A preventive assault at the South Gate.
(e) A preventive assault has been going against the South Gate. The deers were falling one after one to the hand of an assassin hidden in the dark. Milla, who was playing a sneaky game with him, used the natural shadows to take position in the wild. With her green elven eyes, she finally spotted the goblin, unleashing arrows after arrows to him in the name of Rillifane and Mielikki. At that time, Lyte from the Legion, Z and some others fell on the assassin to take revenge for the poor deers.
But that was only the beginning. Some small waves of goblins casters, archers, elite, and especially soldiers took control of the woods and tried to do the same with the South Gate, without success. The defenders had to go in the woods to wipe the goblin forces, but there was a surprise: two huge Umberhulks, one after the other, tried to crush the Norwick protective force. But again, Lyte confronted them face to face, supported from behind by Milla's, Z's and the others arrows. Those two were tought battles, but Lyte ability and strength took out the life of the Umberhulks, but could not prevent the death of Lucidious.
After those battles, the party decided to go deeper in the woods, but without Milla who had to treat herself from the nearly fatal wounds she received. No word from them as been heard since.
Looks like those small waves were just a way to test the new defenses of the South Gate, probably for a greater attack to come.
((OOC sorry for those I forgot the name… Add your comments to the thread if you were there !))
Milla Dannode'lin: Description; Story; Journal
Frandor Dannode'lin: To come…
looks to Foilir
" got to feel sorry for him. He lost his lover bromley, His job and lost the election. Mind you we could put him out of his 'misery'"
Rando looks to Foilir and then to his hammer with a smirk
- Tugs on his beard watching Zyphlin ramble madly about something *
<d>me thinks eider he wearin lasses undershorts backwerds er dey has opened deh door to deh city's loony bin.
Watches the bard talk to himself for a while then looks at Dwin and Rando.
well… wut are deh laws on vagrants anna loons fer dis town?
- motions to Zyphlin with his hammer *
...dat right der, is nae gud fer business....</d>
((Indeed, it was Lyte. Sorry
I've updated the post. Thanks Kell))
Milla Dannode'lin: Description; Story; Journal
Frandor Dannode'lin: To come…
Rando walks to Dwin and Foilir
" Its a sad day for him to finally lose his mind after losing his position as Magistrate and losing the election. I think i might have a job for him… I need someone to tend to Fines cattle. You think he is up for that"
Rando laughs
[d] Me wonders how a nice fella like that lost an election…
Looks back and laughs, smirking at the dwarfs
Yep. Damn legion for starting wars. Everyone knows the Nars was so much better with the Eastlanders there. Killing and raping folk, pillaging, demanding tolls. Who wouldn't want that kind of thing going on? The Legion as a whole should be cast into the deepest lair of the Abyss for fighting against that and for taking out Atol. I mean, Atol once hugged a bunny! How could anyone that hugged a bunny be a bad guy!
We should all be throwing out hats in with Banites and the Ashalds. Now that's the ticket. And while we're at it, we should all continue to insult the goodly groups in the land like the legion. I mean, if you're not ran by such upstanding people like Rando or a cleric of Malar, then you have to be bad.
I must say, you good dwarves have shown me the light. May Moradin ever wag his beard at you and Clangaddin's hammer beat upon your heart. You two truly are the pinnacle of what Narfell truly, i mean truly, needs.
Down with the slayers of Atol, up with the Dovlak Mafia!
[d] hmmm…. I swear me heard dis un before...
stares at the sky as if the answer might be written above
[d] oh! AYE! a Legion jail cell! HAR!
- puts down his hammer and looks at the bard walk through the missing gate *
<d>deh empty space where deh gates used teh be, kind of remind me of deh area between a legionaires ears.
- He slaps his leg and laughs loudly *
..bard. Maybe yeh anna yeh legion can start anudder war, goin inteh deh woods anna pokin, killin, proddin where yeh should nae be goin…
- tugs on his beard pensilvey*
..me counted two fools dead.. fools cus dey followed yeh legionnaires out of deh gates....
- Starts chuckling as he looks at the missing gate and thinks some more *
<d>Dwin... wut ave four walls anna nae door?</d></d>
a fat dwarf overhears the ex-magistrate and loser of the recent election as he prances through town, and chuckles to his fat friend
I wonder what the General is payin' the tiny dancer now that he ain't got no proper position? Maybe he's advisin' the Legion on how to dance an wear tights?
the fat dwarf hands the not-quite-as-fat dwarf another plank as they repair the town gates. again.
Smiles a bit hearing the news
Damn. You mean those good for nothing non-tactical useless Legionares helped defend and keep the town safe. How dare they! Everyone knows they're just good for getting everyone killed and for fat dwarves to make fun of. Protecting people and doing good, psh, someone should put them in thier place.
Heads on through town and into the rawlins chuckling
//did you perhaps mean Lyte of the Legion? Elven Lass with blue armor and a mean Katana?
Rando on one of his town 'inspections' find the Militia captain and tells him
" Moe, make sure all guards are on alert and double the guards around town. We may be in for some trouble if we don't watch out"