Looking for an evil god, Choose shar! ;)
As enticing as it sounds, I have enough trouble with the 2 characters I have now, but it's a good idea, sounds fun.
Heh. I'll be very honest with everyone in what I'd love to see in a perfect world.
I would love to see 3-5 Warrior Types join with us as "Templar's". Either new characters, or perhaps already standing characters that wouldn't mind RPing out conversion as Shar as thier main patron. No problems with prayers to other gods, as long as Shar is the main one you would hold faith to. Neutal or Evil alignment works.
3-5 Monks of the Dark Moon. We have one currently. This could be straight monks, Monk/sorcs, or monk/rogues would all be fun. Much as the same at tome
Any number of Mages or Clerics, magic users bascally. Here would prefer having shar as your main diety and not many others at all. She is a natural fit for any mage with a darker side to them.
4-6 Rogues or Rangers. We have one already, and can always use more
Great for sneaky characters.
That would be ideal and I'm sure a ton of fun. Probably never happen but who knows lol
Also, anyone thinking they wouldn't mind to have thier character possibly convertโฆlet me know, and we can RP it out. I try not to convert unless someone is fine with it OOCly, so if you're up for possibly converting and want to RP it out, shoot me a PM
I concur, in a time where Bane is the new bread and butter, Shar is a wonderful villainess who tends to get overlooked by many when deciding the nefarious tendancies of their characters. The most cunning, the most devious many might argue.
Never to late to convert
A person who has suffered a great lossโฆ.a lover scorned them for another
ah man! that's perfect for Olivia since it's the reason why she turned to hate and darkness! wish i would have known that before :x Thanks for the info though!
I might make one..im pretty bored
Well. In the original post there is a link to a post in my coppermine gallery that is Shar's Faiths and Pantheon entry talking about her history, her dogma, her religion, and her clergy.
I will try to get some of the information out of the Lords of Darkness about the dark moon monks. They are really a neat organization.
They are primarily a Monk/Sorc order, though straight monks could join it as well. They are the "martial" wing of the church of shar. They are generally her assassins, her spies, her informants and hitmen. They travel the lands at her or her clergies request, using thier skills to inflict or gain vengence for losses given and search for secrets.
Much like shar, they focus on the unseen and the darkness. Most likely their fighting style would be filled with dirty tactics, feints, misdirection, and other such tactics to create a very intricate and hard to read style.
The beautiful part about Shar is its very easy to follow her without being hugely overtly evil. A person who has suffered a great lossโฆ.a lover scorned them for another, a mentor betrayed them, thier family murdered, thier fortune lost, etc...may find solace and understanding in Shar.
One who leads a secret life, doing many things under the table or constantly wrapping lies around them, may begin to follow shar and give her prayers to keep his secrets safe.
Those that stay to the darkness, use the night and dark alleys and shadows to thier advantage....to hunt, to hide, to protect, to live...may offer prayers to her.
People that find themselves living under the surface in the underdark or within caves may give her praises and follower her in hopse of her protection and keeping her safe in thier home.
Naturally, all of these can be taken to an extreme sense and a very evil sense. But as you see, she is a goddess that even those of good heart can easily fall to and yet still not seem like horrible being.
Outside of her hatred for her sister Selune and the battle currently raging with Mystra over thier weaves, Shar does not have a ton of goals. She pretty much lets her clergy and church do as they wish as long as they bring her converts and they promote her portfolios. This is mostly due to the fact that shar's main goal is to garner enough divine power and enough people praying to her to finally return the world to the nothingness it was at its beginning
Thanks for the thread Zyphlin!
Very informative, as you wanted it to be.
I might have a pc avaible within months, depending on how things turn out.
LOL!! true enough.. that went nowhere in lightning speed. anyway, in attempts to revive your original post zyph, if you could perhaps give some more info about Shar or direct us to some info, that would be great!
i am about to make a monk myself but i am not sure if i should make it follow shar or kossuth. perhaps you can persuade me to shar
Ah. Thank you all for devolving this thread to pointlessness.
cyric! yay!
Somebody play a Talosian so I can come and kill you :twisted:
bane= teh lozer haha
The Church of Umberlee is recruiting :lol:
lol. I'm not on IRC a ton (or active in it) due to school, but have had people asking me about it. Shar is one of those gods that people know of but don't know a ton about. Someone suggested a post so I figured, what the hey
I'm having plenty of fun with mine and the few still around that play it, but this was more for people trying to play evil and think thier only choice is bane cause that's what everyone else is
lol look what it has come toโฆ.making threads to pursuade people haha :lol: