_((Im starting over with some stories from his past and then to the ones on Narfell))
Chapter 1: Entering the World
It was a clear, sunny day in the small village. The birds sang and the children played out in the fields, causing mischief. The adults were working the fields or in thier homes. But one home had some commotion…
"Ahhhhh!" Screamed a woman. The small house had a medium-sized group in it. They were all huddled in one room, which had only a bed and a few chairs in it. On the bed was the woman. She is giving birth. In front of her is a man clad in brown robes, a priest. By her side is another man, which is her husband. The woman is holding the husband's hand with a tight grip. "Hun! Ya have ta push!"
The woman yelled back, "What do you think Im doing you shite-face!!" The husband never said anything else until after the birth. The woman groaned and the priest held up the baby. The priest said, "Ah! It is a boy. Blessings on him!" Everyone in the room clapped and seemed to sigh in relief as the whole ordeal was coming to an end. The priest handed the baby down to the mother. She smiled and rocked the baby gently in her arms. "What will his name be?" Asked the priest.
The husband responded, "Though' we'd name 'im William. After my hun's daddy, who died savin' our village from one of them goblin raids." The mother smiled up to her husband, "Thank you, hun." They gave each other a peck on the lips.
The priest raised his hands, "We have a new soul in our village. Let it be known that William has been born this day. Congratulations to you both." Eventually, everyone went home, to let the mother and her new child rest. Nightfall came...
The mother and her new baby sleep peacefully, while the husband watches over them with a smile on his face. The fire in the fire place gave off a dim glow around the room. The trees outside rustled a little in the summer night breeze. The husband got up and checked on the mother and baby more closely. They appeared healthy, so he went to put out the fire and try to get some sleep himself. As he put it out, there was a shout outside his home. The husband opened the door and heard more shouts come from around the village. One man ran by and the husband stopped him, "'Ey! Whats goin on?"
"There's fakin goblins surroundin' the village! Get yer pitchfork and hide the family!"
"How many?!"
"Hundreds of them goblins. They tryin' to sneak on us at night and boy did it work! The militia men be dead and all thats left is us common folk. Enough talkin, ya gotta get yer family safe!"
The husband ran back inside the house, then into the bedroom where his child and wife sleep, "Hun. Hun!"
"Why ya wakin me and the baby?"
"Goblins. They got us good. We need ta get ya out before they come here. Get what ya can and meet meh outside."
"I cant be runnin' around! Just gave birth to your son not even a day ago!"
"Hun, listen. If they be comin here and yer here, they'll kill ya both, and I wont be allowin tha'."
The wife got up with the child and headed outside. Around she could see some of the cottages and homes start to burn and men fighting off some goblins. The men were outnumbered, being overwhelmed by four or five goblins at a time. The woman watched in horror as her home was being destroyed. The husband ran out and nearly crashed into her, "Alrigh', follow me ta the woods. We'll be safe in there." They ran off towards the woods, which was close to the village. The husband stopped them near a cave entrance. The cave was not deep, thought it provided some shelter. "Hun, ya wait here. I need ta help the men fight off them goblins."
"Oh no you dont! Dont leave!"
"I have ta! Look, I promise ah'll be back, ya can count on tha' "
She began to cry, "You cant just leave us..."
He kissed her on her forhead, "Dont worry..." and he ran off back to the village..
Day came and the husband had not returned. Another day went by and he did not return. The smoke of the village burning was visible through the trees. The woman sat huddled in the cave, sobbing. "The bastard, he left me." She looked down at William. "You are all I have left.." She continued to sob for hours.
Eventually, she realized that she would need food and water, especially for her baby. She ventured out from the cave and looked in the bushes, to maybe find some berries or a fruit of some kind. She wandered the woods aimlessly, not realizing she was getting lost. The sun began to dissapear into the horizon. Nightfall had crept up on her. She began to look for a shelter to spend the night in. Eventually, after about an hour of searching, she found another cave. It was very dark.
The mother set baby William down in some bushes to hide him in, while she inspected the cave. She slowly stepped into the darkness of the cave, "Hello?" A few more steps, then she stepped on something fuzzy feeling. "The hells?" She looked down, but she couldnt see it. Growling... whatever it was, it was not happy. The mother stood completely still. The thing began to sniff at her with its cold dry nose. She began to sweat and a drop of her sweat slowly began to come down from her nose. It hit the floor of the cave, making a surprisingly loud pop sound. Then, there was no silence. The monster of the cave roared and slashed its large paw at the woman and...
Daytime. Baby William still lay in the bushes, quiet. The birds were chirping and the breeze came though the trees. Suddenly a rustling in the bushes ahead...
(To Be Continued...)_
_Chapter 15: The Shadow
Things seem to get worse for our druid. Now the Sails hate him even more then they did before. All because he had won a spar with a helmed man named Mavado. They agreed to leave him alone after the spar, but it seemed they had lied. Now, Wolf walks around mostly in a disguise, hiding like a scared rat. This is not how he wanted to live his life.
Walking out from Jiyyd, in his white robe and silver helm, he stood near the tree just outside the gate. He had heard something strange as he walked out, like a wind blowing in his helmet, but he just thought it was nothing. There he stood, looking over the plains, thinking his own thoughts… then he thought he saw his shadow move.
"My eyes trick me.." he thought.
Then the shadow of the tree moved, right in front of his eyes. The sound in his helmet growing louder.
"It is coming for me again... No.. cant be.. why now?"
The strangeness continued. The leaves on the tree seemed to decay and rot, the Sisterhood home rotting to a 1000 years of age. The colors around him where gone, just a brown, black decay. Some people came from Jiyyd. What he saw from this scared him the most. He could not reconize them, they looked so very tired, like they are 100 years old. Wolf looked about frantically, wondering what is going on. The pair that came from Jiyyd just stood there, watching him with what looked like sad and tired eyes. Their mouths moved, but he couldnt understand them.
As he turned to look over the plains, he saw something in the distance. It was coming fast at him. Instinctively, Wolf drew his sword.
"Away!" He shouted to it.
It came closer and he could see it clearly now, right in front of him. It was a shadow, in the form of a wolf. It stopped, not attacking him, but just staring up at him for a few moments...
