Rebuilding (body clearing)
Nyda visits the camp and looks over the situation.
"The Hallowing of the land needs to be completed I agree, but I do not think it wise to alter the original ritual group nor to whom the land is hallowed at an arbitrary boundary. Hallowing is not a thing to be undertaken lightly since it dedicates the ground to the deity of the lead ritualist, in this case myself. The outer camp and around half the inner camp are currently Hallowed ground of Selune, aided by Corellon. I do not think we should offend the gods by effectively -changing our minds- three quarters of the way across."
// OOCI knew it was a toolset error from the beginning and prefer to stick to the explanation that satisfies the new visitor in camp who is running for their lives with the fact that they were old and dead rom whos graves were defiled
. For some reason it just sits better with others . Hard to ignore something that is trying to kill you :lol:
((Katebush is right, it is confirmed to be a dev'ing mistake, and the zombies should be ignored. Nonetheless, the inner GC wasn't completely hallowed, just a good portion of it. Half of the inner camp and the caves could still be somewhat tainted, it's good just to be safe
…plus it gives them something to do :ninja: ))
Knowing such a ritual could be only a good thing, Arandor arranges to meet with Kara to see about completing the hallowing of the inner camp. If only to be certain that the land is made safe for a time. He seems almost eager to get away from the Gnoll pyres and work on something else, anything else.
((forum pm's work well for me if I don't see you IG.))
//ooc figured that was the case having done that in tinking around :lol:
///OOC: Bubbles confirmed in IRC that the rising dead are an error caused by using the wrong toolset corpses to represent dead gnolls. The same issue as in the Peltarch Morgue and will be fixed when the cleanup has progressed to the point of putting in a new build with a tidier, corpse free camp.
When Vine is seen, he is covered in general filth and grime, his face drawn ans haggard and his usually bright eye seems dulled from lack of rest. With a grimm smile he walks among the dead cleaning the camp of t he remains of the foe ignoring the stench as he goes, he does not seem to speak much though has been occasionally seen speaking to Jonni. The one odd thing is the appearance of joy he seems to take when making gnoll kindling with a greataxe.
_Joining in with Cike's patrols, Kara can be seen to be sweeping through the camp with a drawn blade, hunting those who would rise as undead. While others occasionly stop, she takes no rest during her sweep
Afterwards, she is seen to be asking for Arandor, or any of the current Elders to speak about hallowing the ground_
Arandor is seen wandering around the camp, offering the supplies Dentin brought as needed. Applying herbs to their nicks and scratches, bandaging them up. He offers arrows, and a few poison antidotes to keep the spiders at bay. The oil he usues to keep the pyres burning strong, the food and wine offered to the labourers as they rest.
Dentin arrived at the camp, carrying with him a considerable bag filled with potions of healing, antidotes, recovered bottles of romani wine, food, oil, bandages, balms and more. He was seen passing the bag of supplies to Arandor, before wandering further into the camp to pray by the remains of the shrine.
- Milla is now participating a lot in the reconstruction of the Camp, always with a charming smile. She looks really happy about being here; her excitement is even contageous. She claims that even if she is not part of the history of this place, she wants to bring all the help she can in order to restore her friends' wild heaven. She has been seen, accompanied by Bryn, coming out of Jeni's tree with the Romani Oath, making her feel welcome to walk these lands.
When not around, whispering songs in elvish while helping with the smelling dead bodies, she is known to patrol around the Camp. Using nature's protection to hide her movements, she does her best to clear the woods from spiders and undeads not only for everyone's safety, but also to reduce the disturbances of the reconstructors due to fighting.
Also, people going in the forest will notice a lot of small wood piles all made from dead wood. Milla claims that she is making those piles to help, but also to be sure that every people at the camp uses dead wood only for the fires. *
Milla Dannode'lin: Description; Story; Journal
Nathal Sterr
Belade, wearing a bare minimum of clothes, the tattoos that cover her body barely visible under the dirt, takes a long look at a bottle of spider tea…then gulps it down in one go.
Not bad, not bad…
She then chops a dead gnoll into parts that are easier to carry, and carries them to the fires, not paying much mind to all the dirt that gets on her.
However, just before her usual 2 hours of trance, she leaves the camp, to take a good bath in one of the streams in the Nars. When it is pointed out to her that she'll just get dirty again the next day, she shrugs and continues with what she's doing.
Occasionally Cera, Jeni can be seen out of their tree helping with the piling the bodies into the pyr or bringing the busy clean-up crew drinkks of …"tea". If pressed Cera at least will admit it is made from squished spiders in the forest but it's good for you..really.
