Public Notice Placed in the Crafting Hall by the Masters

  • A heretofore unnoticed hin tugs on Equinox's sleeve and asks:

    The union tried to bully you? But your wife Khaya is a Union member. She's no bully. She's one of the kindest, most helpful people I know. Maythor too. And what about Tala? Eluriel? Demi? Cyrian? Sy'wyn? Pete? Star? Me? Are we all awful folks who bully and strongarm people? We are union members.

    Union members fight beside you in battles. Union members fought alongside Peltarch citizens against the Eastlanders. Union members may have saved your life at some point. Maybe they prayed to raise you from the dead, or paid for a diamond to bring you back. Before you make big sweeping statements about the big bad bullying union, think about who that is. Your wife. Your allies. Friends. People who care about you.

    Ginger steps back, takes a seat, and settles down to enjoy a delicious Lucky Ferret chicken dinner.

  • Word is subtly leaked that the Far Scouts are seeking to contract with an adequate provider for some of their basic gear. The speed and craftsmanship of their latest shipment being substandard.

  • Huh. And here I figured someone would have use for them. Someone ought to take to selling them in the docks. I'm sure the workers could use good work boots or sturdy belts….

    Hell, I should start doing that.....

    Oreth goes and gathers up all the old junk from the bin, and tucks it all into a sack to carry off later

  • The masters have clarified to me that they are not as much subjected to rotting hides as much as they are constantly cleaning up the odd belts, boots, staves, and other "practice" type objects that aren't ever gonna be sold. They usually toss em in the forge or the trash after a while.

  • Oreth laughs softly

    I'm not opposing anything, Dwin. I am simply clarifying things. You said there was a cleaning problem. I am saying I do not see it. You implied that the masters here needed help to manage the place. I wished to make sure that was what you meant.

    When I have an agenda, I usually declare it pretty loudly. If I ask a question, assume it's because I want to know the answer. Nothing more.

    As for why your group got such a poor reputation… well, I would point out who's responsible for all the poor publicity, but it would be awfully impolite to talk about Rando while he's in the room.....

    Oh shite, my mistake.

  • sighs

    You are right lass, makin those comments about the lad was bad form, and I apologize fer it.

    bows to Equinox, then looks back to Nyda

    Strongarm tactics? What exactly do you mean by that? If you could give me an example, I would be happy to discuss it with you. Unfortunately, there are many many folks out there tellin many many stories. I know its hard to know whats true and what ain't.

    looks at Oreth, Nyda, and Equinox

    What exactly is it that ya are opposed to here? Is it the upkeep fees we plan on chargin non-citizens? Frankly, i dont know anyone besides Oreth that would even be subject to these fees, and he has already agreed to em!

    Dwin shakes his head and raises his hands

    Eventual lockin' of the hall? lass, its in the contract! If I lock it, I lose the hall! Why would I do that?

    Lettin' all Peltarch residents get in to the hall, at any time, is in my opinion a great benefit for all Peltarch-folks… and I would hope that the "goodwill" ya speak of is seen here. That is a unique arrangement that no other trading hall has.

    Remember, this aint 'Dwin Dolvak' buyin the hall. It aint 'Rando' buyin the hall. I got no idea what you are referring to in my past, but it should have no bearing whatsoever on the union's contract to buy the hall. I have owned a business here in town for over a decade, and I have always paid my taxes and done things the right way. We all know there is corruption here in this city... but it ain't comin from me or any of my associates.

    The union has many many extremely talented and smart folks. I dont know why we are viewed as a bunch of scoundrels. If there are some specific folks or events that you would like to come talk to me about personally, I would be more than obliged to hear your concerns.

  • None of which changes the fact that miscellaneous non-Union benefactors are more than happy between them to double or triple the amount of money the City receives simply to guarantee that things don't change and that the Union gets no say in how things are run. It seems to me that it is the Unions unpopularity that makes people nervous. You do not change that by insulting people who don't like you.

    How you do -reassure- people that the strongarm tactics employed in other towns and the eventual locking of the Crafting hall -won't- happen I leave entirely to you. But schoolyard 'He doesn't know anything about management, he doesn't' just makes you sound childish. Convince the people and the senate of the genuine nature of your goodwill towards the city and it's people and all will come to pass as you seem to wish it. For the moment your past, and a few of your specific members, are making people reticent to agree with your proposal.


  • Oreth shrugs

    It bore asking.

    That said, if there are unused hides and lumber lying about in here, point me at them. I am continuously short of both.

    Which, if I remember correctly, is the point of having bins for these things. To leave them for crafters short on supplies. Cleaning them out rather defeats the purpose.

  • @7ea0f12f13=Oreth:

    Oreth shrugs, and asks nonchalantly, without a hint of an accusing or hostile tone
    Do you imply that the smiths here are too incapable of running their own smithy given proper funding?

    Oi! the farkin word-bendin' in this town never ceases to amaze me.

    These smiths here in Peltarch waves to the master smiths that are all relaxing with a Dolvak Dark® in the back are amongst the best in the land. Unfortunately, they been left a big job to do here, without much management.

    One of the things we bring to the anvil is quality management…. best practices and the like. Lots of experience. Let these masters do what they do best and not have to worry about cleanin' up the rotting hides and lumber that so many current clients leave behind. Let them instruct folks instead o havin to sweep the floors.

    I, personally, ain't been out stargazin' fer the last 20 years. neither have the masters of the Union. I been managing a group o crafters that has no rival in these lands. That's something that these lads here in Peltarch can benefit from...something they can be proud of fer once... its somethin' that the whole city will benefit from.