...It spoke to him. It saw right through his disguise, knowing it was Wolf, or "the dagger holder" as it called him. It told him that the dagger needs to be destroyed, so that others could be freed. The shadow asked him where the dagger was, but Wolf did not know. This seemed to make it annoyed or angry. It told him it must be found and that it is in a weakened state. All Wolf could do is say he wanted to help badly, but he didnt know where to start. It tried to speak with him more, but it screamed, seeming to fight off something.
Suddenly Wolf's vision came to normal. The tree had its green leaves, the Sisterhood looked new, and the pair watching him... they just seemed to think he was crazy and yelling at air...
...There Wolf stood, staring out with a blank look.
"What does this mean?"_
_Chapter 14: Hunted
The dagger had not spoke to him in a long time. It just suddenly grew silent, which made Wolf happy, but also a little uneasy. He could now talk to his friends, thought they do not trust him at all, accept for a select few.
Rary, seems to be very intent on keeping Wolf alive. The pale elf challanged a large mob that sought to harm the druid. The mob consisted of "umberlites" and "mercenaries," as Rary put it. The mob did not attack, though not without some taunts and insults towards Rary and Wolf. Afterwards, the elf warned Wolf to stay away from Jiyyd, not as a threat, but for his safety.
Lilin seems to not mind the rumors around Wolf. She still jokes with him and such. The druid tends to hide in the camp, for fear of another mob attack. There Lilin keeps him company, lightening his mood, making him forget what he has done for a while.
Raisa, his mate, is of course, worried. Though, she is very supportive, to Wolf's surprise. He admitted to her that he may have mated with another woman, but she knew it wasnt him, it was the demon controlling him. In his desperation, he had asked Raisa to bare a child with him, then after, he would kill himself. Raisa declined, telling Wolf there is a way to stop this and that she couldnt raise a child without him.
Ragnhild, one of his best friends, still seems to believe that Wolf can fight it off. While he is being controlled, he remembers hearing her cries to fight it, but it is vague. He wishes to hunt and play their little games in the future, without fear of a demon suddenly taking control.
There are some others that seem to want to help him, instead of kill him. Such as Gonnar and this gnome druid, which called Wolf a "brother of the trees." Wolf liked that title, brother of the trees. Hopefully, others can be convinced to find other ways to help Wolf besides violence. One example would be Drelan. The man threatened to attack the druid when he least expected it. It will take some convincing for Drelan to not hunt_ him…
_Chapter 13: Unreal ((continued first person))
My life is now over. I have done things that I thought never could be done. I guess the demon that has me is clever, deceiving everyone, even myself.
I woke up naked in the pass, near an old cave that used to be Rass'. I fear I did something horrible. Dont know for sure if I did do anything like "that," it could be tricking me, deceiving me again. Have to find out, but I find myself in random places all the time, losing chunks of my life. It now does not let me see anything through my own eyes anymore.
I learned I was banned from Jiyyd, by Grag. The demon let me know this, seeming to laugh. Can no longer see my friends, if I have anymore. Rary only seems to be the one intent on not killing me, and perhaps Raisa as well. They both try hard to drive the demon from my mind. Some methods work, while others dont.
The other druids, Oreth and Fadia, seem to want to kill me. I do not know what Sil will do, I have not seen her at all. Naiya, Green, the protectors… Their wants are hidden from me also.
I only hope I do not lose Raisa to all of this. That is my one wish if I am cured. I told what I thought I did in Rass' cave, but she said it was the demon and not him. I am glad she understands, or pretends to, either would make me happy. To see her hurt... is worse then anything. I will ask her to do something if I am not cured soon.. It will be hard to convince her, but she has to do it when I ask..._
_Chapter 12: Insanity ((Told in first person, his mind set))
Nightmares, nothing but nightmares. I fear to disobey what claims me. It is hard to control, so very hard. Everything seems a dream, nothing is real. I barely remember striking innocents with my lightning, it is a blur. I cant apologize, it wont let me. It has me. People try to help, but they can only take so much, I will be put to death, never to return. I cant control what I say, I only see through my eyes. It controls my movements.
I struck my friends, I deserve to die. Now this thing wants me to love another, I cant help it. People fear me, they want to ban me from the cities and towns. I am not strong… Im so weak, why do they not just put me out of my misery? Should have never touched it! My fault. Fadia was right. She was trying to tell me, but I refused to believe. I now am turning into something Im not, a murderer, a person who does not care for others or anything, accept "its" goals.
I try so hard to remember where it was hidden, but it makes me forget whenever I get the chance to be normal. I will do as Jerr said, yes, sniff out my OWN trail. Fresh trails should be easy to find. I have to wait for the right time, when it isnt... "looking."_
_Chapter 11: Another ((Continuing finally… just nothin happened till now))
After many hard battles with the ghouls, Wolf calmed down a bit, and took a long rest in his home. The past month to a year have been nothing but fighting for him. He decided to take a much needed vacation and to perhaps not fall to the ghouls again...for a while. Anyway, he had a new young wolf cub to take care of, since his old companion was slain brutally at the hands of Tolin. But still, more problems would arise.
Rary, the ghoul had been defeated. His head cut off and then the body revived. The pale elf was revived at the Peltarch temple. Many found it difficult to take care of him, since he was apparently now insane. Though, one woman wouldnt give up on the elf. She would visit and talk to him regularly, feed him, and nurse him. This went on for several months, much to the dislike of Wolf. Wolf did not mind at first, but as the months had come and gone, he grew annoyed. The woman was his mate, Raisa. She seemed to forget her other duties, such as that within the druid Circle. All she spoke of was Rary, whenever Wolf did get the chance to see her.
It would get worse. When Rary was well enough to come to Jiyyd, Raisa followed and took care of him there. Sometimes she would ignore Wolf when he approached.
Perhaps a month after that, Rary seemed back to normal. No one was needed to take care of him anymore. Wolf was happy, and thought things would be back to normal, but he would be wrong. Raisa sat Wolf down, she was looking nervous. She could barley speak. But eventually, she confessed to something Wolf would have never thought. She had fallen in love with another. This "other" happened to be the former ghoul elf, Rary. This made Wolf sick to his stomach. It just wouldnt stop. Nothing seems to go right. Now, the only chance of having a real family seemed to vanish...
