Jiyyd Rumors
After being threatened by Nicahh with death on the pass, for no reason than her own amusment. Damian Colten has revoked is offer to assist the sisterhood.
He has been heard to comment:
"Reminds me of that woman, Shemaright"
General Lyte of the Legion relates the story of a strange ghostly figure that appeared to be the noble Paladin Amana Cold appearing to her briefly only a few days ago deep in the kuo-toa caverns.
She relates he spoke of telling "the others" to "remaining watchful" and she solemnly relates many of the great deeds she witnessed from the man and the selfless devotion to good that Amana Cold lived by during his short but noble life.
He then handed Damian a key and told him to seek out one named Shane Andryl and give it to her. She would know what to do then.
((Since I am out for 2 weeks on a business training, and have no access to the game or IRC there.))
When looked for, the door to the home of Shane Andryl is locked. Word has been left at the Temple Halls, that the paladin has packed light for a trip in the surrounding region, in an effort to find a source for the ghoullish infliction that wracks the land. She has, before leaving, requested of the town guard to remain extra vigilant until her return, and stated that she hopes to be able to shed more light on the current affairs in her search. She has stated to return within a month's time, hopefully with more answers.
((If you need to contact Shane, send me a PM on the forums))
A presence by the name of Gunnar appeared in Jiyyd looking for Helmites. Damian Colten approached the entity and a brief (and terribly confusing) conversation took place. The entity explained that he was to aid the Helmites in the region by allowing his hidden treasure to be found. He then handed Damian a key and told him to seek out one named Shane Andryl and give it to her. She would know what to do then.
The entity promptly disappeared leaving Damian standing in the night, trying to figure out what just happened, and what to do next.
_During the encounter between the Thayans and local Jiyyd residents prior to the trial of Arsmyth, a group of travelers and Jiyyd citizens were seen arguing on the Long Road with a Thayan representative.
Much to the crowd of onlookers' dismay, Zesty Bub argued successfully for a proper trial to be held, rather than have the proceedings degenerate into a lynch mob. By no means a subtle (or for that matter proper) litigator, Bub was seen to have shoved a small and silly-looking hin wearing robes and an antler helm out of the way before making his case for trial._
_Another large ghoul attack happened on Jiyyd, in which adventuers managed to fight off the undead after a long battle, in which the udnead gained accses to insdie the walls several times, including slaughtering alot of chickins and catel, howver it seems the udnead were mistaken in coming to Jiyyd, there target being Norwick.
On a side note, a few people mutter about a man in silver and black armor during the attack argueing alot with those around him, seeming very agressive about it. After the attack, he headed into the healers, raised the dead, and left without barley a word to lay around jiyyd in silance seemingly very very annoyed about something_
A few of the Sisterhood and the skald return from the north still with bits of ice lodged in their armor. Jerr seems disapointed that he did not find what was sought but vows that they will make another trip to find the lost dwarven trail.
Rumor has it several families living in Jiyyd have just dissappeared. No one recalls them leaving town or acting starngely. Even more oddly all their belongings remain in their homes and in some cases food sits on the table cold and uneaten.
A quick trial was held for an elf named Arsmyth, who stood accused of and confessed to the murder of a Thayan apprentice outside Jiyyd. Lens Undon sentenced Arsmyth to pay the cost of the ressurrection and a further 500 gold. The representative of the Thayans left to inform "the Magister," seeming none too pleased. Lens warned the gathered adventurers to prepare for the Thayans taking the law into their own hands, but no action came before morning.
Upon returning from besieged Norwick, Raisa is seen conversing with the local farmers as she helps tend the fields. Where she finds fears of adventurers stirring up a new enemy, she tries to raise spirits noting the successful fight her own people have waged against repeated and unprovoked invasions.
Rico publicly explains his own agenda.
Rico's agenda:
Kill Undead.
Cure people of this "strange affliction."
Protect the women and children and everyone else (he clearly has priorities).
Find true love.
Make more little Ricos and Ricoettes.
Oreth readily and publicly explains to the necromancer
The "Strange Affliction" would be…ghoul fever. That's kindof what ghouls do.
Ghoul Agenda:
Eat people
Spread ghoul fever, thus killing people and making more ghouls. \Aren't you a necromancer? You should know these things. They're in your library.
//LOL, shes too busy being evil…
Oreth readily and publicly explains to the necromancer
The "Strange Affliction" would be…ghoul fever. That's kindof what ghouls do.
Ghoul Agenda:
Eat people
Spread ghoul fever, thus killing people and making more ghouls. \Aren't you a necromancer? You should know these things. They're in your library.
rumors circulate that the Necromancer and Keeper of the Spellweaver Keep has been inquiring about the undead activity and about the strange affliction which causes people to gain ghoul like qualities. She seems quite annoyed that the problem is taking people attention away from more important issues.
((reminds me of weight loss pills filled with tape worms))
((next time post it yourself
Rumor has it the undead have not reduced in activity since the destruction of some artifact but actually have become even more common. Various merchants have been selling protection from undead trinckets and potions to cure undeadedness. A few enterprising merchants have offered to 'bless' your house against undead for a nominal fee….
If Oreth or anyone speaks to Raisa, they might learn what a simple heal spell can do..
Rumor has it that a wandering elf stumbled into town quite charred and hurt mumbling about fixing some tainted earth by the sisters.
_Oreth, something of a scarce sight these days, is seen with a great degree of frequency outside the sisterhood house. Unlike the other hangers-about, however, he seems to have no interest in guarding it or fraternizing with the sisters, and mostly ignores all but the most cursory of interactions with them. Instead, he seems to be studying the patch of dead, bubbling grass. Collecting bits of the bubbling fluid and blades of dead grass in vials, casting cure spells on individual weeds, testing plant growth spells on the area, and so forth.
Regardless of whether the dead ground is responding, the areas of still-living growth seem to be getting quite unruly and overgrown in response to his prodding._
Rico Swift is frequently seen coming back into town from nearly every direction, battered, and bruised. Sometimes he comes back leading others who appear almost entirely unharmed, sometimes not.
"Because I always survive."
Rumors about the town are flying about Jerr and his wife. Witnesses say that she was outside the sisterhood with an axe covered in his blood as he stood before her wearing nothing or next to nothing other than a layer of his own blood.
People who have been in the sisterhood house confirm that he is sleeping on the couches of the outer room rather than in his own bed.
A farmer who sometime trades with the Featherflights says that a lot of the women there are asking for new cloth to make skirts to look their best so Jerr might pick them as his next wife.
Jerr himself seems even more skittish than usual when undead are mentioned.
My thanks to Salsa and LD for beating me to a pulp and scaring me half to death, in that order.