Jiyyd Rumors
//OOC ON for some DM intervention
::post IC only and this will be for Rumors, information that is half truths or basically anything that is not cold hard facts::.
Please keep in mind that this thread is for RUMORS. We should not have detailed reports of news that stretch for 10 or so paragraphs, and we most certainly should not have huge back-and-forth discussions within the posts.
I have split off posts from the incident with Olivia, the druids, and Peltarch's arrest. If you wish to continue posting about it please use that thread.
Also unrelated (presumably) to any arrests, reports filter into jiyyd of a pack of unusually strong winter wolves attacking lone travellers on the way to and from Ormpur.
A transient peddler by the name of Elbert Fertin, who was expected in Jiyyd, has not arrived. He had no major deliveries or commitments to speak of, being a small trader and entertainer, but later arrivals in town were expecting him to have passed through on the road.
Probably he just went to a different town…
Rumors talk of the tall red haired woman known to many as Melody being beaten to the ground by ghouls and then carried off. A rescue mission later returned her, although she didn't merely look pale, by then but rather grey. For many days, after that she is nowhere to be found.
///I find it humorous that a man is beaten down in the streets after a bounty is wrongfully placed on his head, and not one single person posts a rumor of why he was wanted, what happened when he was beat down while unarmed, or that he was cleared of all charges. Yet, everyone in the whole area somehow knows his name and his face and is still trying to collect the bounty of his head. LOL! Someone please post already.
_A man was seen being beaten down in the streets some nights ago. Rumors spin that he was wanted for some sort of trumped up charge of theft, which was discovered to be unfounded and false. However, more rumors abound that the man continues to endure attempts at his capture for the wrongful charges.
People whisper that perhaps the bounty should be publicly dismissed to avoid any further confusion or tarnish to the already strained image of justice coming from Jiyyd, especially with the whole Hooded Dark Mistress being cleared of murder charges with just a simple fine, also rumored to not have really been payed. People are whispering that perhaps Jiyyd needs to enhance it's image problems when it comes to handing out "justice"_
A dark cloaked elf with his hood drawn low is seen leaving the crafters hall in Jiyyd and departing straight out the still being worked on gates of Jiyyd, brushing past all greetings and people. Those who got to close to him as he passed swear they saw his eyes burn green and heard a low inhuman growl as he passed.
After helping the town to defeat hordes of undeads, and saving one adventureres life, Gonnar can be seen followed by the legion, and hours later, caught near death and brought to prision.
A new gate can be seen being constructed, one of obviously lesser quality as compared to what is usually made by the master crafters of the town, but still a solid gate in itself. Seen on the work was the hin Tiggles as well as Z, Kael and Shanr. The work seemed to go rather smoothly with teamwork coming easy to them. Rugg'ver provided plenty of nails for them and even Nathander stopped by to supervise.
Jerr was seen on a bender for a full day and night. He drank everything he could afford in a steady flow of ale, wine and other spirits. During this time he was not interested in speaking with anybody. Sunrise and sunset meritted only a glare and the locals seemed almost confused by the silent change of days.
Amith came ot fetch him just after the second dawn and take him away to the woods after he refused to return to the Sisterhood. "She wants another Pernicious" He sobbed as they cleared the west gate going back out to the woods for him to sober up. "And if she does this it will end the same way."
Some people in Jiyyd speak a warning of cockatrice running around amidst the orcs of the plains. The oddest tale seems to concern a cockatrice that was almost tame and left after being fed some breadcrumbs.
Upon hearing of the events that transpired, Calendel ran off to the Legion Hall in search of Lyte to report what he had heard. People can hear him grumbling about "The Dark Master getting bolder". He also appeared to rubbing a mark on his hand as though it appeared to be burning him slightly.
An icy voice spoke up in the middle of night, demanding the people of Jiyyd return to it a woman by the name of, "Sayla." Black lightning struck the ground just outside of a field near the western gate, and a black, writhing mass snaked out of the ground. Almost immediately thereafter, darkness blanketed the area and shadowy creatures attacked.
Those in the town fought back against the shadows, and a handful of brave souls plunged themselves deep into the darkness and eventually closed the portal that had opened. Only one death was said to have occured.
As the morning sun rose in the sky, all traces of the shadows had dissappeared, though the mark of a black, thorny dagger could be found burned into the ground where the black portal once stood.
Recently near Jiyyd a number of Undead variants came forth to attack the guards at the sisterhood gates, followed by these undead attacks was a swarm of Dretch demons, Chaevre' being present immediately set upon the demons using the fullest extent of her power to destroy them, some time after the incident another demon appeared this time it had wings, Chaevre' looked at it from a distance and with wide eyes moved immediately to strike at it, the Demon, once it saw Chaevre' gave an open eyed expression and grinned mallously before returning to its plane.. Chaevre' was seen after fidgeting and muttering after the incident, those present when asking her of her concern were told simply that she does not like demons, when asked why she said in a questioningly voice "because they are evil?"…while her eyes displayed no form of emotion it was evident that something was wrong, Chaevre' dissappeared into darkness as she tends to do and has not been seen or heard from since...
A man looking to be around 40 years of age in chainmail ahs been seen at the gates of the sisterhood buliding alot latey.
_During the black of night in the Regal whore, sounds of a struggle were heard for a few moments before all fell to a deathly silence. Come morning, a pool of blood is found in one of the rooms, along with a jade ring and a rapier. Signs of a fight are evident, and it is clear that the two items left behind were not left willingly.
Yet there is no signs of a body.._
Ladies of the Sisterhood are seen strolling around Jiyyd, often a young child attached to their hands. Nicahh is seen talking to a variety of citizens reminding them that they have several children at the Sisterhood looking for permenate homes.
The story has it that the undead that have been plaguing Jiyyd have taken an interest in travellers and a good number never arrive at their destination. Oddly, no bodies are ever found just signs of a struggle.
Rumour has it that commoner Biswan a farmer in Jiyyd was killed by swamp creatures this day, the rumour is confirmed by Watchwoman Masdar, and Just'ene Bri'THankess if they are asked.
It was seen that a female elven warrior was seen fighitng the glowing creatures in town at around the same time.
A note is soon after left at the legion building stating that an elf by the name of Malina Dess writes in person saying that she will take all expenses to do with her burial claiming the blame for the incident.
Erugdish has been seen eating grass, trying to cast magic and talking about the "candy plane" and "candy tree" very much lately. He alkso has been seen looking for someone of great magical prowess to make the grass in Jiyyd taste like candy, which he has failed to do.
One calm day while Cyrian sits next to the fire, an elf with a strong curiousity gets Cyrian to tell a story, apparently she thought he was a bard, Cyrian retells the story of a vampire in Norwick, over 20 years ago that he was forced to fight in a duel to save the citizens of the town, though shortly after the story ended a Vampire appeared on the tower saying how it was an interesting story and wondered if it was true, the vampire then dissappeared and reappeared beside Cyrian and said he should try that before dissappearing again, wether this means the vampire wants to challenge Cyrian in a duel or if he wants to take a towns citizens is unsure, though the Vampire made it clear that he would not be trying anything in Jiyyd