Jonni is out thereamongthe grimey crew when the others ned rest and tkaes his own shift to helpl gather bodies onto hte wagons or pile the seemingly endless number of bodies onto the foul smelling pyres.
Bub was having a fine time. He was with Milla, helping Bryn, Vine and O'thara with the cleanup effort. The day was dark with the soot of burning gnoll carcass, and to Bub, that not only looked like victory, it smelt like it too. Everything was going great; great, that is, until he accidentally upended a cart of gnoll parts bound for the pyres.
Perhaps he was a little too ambitious in his choice of a near-whole chunk of hyena man. Perhaps too vain in straining to dead lift a corpse that still sported all its limbs save half an arm, and a head that was festooned with broken arrows that jutted awkwardly into Bub's angle of approach.
Perhaps - well, definitely - Bub had made an error, as the body, slippery from the showers that had come off and on through the afternoon, slipped from his grasp and landed squarely on the cart's front hitch. The weight of that one body was well equal to the remaining pieces still in the cart, and then a little more. Before Bub could curse his luck, smaller bits of meat were showering him as they were ejected from the cart, while the bigger chunks took the low road, tumbling right toward Bub and the even dumber look that had just replaced the regular dumb look on his face.
Amongst the ensuing jumble of limbs and torsos bounded an errant gnoll head. Bub did a near somersault as his foot caught the noggin in mid roll, falling hard on the damp earth, his fall in part broken by the squishy viscera that now littered the ground.
Disheartened by his own clumsiness, Bub began humbly picking up all that had tumbled, bounded or squished its way from the upset cart. Having finished the gnome took a breather, letting the afternoon rain wash the gore from his tough-guy tunic, gloves and pants.
Bryn and Lilin sit taking a few blessed moments of respit from thier grizzly task. The pyres continue to burn and issue a rank sweet cloying oder of burnt dog. Vines approach heralds the completion of the heavy cleaning of the community tree by him and Othara and the making of a labor saving device requested by Bryn. In Vines hand is a yoke like device. She smiles and shoulders it with a nod and looks to Lilin. Retreating to the nook Lilin grabs two large cookpots with handles for water and hands them to Bryn . Now the scrubbing begins . Lilin makes haste to the tree and Bryn trods to the dwarf head for water. Water gathered each pot hooked to the ends of the yoke the burdens are now hoisted and taken back to the Community tree to be heated. This chore will be repeated many times til the place is sanitary and a new place is open for people to eat and sleep.
Anyone passing the community tree note the door proped open and hears the gay laughter of women as dishes clink and pots rattle .
Warning do not stand to close to the door you could get drowned when a bucket of waste water is pitched out
Lilin also makes it known that anyone too squeamish to move the dead gnolls could help maintain the cleaning stations she and Bryn have set up around the camp, making sure the old rom wash basins are clean, and filled with warm water with soap nearby, they seem very intent on maintaining the health of the gali and volunteers, even during this grotesque period
_Alvar Blackwood is known to welcome the efforts of Cike and others like him, the Order of the Watchful Repose, Kelemvorites etc. to help with the undead problem and any unrestful spirits. He always seems to be concerned about the hallowing efforts as well, encouraging them along to the point of annoyance.
People who know Alvar know that he's not particularly religious and has an aversion to magic, but from time to time, he is a bit superstitious and has even been heared to blame "spirits" for misfortunes. If asked about his concerns, he points out the numerous dead all around and says that unlike wars with the Eastlanders where the battlefield is abandoned after the battle, people are supposed to live on this battlefield.
He sticks close to the main fires at night mumbling in elvish about meddlesome spirits._
tala over the days of work and watching her friends return is occasionally seen crying although she hides it well. Only the quick or those who know her well catch her at it. She makes it her business to see to the comfort of the workers especially those she does not know well providing food and drink and bandages as is the Rom way with visitors.
Cike can be seen helping out from time to time but when the sun sets he draws his silver sword emblamed with an oak tree consumed in fire and patrols for Undead.
Ocean has been spending time at the camp both using colourful language to describe the smell and spending long hours playing romany songs and dance music on her harp, bringing back memories of what was and keeping the spirits of the cleanup crew from being worn down by the scenes of devastation.
Penny returns to the camp every few days to help with reloading the pyres with gnoll bodies. She seems genuinely glad to help with such a morose task, noting that though it doesn't look or smell very pleasant now, the camp will be alive again and cheerful in no time.