...she said she still wanted to be with Wolf. Which only confused him more. She would say she didnt love the elf anymore, and Wolf wanted to believe it so much. So, he put on a performance... he acted like he had believed her. Though, deep down he didnt. He would watch her, but not in a possesive way. He was going to marry this woman and if she loved another...what is the point?_
_Chapter 10: Nars Encounter
Wolf sat by the tree in Jiyyd. Some folks talked by the fire. He stayed quiet, as he always did unless spoken to. He began to stare off in the dark night of Jiyyd and relive a bad experience…
"Run! Damn it!" Someone yelled as Wolf saw a group of adventurers running towards him. Behind them, was Rary and Tolin. They were in the Nars, near the bridge, some fire in the distance. Wolf stood dumbfounded and the two ghouls ran past him. He slowly followed, walking, but the ghouls stopped as they became farther from the bridge. Then they turned around and just walked passed him towards the flames on the other side of the bridge. Again, Wolf foolishly followed...
He crossed the bridge and did not walk far to find a pile of dead bodies, littered on the road. In the middle of them, was Rary, Tolin had dissapeared off somewhere. On the ground next to Rary's feet, was Silinia. She had gotten herself into a much bigger mess this time... Wolf frowned deeply and sighed heavily. He approached the body of Sil and knelt beside her.
Rary just stood and watched Wolf, letting him look over Sil. "Let me take her.." Wolf asked.
"I think not" Rary replied.
"Please, you not want to do this."
"Oh, but I think I do." Rary laughed, his laughter ugly.
"Is just one."
"Now, I think I will be making it two. You are not really my taste.. but it will do."
Wolf looked to the ground in disdain. He knew what he had to do, but he knew he wouldnt succeed. Ghoulish Rary had gained imense powers, as said by others. Even if Rary had his normal powers, Wolf would hardly be a match for him.
Wolf stood and drew his sword and unstrapped his shield. Rary seemed to grin... Wolf began to call upon his blessings, which were the barky skin, extra strength, and protection from elements. Rary began to cast spells of his own.. ones of dispelling. The elf laughed as Wolf's blessings were stripped of him. Luckily, wolf had spare blessings prepared and called upon the extras. By this time, Rary had no more dispelling magics. Though, the elf didnt seem to care much, perhaps the dispells were just to toy with him. Wolf called some aid, a hound archon appeared from a flash of purple light. Rary called darkness that surrounded them, making the Hound useless. Wolf called for vision through magical darkness. Once cast, he saw the elf charging him. Rary's sword struck Wolf in the shoulder, sending some odd feeling pain into the wound. Wolf called upon healing for the wound...
...Rary, not attacking Wolf anymore with a sword, began to chant. Negative energies surged through his hands and he touched Wolf. The pain went throughout the druids body.. Wolf retaliated with healing magics on the elf. Good magics versus bad. The healing and negative magics went back and for between the two. Rary's was much stronger and harder to willfully ignore the effects of negative energy on a living body. Wolf was forced to run... like a coward. Not falling like he should have, next to Sil, instead of just leaving her. He managed to escape, Rary not bothering to follow far.
Wolf plopped by a cliffside near the crossroad, resting himself. "Again, I fail."_
_Chapter 9: Nightmare ((Sort of a gory part))
Wolf walked into the Rawlins, his home. He headed east towards the glenn, to see if any of his druid friends where there. He arrived to see Fadia and Raisa talking there. Smiling, he approached them. They heard his approach and turned to look at him, their expressions where that of horror. Wolf was confused, "What?" Though his voice was deep and ugly sounding. More confused at his voice, he looked down at himself. What he saw was his hands… covered in with his dead flesh. His skin was rotting before his eyes, but he felt that he was growing stronger as his flesh died. Also, he felt the urge to just kill. Kill anything in sight that moved and devour them.
"No..." he whispered to himself, but the urge grew stronger and stronger. He stared at Raisa and Fadia, mumbling, "Help me..."
Raisa was tearing up and she ran towards Wolf, trying to heal him with her healing magics. To her surprise, it only hurt him more as he screamed in pain when she cast. Fadia shouted, "Raisa! He's a ghoul! Get away from him!"
"No! Not a ghoul. Was not bitten! Believe me, this something else..." Wolf shouted in response as the urge to devour continued to grow and grow...
Raisa, in her confusion, just hugged Wolf tightly, hoping it would go away. Wolf hugged her in return. Raisa buried her face in his chest. Wolf looked over Raisa and straight at Fadia. A slow smirk spread across his face...
Fadia's eyes widened and she shouted, "Raisa!"
Too late... Wolf opened his mouth wide and sunk his teeth deep into Raisa's brain.....
He suddenly sat up, sweating a bit and breathing hard. He looked around, not knowing where he was for a moment. He figured out that he was in one of the camp's shelters and sleeping by his side was Raisa. She slept so peacefully, while he continued to have these sort of nightmares. He layed back down and wrapped his arm around her, hugging her tightly..._
_Chapter 8: Friendship ended?
Wandering into the glenn, Wolf plopped near the log with a sigh. Today was not a good one for him. He had confronted Lucidious about Raisa and heard what he didnt want to hear. The elf had feelings for her.
Grunting, Wolf layed down in the leaves and on his side. 'What do I do? All I can do is tell her.' But, Lucidious grew angry. Angry that Wolf was going to tell her. He thought the elf might lash out in anger and strike him. 'I didnt need to return to deal with this…' he thought. 'Why does there always have to be a problem?' He rolled over onto his back, staring up at the tree tops. 'I shouldnt have left..'
The wind blew eerily through the glenn. The sun began to set and it grew dark. Wolf closed is eyes to sleep, but it didnt come. Too much to think about. He tried thinking of other way of dealing with this, but none came. He would have to tell her. Wolf didnt want Lucidious to continue to see her if he felt that way about her. Wolf couldnt let them continue to have "private conversations."
He sighed again, thinking he was going to lose a friend over this._
_Chapter 7: The Return
He had returned to find Narfell, unchanged. Even after the long months he had been away. Undead grew worse, and the druids were scarce. Fadia is now missing, Oreth is now distant, Silinia wanders far and does not return for some time, and Naiya seems to not be around too much. Though one druid still remained, or perhaps "witch" is a better term.
Wolf wandered into Jiyyd in his wolf form and saw her, sitting on the bench and reading. Raisa still remained, even after he had left her here on her own. He walked up to her, still in wolf form and just stared up at her, like she wasnt real. She looked down at him and blinked, rubbing her temples.
"…Wolf?" As she stared at him.
