Rumors heard throughout Oscura.
A man with pale skin and black hair has been seen in the library often recently, he appears to be searching for something within the books…
((any dm want to pick this up shoot me a pm or find me IG
Word spreads that the West Gate is finally open to Oscurans. The SkullKrushers appologize for the wait, but explain that the bridge and supports had to be tested fully before allowing open travel on it. Many guards are posted in the area due to its close proximity to the Underdark.
On one of it's many visits to the temple a dark clad figure notices the missing trap and enters more cautiously than normal. It scans the Temple as it passes through the door, then locks it before eventually kneeling in prayer.
An invisible man steps away from the shadows outside the temple of Mask quickly disables the trap and picks the lock to the door. He turns the handle, pauses a moment
"I am not a thug….I have a purpose"
He swiftly enters teh temple and locks the door behind him
A somber looking Nicahh is seen carrying a bloody bag into the Temple of the Caverns. Rumor spreads that five robed men had entered the mines as the Inquisitor had surfaced with three companions from a trip below the city. Many speak of how she had asked the guards in the Undercity to follow the men and was met with complete disobedience. Later it was discovered the guards minds had been tampered with, and the spells that held sway over them was dispelled by one of the Sisters of the Bones. When the gaurds finally entered the mines and found the robed men a battle ensued leaving the robed strangers and the guards dead. The guards were taken to the temple to be raised.
A large fair haired man with many tattoos has been seen asking for the whereabouts of a Merchant he last met with in Norwick. The merchant was of…. ruddy... skin complection and resemembled an elf.
He leaves word that he can be contacted via the Inn Keeper at the mermaid in Peltarch should the merchant wish to have a meeting.
Rumor spreads of a gas explosion in the mines below the undercity. Inquisitor Nicahh is seen warning the Skullcrushers to keep as few laterns lit as possible for both the men's safety and the city's. Returning from her trip to investigate possible gas leaks, she is seen with two men, and one troll, who appeared to be carrying a duergar mage. If the mage had anything to do with the gas leaks or explosions, it is hard to say.
_On his regular journeys back and forth from the Red Falcon House Library, a helmed figure clothed in dark leathers and bright lizard scales can be heard muttering to himself upon hearing this news.
Another figure, this one masked, veiled, and ever-smiling, seems a bit startled on hearing it, but not entirely displeased._
Word quickly spreads that the Tribunal has elected Nicahh as its new Inquisitor.
Word spreads that the Tribunal has lost some members but gained a significant one. Lady Deliera is the new member and people around the city seem to be happy about this. Many speak of good things to come.
Dwin asks the guards to inquire with the elf if he can receive a private viewing of the goods.
Those that pay attention to the docks notice as a ship arrives, laden with goods it seems as it floats low in the dark water. A few people nod to themselves knowingly and run off as the ship docks. Word is quickly spread that this ship carries an assortment of goods from across Fearun. From your basic clothing and food supplies to exotic goods such as Scrimshander from Icewind Dale. An odd looking elf comes up from below and word is also spread that he is a merchant of sorts. It is overheard that as he stepped from the ship, he asked to be taken to Lady Daliera. His ship is left under a strong guard as he is escorted away by an Oscuran Guard.
A small contingent of robed Banites track down some of these followers of Myrkul and request a meeting with their resident superior.
Of late men and women dressed in fine armor adorned with symbols of myrkul have been seen about town. They seem polite enough but offer no reason for their sudden appearance except they are seeking to purchase a residence, a rather large one at that.
Rumour spreads that change is coming, so everyone should stock up on mushrooms.
Though not as often seen in Oscura as she was in years past, those that observe Nicahh see her talking to anyone in the city that will stop and listen. She is often found asking the citizens within the docks and shops what they want out of their home in the caverns. She reminds them how they have a lovely dock that for the most parts sits collecting dust, and if only there was someone with a progressive attitude that could bring in trade, for trade equals prosperity, and we all want to be sucessful. She then assures them that she is not running for any kind of office, just curious to what people want out of the city. Some of the shop keepers and more prominent citizens find themselves engaged in a more private conversation afterwards.
Corde can be seen venturing to the Skull Krushers halls and doing what he can to aid the dwarves aflicted by the gas as well as lending aid in closing any vents of the gas through his blessings. He urges them to not lose thier resolve in mining the caverns beneath Her city to strengthen its prosperity and thier own.
SkullKrusher miners have been reporting areas of toxic gasses are being found more frequently. Many dwarves have been laid up and sick for days after inhaling the fumes. One barely avoided death thanks to the constant blessings he was receiving from a local cleric.
On another note, some of the same miners report running into ettins that seem to have the support of a mage. Though it makes the more common ettins more pesky, fighting the tougher ones can get a little hard if not deadly.
_Rumors of Corde entering Oscura, his body seeming tense with subdued rage, looking for Geddar or "the other one".
As well, an increased outpost of guards has been seen on the bridge as well as increased ammunition located around the siege weaponry._
an inordinatly cheerful, colourful gnome has been seen traipsing about Oscura, doing his best to turn the dark, macabre feel of the place into a tye-dyed hippy love-fest. It may be speculated that the only reason he has not yet succeeded is because he is constantly distracted by all the mushrooms.