Public Notice Placed in the Crafting Hall by the Masters

  • @a7d1414987=Salsadoom:

    "Where yeh read er hear deh hall will be closed teh non union folk?"

    Neither did I read anywhere that the Hall will -not- be closed to those not in the Union. As the halls in both Norwick and Jiyyd have been closed as well, I am inclined to believe it will happen here as well.


    That because Gondsman not know how read. Ang Mog Qoute:

    1 - That the property including vanity plates be preserved for all access to the citizens of Peltarch unlike the other crafting halls of the region.

    2 - We as masters shall continue under the employ of the crafters union, and shall continue to offer our services to Peltarch citizens as before.

    Until an official statement is released by the Union, stating that the Peltarch Crafting hall will never and under no circumstance be closed to all except members of the Crafter's Union, and this statement is included in the terms of the purchase, it is possible and indeed likely the Union will abstain their claim and close the crafting hall.


    Moradin forbid expecting people to actually read and keep in head the very first two proposals. And Mog thought Gondsman were supposed to like new stuff, here Union going to upgrade the facilities out of Union pocket and of all people Gondsmen complaining? Have been talking to Gond lately yes? And then saying it not needing it? Sound awfully unGondish to Mog.

    Make claims to the wishes of Gond when you have earned a position in his service.
    Gond wishes for all to have the ability to craft. As more people can dedicate themselves to their craft unhindered, progress and improvements will take place. Or do you claim that the only knowledgeable of smithing, fletching and tanning, and who see the problems and solutions for such, are members of the Union?


    And why need to buy the hall? What Gondsman daft and can no read? Try reading part four again real slow, heck Mog read for Gondsman.

    'The ability to plan for future expeditions and mineral rights with more visitors and improved techniques will be simpler.'

    How will owning the hall make it at all simpler? With "mineral rights" you mean "mining monopoly", no doubt. The Union does not decide who has the rights to mining. Once again, do you think the Union is the sole organisation knowledgeable in "improved techniques"? Do you claim the Union to be the sole group capable of craft?


    That include the Union, often Union have business up here and useful having a facility up to par, nay better, than rest of smithies for when Union goods come into port or leave. Use head other than helmet stand, where better to have best crafts hall in Narfell then here? This where ships come and go, this where trade go thru.

    The Union can freely use the halls as is. Goods meant for shipping are are commonly stored in warehouses, not crafting halls. In this matter, you might suffer from a level of grandeur. The Union has a considerable presence in Narfell.. but it is hardly a presence on the level of international commerce. Claiming that the Union has need for the hall for their import and export is similar to claiming that an inn has need of suplies from one particular farm, and that farm alone, to operate.


    This not about Gondsman and what Gondsman believe, this about the cold fact that this will help Peltarch citizens.

    I ask again, how will the Union's private ownership of the Hall aid the citizens of Peltarch in ways that non other can, and why this aid cannot be given without complete ownership.


    Now go learn to read. Shame when half orc read better than Gondsman.

    Now go and learn to pronounce and utter phrases correctly. Shame when a half-orc claims to be civilised yet can barely speak.


    Also, all senators who want to keep their promises of more trade and better living for citizens from the election will back this plan.

    The Senate shall make a decision in due time, and will ensure that the citizens of Peltarch benefit. Do not state what they will and will not do.

  • @b258949b5e:

    Public Notice: Proposed Change of Ownership

    Citizens of Peltarch,

    Below this poster is a box to collect your thoughts on the manner of the sale of this hall to the administration of the Crafters Union.

    The following is proposed,

    1 - That the property including vanity plates be preserved for all access to the citizens of Peltarch unlike the other crafting halls of the region.

    This would indicate that those not of the city are not welcome to use these services thus stiffling the free trade our city seeks to bring.


    2 - We as masters shall continue under the employ of the crafters union, and shall continue to offer our services to Peltarch citizens as before.

    Again this limits access to the halls to those bearing citizen papers.


    3 - It is expected that expansion and improvement of our facilities will result in this acquisition as well as the opportunity for improving skills of all who visit and producing crafts of the highest quality.

    Stating all whom visit, doth this mean each and every visitor to the city as apposed to that which is written in parts 1 and 2?

    4 - The ability to plan for future expeditions and mineral rights with more visitors and improved techniques will be simpler.