His form changed back into a man and she ran up and hugged him before the transformation was complete. She began to cry into his shoulder as he hugged her tightly. They spent the next days not an inch away from each other. She held onto his arm most of the time, perhaps thinking he would leave again and didnt want to let him go. Wolf was happy, very happy to see her again....
...but a problem would arise....
Wolf, after a few weeks of his return, came into Norwick from the southern gates, finishing a patrol of the woods. He glanced up at the tower and saw Lucidious, drinking. Lucidious noticed Wolf and shouted down to him.
''Hello wolf''
''How are you?''
''Im fine.''
''Have you spoken with raisa today by chance?''
''Did she mention anything about shay?''
Wolf furrowed his brow "Yes"
''...would you tell me what she said?''
''I know everthing.''
''...but is shay alive?''
Lucidious sighed in relief and let out a slight grin "Please tell me everything you might know."
''Why you always need talk to Raisa?''
Lucidious seemed a bit startled by the question
Wolf stared up at him
Lucidious asked "ah...is everything alright wolf?"
''Answer question please. Would like to know.''
''Would you care to come up? We can sit and talk a moment.''
Wolf walked up and stood next to the elf, staring down at him. Lucidious looked nervous and spoke.
"You know...I started talking with fadia...then sil...when I first came to norwick the druids I have always known to be a good sort. They want to do what is right...it would seem. But not everyone is willing to deal with them. Then the things I saw with sil....they just...startled me. I couldnt talk to her...or fadia. I didnt trust them to do what was right when something needed to be dealt with. Then there was oreth...and for a time, that worked well...but he too..." Lucidious sighed, then looked up at Wolf.
"But raisa...she is thoughtfull and wise. She is very carefull...she is not as rash as the others."''And?''
''And she is...she is someone I can talk to about more personal matters....I suppose thats the truth of it.''
''Dont know if I believe this.''
''Wolf, what is wrong. Just tell me.''
''Nothing. I need to go."
Wolf wandered off into town, having suspicious thoughts about Lucidious. He began to think and wander if it was really possible that Lucidious might... No, it couldnt be true. He wouldnt do that, Lucidious is a friend. But still, the more Wolf thought about it, the more suspicious he became. Why does the elf always want to speak with her? And only her? He lied about Fadia, Sil, Oreth and the other druids. Wolf never saw Lucidious speak to them or even ask to speak with them. It was only Raisa. Wolf needed to know... so he walked back to confront the elf..._
_A New Journey ((Conclusion))
It had been hours… mindless wandering of this forest. He was tired. It began to get dark and the forest sounds, the birds, the wind, all seemed to hush in the night. It was an eerie feeling. He prayed to Mielliki to guide him through this dark forest, but was she ignoring him? Sighing, Wolf crept into a nearby cave and decided to spend the night.
There he sat, unable to sleep. He thought of the druid glenn. He wished he where there, only there, it seemed, is where he would find sleep. From his pack, he pulled out a torch and lit it, so he would ward off any predatory animals. Once lit, he saw something horrible. The cave floor was littered with bones, not just animal ones, human ones as well. Some bones looked like children's or perhaps hin. Wolf began to panic. 'No animal would do this..' he thought. Drawing his sword, he stared into the deep cave. It was quiet for long moments... moments that seemed a life time.
Growling... large steps could be heard coming from deeper within the cave. Wolf stood, unable to move, gripping his sword tightly. The steps and growling grew louder, until a large black mass of fur, and two red eyes emerged from the deep cave. It was a worg. It charged Wolf, barking and growling. He held up his shield and the worg's head rammed into it. Wolf then tried to slice at the creature, but missed and the worg's jaws bit down onto Wolf's arm. He tried bashing the worg's head with his shield, in order to release its grasp, but it wouldnt let go. The jaws of the beast sank deeper and deeper into his arm. He dropped his shield, then reached into his pocket, pulling out his hunting knife. With it, he stabbed one of the worg's eyes out. It yelped and leaped back, releasing its grasp on his arm. He then quickly charged the beast and thrusted his sword into the top of the beast's head and it fell in a pool of crimson.
Wolf was bleeding heavily from the bite. He wrapped his arm in bandages and then layed on the cave floor, eventually passing out.
He awoke to find it morning, or was it the afternoon? It didnt matter anymore. Though, it was a beautiful day that day. Wolf continued his wandering of the forest. But he spotted something. It looked like just a shack, a small little square hovel of wood. 'This... this is it.'
He went inside. It was filled with a maze of cobwebs. There was a small cot, a chair or two and what appeared to be a dresser with two shelves. Other than that, it appeared empty. He ran his fingers across the tops of the chairs and the dresser. He went to the cot, which was empty. He looked under the cot and found something... an old book. He blew the dust off the top, to see if he could read the title. If there was a title, it wasnt there anymore. He opened it and found words within, though some of it was worn out. What words there were, he read to the best of his abilities..._
Today I….. baby.... Will....
Goblins...missing for days, I am lost. He wont return, I am on my own....
He read on and his eyes widened….
_A New Journey ((Part 3))
Now miles from Narfell… far west. He is following his footsteps from when he first arrived. He has a vague memory of what routes or passages he used, though he hoped they would be enough. He walked for days on end, running out of the food he has purchased in Jiyyd before he left. Soon, he would be forced to hunt game, just to survive. Memories of this clouded his head. He had remembered his early childhood, where every day was a fight to survive. He wondered how he did survive, but it didnt matter now. Bent on finding answers from his past, he left Narfell behind.
Though, not a day went by when he didnt think of Raisa. He was lucky to have found her, but... now he has lost her? Over what? Being scared away from the undead? No.. The undead were nothing compared to what he had faced before. He had left because he no longer wished to worry her, to see her sad face each time he had failed. He couldnt protect her anymore, he was weak. She had the Circle to do that now.
Wolf took a break from his journey and sat on a rock, putting his hands in his face. He began to sob uncontrollably. Perhaps it was time to let it all out. He had rarely showed emotion and since no one was around to see, he picked this as the perfect time to do so.
"Boy? What ya crying like that? Gee, ya look like a big baby," said an unknown voice.
Wolf slowly looked up, his eyes red from the crying. He saw a blurry figure ontop of a wagon through his tears. "Wh..what?"
"Lost your way, eh? Poor thing. Ya lookin for a place to stay? Ya just look so pitiful. Here, hop on ta my wagon, Ill take ya home."
