Small printed posters placed about Peltarch...

  • Upon reading a signed poem within the cities walls a one Abigail Uramesy places a small poster on a pillar near the entrance to the Theatre and another post on a pillar in the commons

    "Looking for information on how to contact the following citizens (or late citizens) of the Peltarch community

    1. Eowiel Senella
    2. Captain of the Guard, Talgrath
    3. Merydian, Wife of Talgrath.

    If anyone has information reguarding how I could contact these posted individuals please leave a message in the Mermaid for a one, Abigail Uramesy. Rewards pending gathered information.


  • ICC

    Kull reads the poster. He Grunts and frowns. Turns away and heads south towards jyiid direction

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim eyes one of the posters…

    "well well thats an old vision from the past, i wonder where she's been; she's alive at least, or so it seems assuming it is her"

    he walks off rubbing his chin thoughtfully…

  • Ocean delivers one of the notices to Eowiel.

  • Deacon snorts upon a poster in passing

    Bleedin' hell, the woman back te 'cause trouble, eh?

  • Zyphlin blinks, snatching up one of these posters

    Well I'll be…that's a name I havn't seen in a long while.

    He moves off with an odd look on his face, heading towards the commons where he slips the notice under a door near there