    Comments from all users of our facilities and other interested parties welcome.

    signed by the owners of vanity plates and the three masters of the hall

    As one whom was elected to the senate with a hope to free trade, I am deeply concerned with the wording of parts 1 and 2 of this proposal. Also there is no guarantee that the hal could not be closes at wil by the proposed new owners. I would wish this to be set in writing also. Aswel as a written guarantee that all users to the hall art welcomed as they are now regardless of their residence. Contrary to promoting trade I can see this as hindering such. Do we limit those whom berth at this city to the shops and facilities they can use? I have grave concerns regarding the wording of this proposal.

  • @Archon_Prime:


    "Where yeh read er hear deh hall will be closed teh non union folk?"

    Neither did I read anywhere that the Hall will -not- be closed to those not in the Union. As the halls in both Norwick and Jiyyd have been closed as well, I am inclined to believe it will happen here as well.

    That because Gondsman not know how read. Ang Mog Qoute:

    1 - That the property including vanity plates be preserved for all access to the citizens of Peltarch unlike the other crafting halls of the region.

    2 - We as masters shall continue under the employ of the crafters union, and shall continue to offer our services to Peltarch citizens as before.

    Moradin forbid expecting people to actually read and keep in head the very first two proposals. And Mog thought Gondsman were supposed to like new stuff, here Union going to upgrade the facilities out of Union pocket and of all people Gondsmen complaining? Have been talking to Gond lately yes? And then saying it not needing it? Sound awfully unGondish to Mog.

    And why need to buy the hall? What Gondsman daft and can no read? Try reading part four again real slow, heck Mog read for Gondsman.

    'The ability to plan for future expeditions and mineral rights with more visitors and improved techniques will be simpler.'

    That include the Union, often Union have business up here and useful having a facility up to par, nay better, than rest of smithies for when Union goods come into port or leave. Use head other than helmet stand, where better to have best crafts hall in Narfell then here? This where ships come and go, this where trade go thru. This not about Gondsman and what Gondsman believe, this about the cold fact that this will help Peltarch citizens. Now go learn to read. Shame when half orc read better than Gondsman.


    As citizen of Peltarch wishing more trade and better goods in Peltarch and for betterment of all citizens Mog approve this plan. Mog think all citizens will benefit. Also, all senators who want to keep their promises of more trade and better living for citizens from the election will back this plan.

  • @aa222b543e=Herrold:

    "Where yeh read er hear deh hall will be closed teh non union folk?"

    Neither did I read anywhere that the Hall will -not- be closed to those not in the Union. As the halls in both Norwick and Jiyyd have been closed as well, I am inclined to believe it will happen here as well.


    "When deh last time anyun of yeh 'independept' lads give a single coin teh maintain yeh anvils?" "
    When was deh last time yeh do any maintenance, cleanin er repairwerk in dese here halls?"

    The Peltarch Crafting hall is maintained by the local masters, and the city's craftsmen invest in the maintenance of the used equipment. Care is also taken by those using the equipment to ensure there is no damage, and any damage that would happen will be fined.
    And I myself task myself to cleaning and maintaining the hall whenever I can.


    "When deh last time anyun of yeh 'independept' lads give a single coin teh maintain yeh anvils?" "
    When was deh last time yeh do any maintenance, cleanin er repairwerk in dese here halls?"

    "Me barely see callouses on dem hands… yeh best stick teh yeh light werk and think afore yeh speak.. None of what yeh spouted off in eer was valid. Yeh may want teh speak with me cousin er sumun who have un bit more savvy dem yehself on deh matter"

    • Looks at his comparatively "uncalloused" hands *

    " <d>nae sure if dis feller een seen a ammer anna pick, much less an anvil.. Maybe he think it a place to sit?"

    • Laughs out loud and slaps his leg *</d>

    * glances from the variety of old burns on his arms and hands, most concealed by the plates of his armor, to the warhammer at his side. *
    I may not craft armor or weapons, but I ensure that others can. Not only those in the Union.


    "ooh one more thin… Me is as yeh say 'Peltarch folk'... anna as 'Peltarch folk' anna crafter, dis werk space is acceptable fer novices.. nae attractin masters.."