Wolf stood slowly, wiping his eyes. The figure, noticing the scimitar placed at Wolf's hips, frowned. "Ye aint gunna cause trouble are ya?" He said as he motioned to the sword. Wolf looked down at his scimitar then shook his head slowly.
"Alright', Ill believe ya...... Well git on in! Aint waitin all day!"
So, the two rode on in the wooden wagon. It was the most bumpy ride Wolf had ever been on. No unnatural earthquake in Jiyyd could match this. "So whats yer name boy?"
"Wolf, eh? Yer a barbarian or somethin?"
"Then why yer name Wolf?"
"Dont know real name."
"Aint that a shame. Your just a sad story all over, arent ya?"
A few miles down a dirt road, they approached a village. "Home sweet home, eh?"
Wolf looked around, and then had a confused look on his face. He was experiencing some sort of Deja Vu. Had he been here before? It looked famliar, but it didnt at the same time. "what is this place?" Wolf asked the wagon rider.
"This place? Well, this just be some shite whole outside some woods, thats what it be. But its home, and I love it!"
"It not have name?"
"People here are too drunk to remember their own town name, heh. Ill show ya what I mean when I give you some of the finest dwarven brew here. You'll love it!"
"Oh, no thank you."
"No?! Are ya crazy? I'd push ya off ma wagon right now, but since yer new here, Ill give ya another chance."
"Maybe I just get off here,'' as they approached the middle section of the town.
"Suit yourself lad! Safe Journies!" And the wagon rider pushed Wolf off the wagon, causing him to land face first in the dirt road. The people around that saw, began to laugh, as well as the wagon rider. Wolf stood and simply brushed himself off, ignoring the laughing spectators. 'I wont find anything here..' he thought. Wolf began to leave the town and head toward the woods the wagon rider had mentioned. They were not far at all.
He approached the entrance to the woods and wandered in slowly, drawing his sword out of habit. He had no idea what he would find here, though these woods looked strangely famliar...
((To be continued))_
_A New Journey (Part 2)
He awoke in the temple from his death. He was surrounded by three figures. One was sitting to his right, which he identified as Cike. Cike looked terribly weak, so Wolf guessed he had fallen too. In front of Cike was Lilin, who had an angry look on her face, staring down at Cike. Sitting to Wolf's left, was Raisa. His hand was in her's, her expression sad. He frowned, hoping he could hide this death from her, so she wouldnt worry. But it was too late for that. He hated when he looked so weak in front of her. 'Im so stupid.. I shouldnt have charged. Useless..' Wolf thought.
Lilin and Cike began to argue, intterupting the long silence. Wolf, not wanting to hear their bickering, stood up and left. He wandered out the southern gates of Norwick. There he saw the bodies of all the ghouls. The destruction they had caused to the surrounding woods saddened him greatly…
He felt something rest against his shoulder. He looked down to see Raisa.
<drd>"Do not be hard on yourself again."
Wolf looked over by the stream. (drd) "That is where I fell"
<drd>"Yet you are walking again"
Wolf shook his head. (drd) "I have made another choice"
Raisa pulled back to watch his expression <drd>"This is?"
Wolf's expression is blank. (drd) "I cant tell you."
<drd>''Why not?''
(drd) ''Just know that I love you very much.''
Wolf sighed
<drd>''You are frightening me.''
(drd) ''I dont know what to do anymore. ''
Raisa hugged his arm.
(drd) ''So, I will find some answers.''
Wolf frowned deeply
(drd) ''They wont be found in Narfell.''
Raisa swueezed his arm and looked down
Wolf goes silent, returning his blank expression
Raisa's voice was breaking <drd>''Remember when we talked about the old woman?''
Wolf nodded
<drd>''You could start there, searching for her cabin''
(drd) ''That is where I was going first.''
Raisa smiled up at him, though her cheeks are wet
(drd) ''I dont know if I will come back.''
Raisa chewed on her lower lip then buried her face in his shirt
(drd)''.... I would ask you to come, but you wont.''
<drd>''I wish I could ''
(drd) ''That is why I wont ask.''
<drd>''I wish I could say something, to change your mind''
(drd) ''I wished the same thing when you left.''
<drd>''I came back''
(drd) ''But you werent sure you would.''
(drd) ''And I wasnt allowed to follow. That is what hurt me most.''
Raisa gave him a squeeze
<drd>''I am sorry''
Wolf glanced out towards the southern woods
<drd>''They might not have let me come back, if they knew you had''
(drd) ''I dont know what to say.'' Wolf looked down at her.
<drd>''I could never go back''
(drd) ''We arent leaving your home. We could wander to your home next and....''
<drd>''But my assignment is not done here ''
(drd) ''Your assignment was the crystals, wasnt it? Now they are gone...''
<drd>''But now there's the Union, and... and Chaevre''
(drd) ''I dont know who Chaevre is... I dont know if I have even seen her.''
<drd>''I am sure you have. I need to be sure she is not a threat to Rashemen.''
(drd) ''What about the undead? The Union? The bugbears? There are many things that can be a threat... you cant solve them all. You will be here for the rest of your life.''
Raisa sighed, <drd>''You are right''
(drd) ''Once one problem is solved, another will come.''
(drd) ''Did you expect to be here after the crystals? ''
<drd>''I, I do not know. I wanted to see the camp freed.''
(drd) ''And it is.''
<drd>''Fadia depends on me.'' Raisa stepped out into the rain
(drd) ''Fadia? She has other druids to help her. ''
<drd>''Yes, so she does''
(drd) ''If she can control them...'' He mumbled.
Raisa looked east
(drd) ''I will be leaving in a week or two... I cant travel weakened like this. I need rest...''
Raisa held on to his arm, "Then perhaps we should rest."
Wolf nodded slowly
<drd>''The inn or the glenn?''
(drd) ''I would like to spend my last days in the glenn...''
Raisa Dyernina: <drd>''Then we go''Off they went to the glenn, were they slept together. In the morning, Wolf snuck out of the glenn, hoping Raisa wouldn't hear him. He went to Norwick and gathered supplies and he did the same when he went to Jiyyd. Then, he left Jiyyd, towards the west and the camp, beyond the camp. He looked back towards Narfell one last time... He felt like running back to the glenn and just being with Raisa. He did actually take a few steps towards the way to Narfell, but shook his head slowly, 'I need to do this.'
There Wolf wandered, toward the west, leaving his friends and his most loved one behind...
