Posters Praising Lathander Litter the Streets

  • Posters filled with lyrical poetry show up overnight in peltarch. The cursive poems praising the sunrise and all things brought by Lathander seem to be stuck to every post and building in sight.

    It seems some fanatical devotee to the morninglord has taken it upon themself to find converts in Peltarch.

    The author is the only truely curious part of the whole event. Each and every poster is signed: The Master of Masks

    //Curious rogues pm me

  • @ad23ee65f4=Darkpowder:

    The Magistrate Barrim picks up one of the notes, and hands it to the Cerulean Knights for scrying at their convenience.

    "have fun of your own kind with this", he says to a knight. "Get the name of the author if you please"

    "Mischief and public disorder", well we are used to that - thats what the jail cells are for.

    "These must have cost someone quite a bit to pay scribes to write out, and the orphanages go without funds while these get produced for a single individual's vanity?", he remarks to a guard

    Mecizq takes several days to scry for the writer of these notes, and makes personal notes on who they are, though he does this in his free time rather than on duty time.

    //OOC: Would the writer of these notes please PM which PC it is, we can sit down and roll will saves if you think it's important to remain unscried.

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim picks up one of the notes, and hands it to the Cerulean Knights for scrying at their convenience.

    "have fun of your own kind with this", he says to a knight. "Get the name of the author if you please"

    "Mischief and public disorder", well we are used to that - thats what the jail cells are for.

    "These must have cost someone quite a bit to pay scribes to write out, and the orphanages go without funds while these get produced for a single individual's vanity?", he remarks to a guard

  • Captain Steel just trudges through the paper, not even bothering to read them.

  • Once it seems all the posters have finally vanished, over one night they all re-emerge at once, weathered and old, but something new, there's a poem on the back:

    So blind you are,
    Need not look far.
    Right under your nose,
    And not in prose.

    You did not see
    The message which
    I left for thee

    Should not be hard
    For your brain of lard.
    It need not fear
    The thing so near.

    Just uncover me,
    The message which
    I left for thee

    A Midnight Gimbol called so near.
    An Elf whose voice you cannot hear.

    A Challenge for all those who come,
    It does not matter where you're from.

    Some Mischief bottled in a jar,
    A famous man all dipped in some tar.

    The mischief starts, it's overdue
    The people will see something new

    Something of which they'll write great tales
    Something of which … well ... you'll see

  • Merydian amuses several children in the commons by making whimsical, 3-dimensional folded figures from the posters

  • the young Lathanderite paladin Dominic seems quite content with the sudden development, speaking with joy of the creativity of the mysterious author. At times, he is even heard attempting to incorporate the new poems into his chants while on his training runs through the city

  • Captain Steel picks one of them up and reads it

    "What in the nine hells is going on 'round 'ere? Some priest trying to convert the whole city or some farkin thing?"

    He then throws it to the ground and walks off to the docks