    As it should be. I find it hard to believe you are simply out to improve the hall for the use of all. If that is the case, your gold will be better spend on a donation to the masters. Why the need to buy the hall?

    • Foilir listens to Straus and rolls his eyes and bangs harder on anything made of metal to stop hearing the racket the skinny makes *

    "Lad… shut yeh pie hole fer un moment...."

    • Holds up a finger with each point *

    "Where yeh read er hear deh hall will be closed teh non union folk?"

    • continues without waiting *

    "When deh last time anyun of yeh 'independept' lads give a single coin teh maintain yeh anvils?"

    • continues without waiting *

    "When was deh last time yeh do any maintenance, cleanin er repairwerk in dese here halls?"

    • looks him over then at his hands *

    "Me barely see callouses on dem hands... yeh best stick teh yeh light werk and think afore yeh speak.. None of what yeh spouted off in eer was valid. Yeh may want teh speak with me cousin er sumun who have un bit more savvy dem yehself on deh matter"

    • Looks at his comparatively "uncalloused" hands *

    " <d>nae sure if dis feller een seen a ammer anna pick, much less an anvil.. Maybe he think it a place to sit?"

    • Laughs out loud and slaps his leg *

    "ooh one more thin... Me is as yeh say 'Peltarch folk'... anna as 'Peltarch folk' anna crafter, dis werk space is acceptable fer novices.. nae attractin masters.."</d>

  • Mariston seems ill at ease with the notion and is seen making his way to the senate building to confere with others

  • @dcc437814f=Clan:

    Me goal is simply to improve the facility fer all Peltarch citizens and business owners. We have certain standards and best-practices in the Union that have been centuries in the making…

    Such as the harassment and outright threatening of independent crafters, by physical, political or monetary means?
    Such as the direct and careless disrespect for the teachings of Gond, and indeed Gond himself, the god of All Craft and Creation?


    Only with the best, newest equipment can we all benefit. The other halls in the land will be more difficult to upgrade, Peltarch is perfectly suited.

    Forges and anvils, and other equipment of craft, is rather universal in design. Why is it more difficult to upgrade your own halls first, and ensure they operate properly?


    We plan to make this here hall a show-piece… the best in the land...a "masterwork" and all of us Peltarch folks will benefit from it!

    Are you implying the the Peltarch crafting hall is currently underequipped and unfitted? It has served the city's craftsmen for many years, and it has always had the finest equipment available.
    And by "us Peltarch folks", you no doubt mean "us of the Union".
    Perhaps you should ensure that your own halls are properly tended to, before making claims of how you will improve a hall which is already the finest in the land.

  • Belade is outraged, but she also inquires whether it would be possible for people holding trade permits to be counted as Peltarch citizens for utilising the crafting area and Vanity Plates

  • "As with any Port, Peltarch and it's business interests thrive on import and export trade. One source of such business at the moment is Vanity Plates. I would propose that Vanity Plates not be restricted to the use of Peltarch citizens. It would be as ludicrous as doing the same to all our other businesses and stores. The majority of people in the region do not dwell in the City, I am sure the owners of the business will agree that this represents a large part of their custom to date and no number of new dyes will increase sales if you smultaneously limit the market thus.


  • *Dwin can be seen at the Peltarch hall much more frequently, working with both the masters, the Custom Plates folks, and the Dwarven couple that sells armor and weapons. *

    He has also been speaking to local shopkeepers and citizens about what types of improvements they would like to see to the Crafting Hall. He carefull writes all of the ideas down and pays very close attention to each and every person he speaks to.

    He is often heard explaining his goals

    Me goal is simply to improve the facility fer all Peltarch citizens and business owners. We have certain standards and best-practices in the Union that have been centuries in the making…Only with the best, newest equipment can we all benefit. The other halls in the land will be more difficult to upgrade, Peltarch is perfectly suited.

    We plan to make this here hall a show-piece... the best in the land...a "masterwork" and all of us Peltarch folks will benefit from it!

  • Rando Just smiles

  • Dentin, after reading the notice, asks the Masters of the Hall if he could read the exact offer the Union has made. After that, he goes around the city contacting the various craftsmen and related merchants, asking for their opinion in the matter.

  • DM

    The owners of the vanity plates have been seen rubbing their hands together talking about all the new dyes they might be able to get their hands on.