((To be continued))</drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd></drd>_
_Chapter 6: A New Journey
Months had passed since his experience with the Union. He has not even seen any of the Union since then. Though, many other things have been happening in Narfell. Things much worse, such as the spread of the undead.
Wolf had quit the Circle of Quercatha Terr. He was tired of their problems and did not wish to deal with them anymore. Besides, he didnt need to be in the Circle to protect the woods and all other forms of nature. All he needed was his love for nature and the blessings of his godess. So, he wandered around Narfell.
He sat in Jiyyd mostly, listening to the conversations of the adventurers who sat by the fire. He heard of many strange things, most of them bad. He had heard of murder, insults towards other groups, and attacks by random creatures throughout the three towns he knew. But what troubled him most was these attacks by the undead. They were rising up from all sorts of places, including his home in the Rawlins. He had fought them before, nearly dying from each experience. They were powerful and were rising more frequently as the days came.
But, one day, would prove to be the last straw…
Wolf came to the south gates of Norwick and heard sounds of battle. He ran outside the gates to find piles of goblins corpses. Grunting, he pulled out his sword and unstrapped his shield. Nothing more than another goblin raid. He helped fend them off for a day or two, eventually, the goblins no longer came. Not because they were tired of fighting... something was scaring them off. Goblins were heard screaming behind the trees and unnatural moans could also be heard.
Someone shouted, "Undead! Ghouls!"
Ghouls came charging out from the trees. The bravest of adventurers charged them, including Wolf. Wolf was not much a fighter, only swinging his sword in hopes of hitting something, though he still charged. He didnt want these unnatural things in his home, so he fought them with fury.
"Get inside! Inside! Get within the walls!" Some of the adventurers were shouting. Not many listened. It seemed they hated these undead as much as Wolf did, so they fought them with a fury of their own...
...the battle raged on. Ghoul after ghoul fell, while the adventurers suffered no casulties, yet. Undead ogres came storming from the trees, bull rushing the adventurers. By this time, Wolf was heavily wounded and had no blessings to call upon. One ogre spotted the wounded Wolf and seemed to think it would be an easy kill or meal. It charged him. Wolf ran away, in hopes someone would take care of this relentless ogre. But everyone else had their own problems, so he had to fight it alone. He stopped, then closed his eyes and concentrated. His bones began to crack and his shape grew. Wolf had changed into a bear, then charged the pursuing ogre. The Ogre punched Wolf in the face, landing the first blow. But this didnt stop the bear. Wolf roared and rammed his entire bearish body into the ogre's legs, knocking it down. He then jumped on top of it, pawing at the Ogre's ugly face. This continued until the ogre had died. Wolf sighed in relief, then felt a searing pain on his head. There he stood, dazed and unable to collect himself and run. He was being hit by a profaned bugbear ghoul from behind. Slowly, Wolf began to bleed, life leaving him...
...but an adventurer by the name of Drelan ran to aid Wolf. Attempting to draw the undead bugbear's attention off of Wolf and to him. Drelan stabbed the bugbear continously, but the bugbear wanted to kill his first intended victim. The bugbear shrugged off Drelan's blows. The bugbear lifted his foot and stomped on Wolf's bear head, crushing his skull...
_Captured ((Part 3-Conclusion))
Two days had passed and still no sign of his friend, Silinia. He sat in Jiyyd, staring at the grass, feeling sorry for himself. He began to think:
'This cant be happening… why am I sitting here? Doing nothing? I should be searching, but I dont know where to look. And if I found her, there would probably be nothing I could do for her. You are a failure Wolf, you are useless. No one needs you. The Circle doesnt need you. You cant get anything right. This is the second I have failed my friends... First, you let Oreth die at the hands of the orges... you just stood and watched while they tore his flesh apart. Now Sil. You ar-'
"Is it true what happened to Silinia?" Asked an elf in gold armor, interrupting his thoughts.
Wolf looked up at the elf and stared blankly at him for a moment, then just nodded. The elf frowned and sighed, looking very saddened, "Do you know where she could be?"
"No" Wolf replied flatly.
"Isnt there a cave near Ormpur? Where some of the Union Live?"
His eyes widened and he sprang up, "Yes, going to check now." And walked off quick paced towards the east. The elf followed.
Along the way the elf gave his name, which was Aelthas. He wore golden armor, which Wolf thought was...shiny. Though, Aelthas seemed trustworthy and was the only help Wolf would get at this moment. He would come to respect the elf very much later on.
Eventually, they arrived at the cave, which was located near a small stream near Ormpur. At first, they saw nothing, the cave seemed empty. They ventured in slowly, carefully watching the surroundings. Ahead of them, a red light appeared... Again, Wolf started to feel searing pain throughout his body. He glanced over at Aelthas, who also seemed to be feeling the effects. "Back!" Wolf shouted. They ran back towards the entrance, seemingly out of range for the red light to harm them. There they stood, watching ahead of them for a few moments, until Wolf shouted, "Come out!"
"Come out!" Again he shouted.
A red light appeared in front of them again and a woman appeared, "You have come into the lion's den, druid."
"Where is Sil?" Aelthas asked.
"She is safe, for now"
Wolf spoke, "Trade me for her." Aelthas looked at Wolf and frowned.
"No druid.. you will come with me. Though, I will allow your companion to go."
Aelthas looked reluctant and looked as if he wanted to fight his way through. The woman continued to speak, "Unless he wishes to stay in our prison, be our guest."
Wolf stepped close to Aelthas and mumbled something. "Get help in Jiyyd." Suddenly, ice hit Wolf on the side of his cheek.
"No talking druid."
Aelthas nodded, then left. The Union woman stepped towards Wolf and started to hand him a potion. "Drink this."
"How I know I not explode if I do?"
"If I wanted you dead, druid, you would be. We wouldnt waste such expensive things to kill you."
He frowned, then drank the potion slowly. His vision blurred, he began to feel weak. Eventually, he collapsed...
He woke up to see a small figure laying next to him. Blinking and rubbing his eyes, he examined the figure more closely. It was Silinia. He smiled and began to almost celebrate, until he found out he was in a prison cell. He groaned somewhat. Silinia was still unconscious, though she was not dead. Wolf glanced about and peered out his prison cell. Outside of it where several Union members, going about their business, not even seeming aware of Wolf or Silinia's existance. Their cell was one wall of bars and one wall of rock behind them. On the other sides was water. It was probably not easy to build a full prison cell in such a cramped cave, so the Union members had to make due...
