A finely drafted letter is sent to Rando

  • Lord Protector Rando,

    Greetings and salutations. I hope the Gods smile on you this day. I wish to inquire about a recent banishment order of one called Nickolai. Being a man of law as yourself, I would be greatly interested in discussing what laws were broken in this case. As we both know law and order are the path to prosperity and happiness. I have heard certain rumors to the reason for the banishment and I for one can not find any law that I am aware that he has broken. My courier will be more than happy to bring me your reply.

    Mindful of all things Law,


  • Lord Protector Rando,

    Of course Lord Protector. I will not further question this ruling. May I ask what you would consider an appropiate fine to have this charge dropped? I appreciate his lordship offering a second alternative to the ruling.

    Always Mindful,


  • A letter is returned

    _Dear Kalith, Thank you again for you offer but i will have to decline your most generous offer at this present time.

    On the count of disturbing the peace i have it on good authority that he was breaching the words of Bane. Preaching is not against the law of Norwick but preaching that may cause offence or frightens the good citizens of norwick is a offence. He was not banned for that one offence alone.

    On the more serious offence of assault he has been judged as guilty. The offence may not have taken place within the walls or withing sight of the walls but assaulting any Militia member is a grave matter. I see the matter as my men are always Militia no matter where they are. They may not have the power outside of the walls as they do in Norwick but i see any assault on any Militia as grave, no matter where it took place. So my message is, if you attack any of my men i will take it as a slight against me and Norwick and they will suffer their actions.

    I consider this matter closed, however we in Norwick are not without feelings and i would say that a monatry value could help commute his punishment and be granted access to Norwick again.


    Lord Protector_

  • Lord Protector,

    I understand fully. Were my people assaulted I would too be inclined to banish the people for their deeds. My understanding of the matter though, and perhaps I am mistaken, is during the time of the assault Nickolai was actually in a duel with an elven cleric and not engaged with any of your men unless the cleric himself was a member of the militia? In addition, the duel was being held at the crossroads far away from Norwick proper. Furthermore, my understanding was harm was done to your man after a hell hound appeared and the hell hound was attacked even thought the hound was causing no harm to anyone. If some malady or harm befell your man after he attacked the hound then reason would suggest it was the hound that caused the harm and not Nickolai who as formentioned was engaged in a duel. To punish a man who did no harm to a person that was out of their jurisdiction seems harsh my lord. In addition, it could easily be said your man brought down his own fate of harm by atatcking the hound that was not behaving aggresively. Now, if Nickolai had assaulted your man on Norwick land it is of course well within the law to punish him accordingly.

    As to the charge of distrubing the peace, I was not aware that preaching one's religion was against Norwick law. If this is the case, then a goodly number of people are awaiting banishment as well. If this law is an unwritten law then it should be made public as I personally was unaware of it's existence and would hate to run afoul of it. Now, if there is no such law and the cause was the reaction of the populace to his preaching then I would like to request that the witnesses actually there be questioned by his lordship to determine if there was an actual problem caused by the preaching. Just because someone doesn't like what is being said doesn't make it a disturbance. If this were the case, every tax collector and town crier would be banished in the land. Furthermore, I have yet to find a single witness that can play Nickolai in Norwick preaching within the last month.

    My Lord Protector, I question not your authority not right to do as you see fit. I merely wish to ensure that Norwick is seen as a law abiding town where citizens can feel safe knowing the laws are just and will be applied in a proper manner. Such a town will definitely lead to prosperity and a happier town. If Norwick is to stand strong and prosper the town needs your guidance Lord Protector and strong just laws to keep miscreants in check. I merely suggest the facts in this case have been badly said. If Nickolai is truely a miscreant in Norwick, then showing leniance in this case will undoubtably give him oppurtune time to show his true colors in Norwick popular at which point you will be able to in good faith exercise your every right as stated by the Laws of Norwick. However, if testimony has been missaid and you judge an innocent man unfairly, it will weaken the faith of Norwick. By allowing leniance in this case you have the chance to do two things. First, you show wise judgement by not being quick to judge if he ends up being innocent. Second, if he is guilty and he is caught breaking another law in Norwick proper you will have proven yourself and your men to be of good faith.

    Too be honest my Lord Protector, though I have only heard rumors, I do not see how this man has broken any laws of Norwick and would like to have the chance to defend this man against these charges.

    Furthermore, as a law abiding man, I would like to offer my services in helping Norwick establish a fair code system as well as preside as judge over the accused. This will allow his Lordship more time to work with the many other duties you must attend to.

    I thank his Lordship for his time,


  • A letter is returned

    Dear Kalith. I would like to thank you for you letter. The one in mentioned has been banned for assaulting the Militia and disturbing the peace.

    We take a very dim view on the former crime and if i had witnessed this act i would have executed him on the spot. Assaulting the Militia is a grave offence and one that will be punished very swiftly.

    If you have any further inquiries then please do so


    Lord Protector