Tempers Flare

  • Council of Moradin

    Those who do business often or live in Peltarch notice a marked increase in hostility within the city. A casual bump in the street would usually be followed by an apology now more likely turns to an arguement or fist fight. Men (and not so uncommonly, women) in the docks engaged in drunken brawls most every night.

    Prisons are filling up with malcontents.

  • As general violence seems to increase so does Drelan's presence in the city, often standing outside the Warehouse of the Sails helping whoever else is on guard duty that day.

  • Captain Steel has been seen trying to stop any fights he sees around, as long as he dosen't have to work too hard, as he looks for the magistrate.

  • @fe53c6a00f=Seraphaine:

    Those who do business often or live in Peltarch notice a marked increase in hostility within the city. A casual bump in the street would usually be followed by an apology now more likely turns to an arguement or fist fight. Men (and not so uncommonly, women) in the docks engaged in drunken brawls most every night.

    Prisons are filling up with malcontents.

    (( Is this a gradual change or is it a distinct difference in the average person's behavior over a short period of time? I'd assume the former, but it was never made clear… ))

  • Fairbright Glass is often seen among those standing near to orphanage children and ensuring their safety (and their own manners and playhabits are civilized). In the early evenings Glass can often be seen gathering coal from the foothills to keep the orphanage warm.

  • Sir Richard Luis tells the staff at the city's orphanage to keep the children inside for the next few days. When the children go out to play, he instructs the number of staff per child be doubled for the safety of the children in order to prevent short fuse individuals taking it out on the children.

  • Corana can be seen more frequently in the city, fully armored, watching the chaos, particularly in the docks district. She does not intervene in any brawls, but appears to be watching for patterns of inciting incidents.

  • DM

    The Magistrate seeks to ensure the prisons do not fill up, conscious to avoid further prison riots. He ensures fines are paid, public corporal punishment for brawlers rather than short detention periods, and that trials are efficiently and quickly prosecuted. He also instructs guards to make use of point of offence fines appropriate to the limits they are permitted (150gp) are used where possible.

    He remains unconcerned by the reports of brawls, confident in the inevitable death sentance that would follow an assault upon his person.

    The Magistrate has not left the city for a long while and remains hard at work during this time, remaining guarded when in public by his close defender advisor and members of the divine shield who he often speaks to in the commons and in the pubic areas.

  • When Talgrath's visits to the City Hall (nobody seems to know for what reason) and his normal duties don't occupy his time, Talgrath is seen walking the streets, the docks in particular; often times accompanied by two of his men. His stern gaze falls upon those who look to be starting trouble, and when that isn't enough his hand casually strays to the longsword at his hip. His armor gleams in the sun or moonlight and his massive cloak floats behind him in the wind. Those who do start a fight in his sight can expect it to be broken up rather quickly.

  • Rumors abound that a body was found dead in an alley, and brought to the temple of Tyr for proper respects.

  • Amidst the general chaos, a few incidents stand out. People in the docks district are turning up with broken limbs, usually thuggish types, sometimes a group of 3-4. None of them can recall the specifics of what happened, and most have severe hangovers to boot.

  • Deacon isn't overly surprised by the turning of events in the city.

    _Shitty leadership, 'an de population turns ta shit, nae everyone be a gentleman like us mind ye. Reckon this cin only be solved if someone was te teach 'em som' respect again, nae even has te be a official.

    [Gives a look at one of the half orcs he is walking down the streets with] Roight?_