Silinia began to stir, then sat up. "Wolf? What are you doing here?"
"Rescuing you.... Im sorry."
She didnt reply to that, but just looked out the cell door. Two women were approaching their cell. A human woman and a halfling woman. They had names, though Wolf forgot them. He only remembered that the halfling woman was the Orbwatcher and apparently the one who has been causing everyone to act strange. An example might be when Fadia tried to kiss Sil. The conversation these two had with the prisoners was not of much importance. Mostly the Orbwatcher bragged about her powers, but Wolf said she was weak. Silinia tried to quiet Wolf, but he wouldnt listen. The Orbwatcher began to torture Wolf with her mind magics, then eventually turned him to stone. The orbwatcher found this hilarious and giggled furiously. The two women walked off when they were done talking and torturing the prisoners. Silinia cried out for someone to turn Wolf back to normal. Eventually, an old priest came and did return Wolf back to his orignal state, then just left them alone again.
"Wolf, try not to make them angry" Sil said when he was returned to normal.
He glances about, then had an idea. He began to have a conversation with Sil in druidic, so the guards of their cell wouldnt understand, "Sil, we can escape."
"Escape? Are you crazy?"
"It is easy. We just turn into a bird and then fly out. There are no walls, and the entrance is just behind us."
"I dont know Wolf..."
"We must try and escape, or die here"
"I cant, I cant use that power right now.."
"Then pray"
"They will see me and think we are up to something"
"Sil, we have to try.."
A mage, outside the cell, shouted at them. "Dont make me cast 'comprehend languages'! No more speaking!"
Wolf rolled his eyes, then whispered to Sil, still in the druidic tongue. "Then I will escape and see if I can get help.." He didnt look to thrilled to leave Sil behind... again. Though, she agreed. Wolf continued, "I am sorry again Sil." Then, he closed his eyes and his bones began to crack and shift. He began to fly towards the entrance, but not without trouble... He felt that searing pain from the red lights again. 'They knew we would try something..' he thought. Even through the pain, he did manage to escape, then run to Jiyyd.
Meanwhile, in the chaos, Sil changed her mind and then turned into a bird herself. She flew towards the entrance and made it out! An easy escape for her. She came out to find a whole army of Narfell's heroes, ready to rescue her. The heroes thought that it was strange that both Wolf and Silinia escaped on their own. Rumors began to spread that they were under the control of the Union, though the rumors did not last long.
This was just one of many encounters from the Union, though it was Wolf's worst. Afterward, he began to think about many things... mostly about the Circle. Had they come try and rescue Wolf and Sil? No... but how could they know this was happening? Still, among the Narfell heroes that voluntered to rescue Silinia, none of them were Circle druids, which were supposed to be her family and Wolf's as well.
Wolf had thoughts of leaving the Circle, but not just because of this. There were other reasons. He had another choice to make..._
_Captured (part 2)
Wolf lashed out at the mage, swinging his sword madly. Alexander, caught by surprise, had no time to cast any of his spells. Wolf knocked him down continually, making the mage unable to speak the words of magic. Swing after swing… the mage was strong, taking many blows. He managed to get up quickly and attempt to run away, though Wolf was too quick and tripped him from underneath the feet, then, Wolf landed the final blow into the mage's chest, causing him to scream loudly.
It was quiet... after the mage's scream, nothing could be heard. Only the wind causing the leaves to rustle in the trees. Wolf stood back from the mage's body, not happy to kill Alexander, but he felt it needed to be done. He did not want more attacks on his friends and his family, the druids.
He was about to turn in leave, when something caught his eye. A red light appeared over the mage's body. He watched it curiously, but he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He staggered back, then felt another searing pain in his left arm. The red light pulsated each time he felt these pains, it was attacking him. He ran from it and hid behind one of the trees and peeked around. The red light dissapeared and he walked out. Another red light appeared right in front of him and this time, a woman appeared in it. She spoke...
"Wolf! You have sent one of ours to the fugue! You will die!"
She then uttered some strange words and blue missles shot from her hand, hitting Wolf square in the chest. Wolf charged and swung his sword... at air. She had dissapeared. Out of nowhere, more blue missles hit Wolf. He staggered around, feeling the pain they inflicted. The woman began to cast another spell, though Wolf rushed her quickly and knocked her down continually, as he did to Alexander. As he was raining blows on the Union mage, Silina came from the east and helped Wolf out. The two of them killed the mage eventually. But it was not over...
Another red light appeared and worgs came out, along with another Union mage.
"DIE!" yelled the mage.
More blue missles hit Wolf, along with a fireball. The fireball had no effect, since Mielikki had blessed him with protections. Though the missles took its tole. Wolf was severly injured and could barley fight any longer. Silina was fighting off the worgs, slashing her sword about and cutting them down. She was fighting well, the worgs seemed no match for her.
Wolf limped off towards Norwick, hoping Silinia could handle herself for just a few moments. Hopefully enough time for him to heal. Everything hurt, he could barely walk, let alone fight. He would be of no help if he was dead, so he took this risk of leaving Silinia alone... a mistake. As he was limping off, he heard screams. He looked back, though he couldnt see anything through the trees. He started to return, but he fell to a knee, coughing up blood. The screams had stopped suddenly. No more sounds...
Wolf stared ahead, waiting for Silinia to come, but instead, two pack leaders came charging at him. There he just sat, waiting to be mauled. There was nothing he could do, he couldnt even walk. But he heard shouts and he looked behind him. The Norwick guards came charging at the pack leaders, stepping in front of the large wolves and bashing them with thier maces. The pack leaders fell...
...the battle had ended there. Wolf had healed himself and then went to go search for Silinia. Her body was missing, no traces of her to be found, not even blood. They had taken her. Wolf felt sudden dispair and felt he had failed miserably. He failed to protect his friend, failed to save her...
...his next move was to look for her, but where to start? He had no idea. "Why would they take her body? What use... is a corpse?" Wolf thought. He began to wander the woods to search...
((To be continued in Part 3))_
_((this is jumping way ahead in Wolf's story, since he is been in Narfell for several years, but I cant remember all from the past so I will start here))
Chapter 5: Captured (Part 1)
The Norwick southern gates opened and a man stepped out from the town. The druid clad in green leathers, unseathing his sword and readying himself for a patrol in the Rawlins. It was cold, as the lands of Narfell always are, though he didnt seem to mind. He walked barefoot in the cold snow and wore not much leathers to make a normal man warm. But, he was used to it, having living in his new home for several years in the cold.
