Clcraider72, Peter Stokabo

  • I can't believe this guy hasn't been nominated yet! Great RPer, and a worthy addition for sure.
    edit: whoops, forgot to give reasons.

    1. Plays a character who doesn't have a problem with adventuring. This is very, very important in my opinion.
    2. Nice typing.
    3. Nice player.
    4. Stays IC.
    5. Doesn't get my PC killed.
    6. Sense of fun.

  • Council of Moradin

    Is he still around? Good RPer.

  • An exellent RPer and nice guy ooc. Played with him quite alot and really enjoyed it 🙂 Definatly deserves a C

  • I have to say I've been very impressed the few times I've roleplayed with him, very fun and very believable character. Definately deserves a token.

  • Legion

    first time last night rping wit him get the nod from me…

  • jeez, i thought he had a CT, gets my vote, for afore mentioned reasons and he an be funny as hell sometimes (IC)

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Has RPed with him quite a while as his employer… hrm... Pete did think through and plan for a proper background story, religion, and does rp rather consistently and thinks of ic concequences. He deserves a vote! 😄

  • Peter Stockabo, where can I begin, well at the start of my toon on Narf. Peter and Elyl(sorry if I spelled your name wrong hun) helped me from the sands of time. Often times between the hours of 11PM and 3 AM Peter Stockabo is sitting in Jiyyd RPing to no ends with the group that gathers around that time. I am very impressed with his RPing, He is a totally different person IC then OC which is very impressive to me, as to many others.

    Reasons why Peter S. Should be nominated for a Token:

    Helped me understand Narf, IC and out of Character. Took the time to explain the In's and Out's of Narf, Much like a PG would.

    RP is outstanding, I can't stress this enough, also his grammer and spelling are much better then mine(which isn't saying much) but it feels as if you were with him right there.

    Because of his Pic on the forums ^.^ blush

    So Vote for Pedro, I mean PETER in 2006


  • Peter has my vote. RP's very well, willing to help even if it means his own death (Thanx Pete!) and is a worthy partner to have when adventuring. Hopefully Pete get's recognized by the DM's like he has been from the players.

    Calendel aka Damien Second.

  • Yeah, I have to join to choir of I-thought-this-great-player-already-had-a-token!

    I've met Pete a couple of times with different characters, and he has always been totally IC and really into the moment, be it idle chit chat or trying to stall a horny orc from raping every woman in Jiyyd. 😛 Has a way of keeping a very nice balance of being in the spotlight and yet passing it around, not stealing the show from other chracters. A nice guy and definitely has a great sense of humour, which is always a big plus in my book.

    casts a Vote spell on Stokabo

  • My little hin Jocasta has had some really nice encounters with Peter. In my humble opinion he is well played, has a delightfully wicked sense of humour and is generally a helpful and considerate type. The player strikes me as equally friendly and is definately worthy of a token.

    tosses in a n00b's vote

  • Well, im leavin, so I figured I would give one last nomination to the person whom I think really deserves it. Peter Stokabo. I have only met him twice, but in that time, he gave me a really good vibe. He is a great all around rper, and one of those characters that you just want to be around.
    Anyways, I really think he deserves a token (thats my two cents)

    -peace everyone

  • I have to agree. I've been around with him before and he seems quite nice and really RPs well. Conversation with him was a little slow, but you can't blame someone for not knowing the keys, being distracted, having an off night, or whatever it was!

  • My vote for this player has been a long time coming. I remember the trip Peter and Syrano had to the Elven Encampment and a few other people, and one we arrived we were attacked by Goblins Archers and Casters. The RP that came after that was phenominal; after we almost bit the dust that is. 🙂

    Shine 'er up!

  • Doh! I thought he had a token already as well! I've RP'ed alot with Pete, he is a fun character to be around and doesn't get mad when his friends make stupid comments that anger 8O the mysterious "Hooded Lady" of doom. He stays in character, likes to find trouble within reason, makes beer runs to the Alliance Arms Inn and can face Rass without soiling his armor. Oh, and makes a worthy beast of burden for those times when adventuring has been successful! He truly deserves a token!