hin woman was seen visiting with Anah and getting her usual - chicken dinners to go. She was overheard excitedly telling Anah and the Lucky Ferret cook about the upcoming festival in the Silver Valley. She made mention that everyone is welcome to come and participate, and there will be contests of skill, prizes, travelling merchants, and plenty of good food and drink.
((Festival in the valley is this Saturday. More details to come.))
_One commoner to another:
"So a Senator, a Defender and a Black Sail walk into the Ferret…"Only, it does not seem to be a joke.
Rumour has the three walked in and went to the backrooms.Spectators there would say the senator beat the Defender once, a pretty basic match of parry, boost, parry, boost.
The Defender and Sail teamed up had an interesting fight with the Senator, the Senator was ultimately brought down.
In the third round, the Sail took the Senator alone, the Sail was stopped dead in his tracks by a spell and beaten down without resistance.
After this, the Defender charged the still untouched Senator with a greatsword.This turned into an more even match as well, as the Senator's spell did not affect the Defender.
The Defender seemed les at ease with the greatsword than he did with his crossbow, yet, after several minutes of fighting, taking and dealing blows all the same, the Senator went down.The three men were seen leaving together, all comraderie and laughter._
Olsen, who usually shows up for a pickled egg, hasn't been seen in some while. <<edited out="" inappropriate="" comments="" -="" kallethen="">></edited>
_Black Sails member Sabre Seesaw seems to have quite a lot of free time on her hands lately, due to some injury the girl suffered to her neck. Most of this time Sabre spends drinking alone at the Ferret, chasing off hopeful sailors with a few well chosen curses. She occasionaly scribbles in a notebook, a morose look on her face.
Those who dare approach the brooding woman migh overhear her muttering about Norwick, termites, bugbears an' feckin' eedjits inbetween gulps of rum._
Hjoichi chews on a leg of chicken
The Black Sails's ship the Costillas Quebrillas is seen being loaded one day and sailing out soon after.
Days later, the ship comes in at night and cargo is seen being moved to their warehouse.
_The various kitchen boys and barmaids of the area begin to relate tales of hearing a quiet knock during the midnight hours along the backalley delivery doors of the free soupkitchens in the docks.
Apparently they here this soft five-knock and when the door is opened there is no sign of anyone, but at the doorstep lays a fully tressed boar fed on forest land. Or a deer clearly fat with the fruits of the eastern farmlands. Or some other game which represents a potential pest to the lands within one or so leagues of Peltarch.
The wild game supplements greatly the food available at the free kitchens. Those who rely on them in this time of need enjoy the noble feast. Those who work at these kitchens enjoy the chance to work with such fine meat instead of the usual sub-standard fare._
A tall blonde woman with a sash in the colours of the Black Sails tied around her waist ventures into the Ferret to leave word to Captain Deacon that a wedding feast will soon be held by the bridge in the Nars Pass. The captain and his crew are all invited, but she adds, rather sternly: "No fajting until after the ceremony and the songs be done!" Satisfied to have completed her errand, the blonde leaves the Docks, as usual completely oblivious to the leering eyes of the sailors.
((friday 19'th, starting at around 8 pm GMT))
Rumors has it the Black Sails Shipping Company are hiring once again, and interested clients need to only seek out Drelan Ashire for further information.
Evidentally anyone with "useful" skills will be considered.
During the nights. Cray can be seen of late in the Ferrit. Sitting in the corner, illuminated by his own means. He seems as though he is busy at study. A few books spread out and proped up in front of him. Sipping a drink and smoking his unusual cigars. He appears to have the signs of someone who is lacking of sleep. He leaves the Ferrit before dawn each day.
Drelan Ashire has been spotted standing on one of the piers, with a half a bottle of something labeled "Dolvak" in front of him and just standing their starring without moving as if waiting for something.
A man wearing the finest deep velvet robes with the cowl generally pulled far low has been seen more often within the inn, talking to those within and allowing people in back for fights and gambling when they become frequent customers. When word gets to him about this man wanting a "Clash of the Champions" he tells anah to let the man know to leave a note with her.
((PM ME))
Rumor has it that a young man in his early 20s, who goes by Seth has been asking for the owner. His only explanation is, "I have business to discuss with him". It seems that he has been spending alot of time in the pits "rehearsing" something about Clash of the Champions.
((More information coming soon))
Those who frequent the Ferret may have heard a small hin, with her face hidden, sitting in a corner, saying that she is placing a bounty on a certain dwarf, called Mercy, for robbing her. She wants to be informed when the dwarf is in a dangerous position, because she is planning on taking her down then, and taking what is rightfully hers back.
The hin has taken the bounty back.
After many years of not having stepped foot in the ferret, Chaevre' has been seen to enter the ferret and order herself a vile of Imagination, she goes to sit and enjoy the drink undesturbed before leaving.
_A dark haired man, accompanied by a large mustached noble fellow, a rough looking eye patched lady, a calm and polite dark haired monk woman and a fire mephit were seen trudging back into the city alongside a swaggering, plump dwarfess.
The mephit was seen passing off a few flirty comments and batting it's eye lashes to the dwarf, which was trying to ignor it. The dark haired man was wiping his forhead, chuckling and mumbling about rude familiars. The rough looking woman was smirking in amusement as the monk woman just watched quietly. The large mustached man was seen passing off fancy speach and commenting the usual.
Wiping the blood off there boots, and adjusting there equipment, they sat by the south fire to chat a bit before finally parting ways and saying there goodbyes._
((Special thanks to the players involved with this lower level RP. It's quite honestly the most fun I've had with the character I was playing – Again, thanks to the players getting involved in a player-based expedition to the giantspire and RPing it out impecibly.
On a side note, Alan Schek was seen keeping the local drunkies away from Kayewen, taking glances around the pub and clearing his throat as she drank herself silly. Beckoning her to stop, to no avail, he continued keeping a casual watch and kept on keeping her clear of the local trouble makers, clearing his throat and muttering about "Damn lightning" or "Stupid duels."