He walked towards the east, where the glenn was. He wanted to make sure it was safe, though Hunter, the guardian of the glenn, could easily ward off attackers. But, this was his excuse to go and have a nap there, which he had orignally planned instead of patrolling all of the woods.
"I will check after a rest.." He thought.
As he was walking, he passed the dock on the lake. On this dock where some people, some of them he knew somewhat. An elven woman, a human woman, and a man. The two women he knew. The human woman was named Shay and the elven woman… he did not know her name, though Shay called her "Tiger." Shay wore her chain armor, probably to be safe in case goblins decided to come close. The man wore leathers, to keep warm and to protect himself from stray goblin rocks. Tiger wore... nothing. She was completely naked, even in the snow. Even Wolf could not be naked in the snow and not freeze to death, but Tiger didn't mind it at all, or what anyone thought of her.
He talked with them a while, mostly about Tiger and her strangeness. Tiger did not talk... well, she talks in her own way. She would meow like a cat, or try to. They talked for maybe an hour, until a man ran up and yelled, "There is a bandit killing goblins out there! He is wearing strange robes."
"Bandit?" Shay wondered.
"He wears colors of an Eastlander bandit." The man said.
But the bandits were defeated and driven off in a large war, not to long ago. Wolf didnt think it was a bandit, but someone else he knew. "Show us were he is," Shay asked.
They all followed the man to the east. The 'bandit' was close. They found him killing goblins with magic. He was made of stone and after he was finished killing the goblins, he stood very statue like.
Wolf came nearer and then drew his sword when he recognized this bandit. It was not a bandit, but a member of the "Natural Union." The Natural Union was an enemy of the druids, as far as Wolf knew. They have attacked and deceived the druids for many months previous. Wolf knew this particular member... Alexander was his name. Alexander had nearly killed Wolf near the Gypsy camp a few weeks earlier. He also nearly killed Fadia, the archdruidess and Raisa, Wolf's mate. Alexander was also responsible for an attack on the common wealth town of Jiyyd.
Wolf stepped closer and tapped his sword on Alexander's stone body...
"Boo!" yelled Alexander, and then he laughed.
Wolf immidiately put his sword to Alexander's throat. "Come now Wolfy boy, arent we friends?"
Wolf kept his sword to the man's throat, "Why you attack us? And Jiyyd?"
"You know.. having sharp things near my throat does make me nervous." Alexander's eyes started to glow a pale blue.
"I-I.. didnt have a...choice" Alexander had a look of dispair on his face. "It wasnt my fault."
"Lilith made you do this?"
Alexander began to twitch and then he regained his composure soon after, smirking. "I had my reasons."
Wolf shook his head and lowered his sword a moment. He had a decision to make here. A decision that may greatly effect the druids. He needed to kill Alexander, though if he did, he would just be blamed and be called a murderer.
The Union had previously blamed the druids for attacking and murdering one of their own first, which was not true. Lilith, who was the leader of the Union, had convinced the Union members that the druids where murderers of their group. Also, Lilith needed some certain items from the druids, such as an emerald for some prophecy that needed to be fullfilled. The druids would not give the emerald to them willingly, so it seems Lilith wished to take it by force with her lies. This is just a brief summary of the conflict between the druids and the Union...
Wolf looked up at Alexander and made his decision...
((To be continued in part 2))_
_Chapter 5: New adventures
Now many things have happened to young Wolf in Narfell already. He has joined the druid Circle and become one of its councelers. He has met a mate, Raisa, who he loves.
Bad things have happened as well to our druid. He has seen war, demons, undead, things that would hurt his friends. These he has not experienced in his previous years in Narfell. There is still more he must go through here, if he chooses too. A body of a man, the mind of a child. The stories being told now are after his arrival to Narfell._
double post
_Chapter 4: A new friend
After Shila's death, Wolf began to explore more of the surrounding woods. On the first day he decided this, he tripped on a pile of twigs and fell, breaking his wrist. There he sat, sobbing, though not about the pain of the wrist, but for mourning. Many nights and days he sat by a tree and sobbed and did not stop for serveral hours. He would scream at the top of his lungs, for some unknown reason. There were responses to his screaming. Howls', gwowls, chirps, and loud squeacks were heard in return.
Those response cries only gave Wolf one comfort, which was that he wasnt alone. grumble… his stomach. He was hungry and needed to find something to eat. Wolf forgot his troubles and thought only of his stomach. He ran around the forest and eventually found a green berry bush. Taking several into his mouth, Wolf chewed furiously on them. Only, hours later, he threw them all back up. "Not eat those, " he thought.
He looked over suddenly in the direction of the crack sound. He stalked over and hid behind a large tree and peeked around.
"Manchu, bygah!"
"Choom, choom!"
The goblins uttered in their language. Wolf watched them curiously, then left his spot and approached them.
"Hi," he said.
The goblins slowly turned toward Wolf and began screaming at him.
"MIGAHGACHU! GRET!" one pointed at Wolf as he screamed. The other goblin seemed to be yelling in the woods. Eventually, two other goblins came from the trees.
Wolf put up his hands, noticing the goblins had spears. "No, want trouble."
The goblins screamed again and then started to chase him. Wolf, wide eyed, turned and ran from the little beasts. He ran as fast as he could.
One of the goblins rose one of his spears and threw it at Wolf, hitting the back of his leg. Wolf fell to the ground, wincing in pain. The goblins surrounded him and began to laugh, poking at Wolf with their small spears. He began to cry because he knew he was helpless....
"Crahm!" A goblin yelled in a fearful voice.
Wolf covered his eyes and waited.
There was growling and soon, the tearing of flesh and the sounds of pain from the goblins. Eventully, it grew quiet, and Wolf could feel something licking his spear wound. He looked up to see a wolf, which a very young one. They stared into each others eyes and then the young wolf licked Wolf's face. He smiled and patted the wolf on the head and scritched its ears
Togther they hunted and wandered the woods together for many years. Perhaps the young wolf thought he had found a pack and just continued to follow the human Wolf. With them working together, it was easier to hunt and find food. This continues for nine years, where Wolf is now a young man and the young wolf might be middleaged....
....Together they wandered until they came to the lands known as Narfell._