  • The largest percentage of our members live in Peltarch and at least four of us work for the city…

  • Oreth shrugs, and asks nonchalantly, without a hint of an accusing or hostile tone
    Do you imply that the smiths here are too incapable of running their own smithy given proper funding?

  • Dwin overhears some of the latest swirl and comments to the rest of the staff

    This farmer lad, who no one has seen fer decades…he's gonna run a smithy?


    Does he know that forges dont burn on pig shiite? chuckles some more and waves his hands

    I'd be a bit concerned that he might disappear fer another twenty years!

    He continues to chuckle at the latest turn of events, then turns to one of his trusted henchmen and asks them to find Khaya.

  • Hearing Equinox' offer, Dentin approaches him and speaks quietly with Equinox for a while, hearing his offer and asking a few questions. After the conversation, he seems pleased with what Equinox had to say.

  • Equinox Stargazer approaches the Hall and makes it known to all that he will match the offer made by the union

    I've nay love for the union as most will note and have made a respectable living for myself without being bullied by their kind. I don't see why our city would want to sell to a group who's numbers mostly dwell below the nars… with perhaps only a couple of residents here within peltarch herself.

    I offer the same coin and will endeavour to make the hall as accomodating as possible for any of our peltarch customers. The idea of outsiders having a hold on one of our landmarks is absurd and worrying at the same time. Sure the signatory may well be a citizen, but the main body of the union does nay take residence here and thus neither will any profits remain.

    As a loyal citizen of Peltarch I believe it is my duty to keep the hall available to all and preventing the union from monopolising their hold on such places.

  • Tings comments run along the lines of "This will only end in bad"

    It's anyone's guess as to why her grammar is so horrible.

  • Dwin is seen with several draftsmen walking around the building measuring areas and making notes.

    Just make sure me new office faces south, aye? A bit o sun is a good thing fer me health.

  • Dentin seems to have withdrawn from the public discussion. Whether he was forced to or chose to do so is something of debate among frequent visitors to the hall.

  • A rather shady man just laughs as he speaks to another crafter.

    "Sell out to the trade Union? Thats the most stupid thing I've heard in days. Vanity offers unique service that brings in people from all around and they want to give up their control of their profit to the Union? And this hall.. come to think of it.. citizens do infact pay taxes, and take care of the equipment and as far as wasting good ore.. well happens when there are students. To restrict it just to citizens is one thing but to move it beyond their control to the Union as long as they give one months notice? Insanity. Of course I suppose the trade Union would argue that more crafters is a bad thing despite having wars in the past where such supplies were no doubt in short supply. They can offer nothing the trade hall cannot already and given its more open policies it could become its own seperate union if that is really what is desired and crush all competition to the south with its superior policies, man power and coin if the city chose to fund it. Suggestion box is gone hrm? Pity." The man then leaves.

  • Oreth is still seen often in the hall, tanning and sewing away. However, his objections to the Union buyout have pretty much stopped. If asked, he shrugs

    Dwin agreed that the hall was not to be closed, and that independants would be charged only a nominal, one-time fee to pay for the upkeep of the facilities. It would be selfish to complain about that, and I'm surprised the masters never implemented such themselves. Furthermore, they've even said that independants and non-citizens who've paid their fee will be able to sell here. Assuming the union keeps its word, I see no further reason to fight this. Now go away, I need to concentrate.

  • DM

    Seeing as the long days of debate and heated exchanges are dying down the passing guards put their head in less often within the hall, at least compared to recently.

    The masters empty out the suggestion box and write some of them down before burning the rest on the fire. The suggestion box is no longer open, and instead the contract and their words originally mentioned in simple terms for simple folk are posted alongside.

    Before they close for the night the discussions heard and overheard between them go something like this..

    "Well, i've been speaking to the other traders about it, have you."
    "Damn right i have",
    is the reply
    The vanity plates proprieter replies "Well folk have been spending a lot of money in our place of late, its been good for business for you having the basement converted for us hasn't it."

    Overhearing this, the dwarven weapontrader says…
    "Of cours' ye down there may get all an sundry' down there, but we rely on them folk just makin theri way in tha world o death and danger it seems. Peltarch military 'ave their own places, they nae need our armour. Tis good for us if folk from other' towns come 'ere to buy their fine suits o armour, nae can get it many places…. Trouble is tha' union has been sellin finer suits down there, and we lose out sometime though we kin certainly make em jus as good.. It be the steel and all tha resources be 'ard te lay your 'ands on. Nae too keen on them for that, but if we are getting a piece o tha' union profits in future, well. At least thar be some kin in the union. That makes me proud."

    "Well, i'm off to speak to some of the big boys, we get all sorts of fine folk down in that basement now. I even saw him looking at some shiney fullplate the otherday, thats his third set. Should have seen the shine and colours we put on it for him, it almost hurt my eyes", is also heard to be spoken by the charming vanity plates owner.

    "Tha' other folk down by tha' commons been losing business te us fer years, wonder wot tha' union be good fer us as armour traders, ye 'ave been buying tha armours off tha boys in the back fer years, if they be gettin' new forges an' all tha' got te be good fer tha' sake o Moradin. "

    • are the sort of discussions heard among the dwarven traders in the building.

    "We'll listen a bit more i reckon to what folk 'ave to say, but after all the senate ave' the final word, we'll think a bit more on this, then see what they think before puttin what we want on tha' table for em to think about", states the armour crafting master before the end of the day.

    The traders, the owners of vanity plates and the crafting masters then shut the door for the night as usual, lock the doors and bar them before staying up late into the night discussing matters.


    The following day they are open as usual, having moves some of the stock round in the weapon and armour shop to stay out of the way of where the contract is posted. They aren't looking too annoyed though as it has brought a lot of passing trade through it seems.