Election day is here!

  • Council of Moradin

    Huge fanfare and festivities spread thru Peltarch as the elections get underway. The Seafarers have given all their workers a paid day off to be sure they get a chance to vote. Crowds fill the streets to hear what the hired criers announce. Fine wares, food, and minstrels of varied skill levels all vie for a coin throughout the city.

    Around town there are 3 boothes set up for votes to be given. Highpriestess Daisy presides over the booth set up in the commons. Long time merchant and noted citizen Merick Reshor is set up at the docks district booth. The honored mage Enenan Snydders has been assigned the Civic district booth.

    All votes will be collected at the boothes and then sent to City Hall for tabulation. A very large Guard presence is at each of the boothes to keep the crowds in control and to keep watch over the vote slips to prevent tampering.

    ((See the Announcements at top for your voting. Be sure to vote in both.))

  • Dwin Dolvak, in his constant effort to build Peltarch into a better place, volunteers the time and resources of the Crafters Guild to assist with the rebuilding of the jail.

    He also asks around to see who will be representing the kin should there be a trial, and whether or not donations are being accepted to help cover their legal fees.

  • Council of Moradin

    Thru the efforts of Lieutenant Aaron Ashald and senator Roland Brynmore, the prisons have been reclaimed without the use of force. The dwarves were subsequently arrested and taken to the Curelean Knight's tower for holding until the jail has been repaired.

    It takes nearly a full tenday for the jail repairs to be completed… probably because the best stonemasons in town are in jail.

  • Elor sits quietly in his solitary cell. Although the cell door has since been forced by the rioters, he sits quietly reading a book he liberated from the guardhouse.

  • Deacon can be seen chuckling

    Have'em finish each other off aye! .. I wonder if Bob the Bloody be gettin' out o' jail now, during some mix-up.. hrm, anyways, have 'em kill each other and be done with!

  • Ezachiel watches the influx of prisoners with a smile, sitting in a small corner, reading. The first one to harass him, got a knee where it hurts.

  • katelynn lurks in the shadows of the city scaning the crowds but not interacting, a stack of wanted posters in her cloak pocket. If she see someone under warrent of arrest she notifies the gaurd and follows them back not interferring; if she comes across physical intervention against voters she carefully takes notes and stays to witness then entire event

  • Aarron spends most of his time at the jail and watching over the people for any law breakers. He stays away from the voting booths generally, letting the remainder of the Guard handle that part, only going to them when some the Guard needs support. He doesnt talk about his election while on duty, seemingly very preoccupied by all the trouble in the city at the moment.

  • Per orders from her fellow Knight, Kara Willendt makes time in her day to watch over the booth in the Civic District. She dutifully attempts to make sure no fights break out, and keeps an eye out for any funny business. If approached, she greets people with a friendly demeanor and encourages them to vote for whomever they feel is best.

  • Council of Moradin

    A full scale riot has erupted in the Docks District Jail. The place is surrounded by Guards and Defenders. No one is being allowed in or out.

    General Dunderstone has ordered the inmates to surrender or be killed, but no one seems to be in a hurry to go in.

    The only info that has been heard is that it's the dwarves again and two Guards were killed.

  • Mecizq can be seen walking the docks, chatting casually to people in his full dress plate. He makes no attempt to influence peoples votes, encouraging them to vote as their hearts tell them, but instead focuses on easing tensions, and keeping people from arguing with each other.

    He liases from time to time with others of the Knights, the newer knights not yet so well known, and dispatches them off with instructions in the direction of the civic districts.

    Periodically he will aquire a couple of guardsmen to assist, or if availible a couple of the Far Scouts who aren't busy(Up to the far scouts on this one) and sweep the sewers as well, seperating any groups down there and escorting them back to the surface on the understanding 'they got lost' if they choose to play that excuse, simply looking to avoid trouble, rather than make arrests on either side of any fight, though if needed, arrests will happen in a fair manner.

  • Council of Moradin

    Coming to the morning of the last day of the election a startling find is made. A sewer worker going down to see why a drain was backing up has discovered a mass of dead bodies. No other details are released, but rumors spread it looks like a battle was fought down there. Estimates range from 20 to 40 dead.

    A few details leak out regarding the previous day's Stonemasons assault. It is said the stonemasons went to the Pissing Goat to retaliate against a bloodspider attack on the younger brother of the guild leader. The 16 stocky stonemasons, all dwarves, were met by nearly 80 bloodspiders inside the inn. At the end of the fight, the inn was destroyed, bloodspiders lay broken and bleeding, and the Stonemasons were drinking free ale with Othugg hiding upstairs.

    There was a bit of a scuffle when the Guard came and arrested them, but they went to jail without much trouble.

    At least two died in the exchange.

  • Roland spends a day near the booth in the Civic District, watching everything carefully. He is seen leaving with a slight frown of concern. He spends the next day in the docks, ostensibly to visit friends there - but he seems to spend a good deal of time on the streets, among the crowds gathered to vote, waiting for anyone to dare break the peace in his presence.

  • Council of Moradin

    As the days progress, the crowds continue but are often scattered by fights in the middle of the streets. On more than one occassion things turn deadly.

    Many more arrests are made. Some comment on how it is usually the victims being carted off to jail and not the person who provoked the attack.

    As was the case several months ago the entire contingent of dwarven stonemasons are arrested after a particularly messy affair near the tradehall in the Civic district. At least two men were carted away who did not seem to be breathing. One of the stocky dwarves call out, "Come collect yer 2000 gold again ye pigs!".

    Armed groups of men are standing in font of shops wearing the colors of their guild. Most shops in the docks district have closed down for the next couple days hoping the end of the election will also mean the end to the violence.

    Guard patrols have been shifted from other areas and sent to the Docks district. Many Defenders are called up to do Guard duties on the walls and gates to allow more Guards to handle the unrest at the Docks.

  • Council of Moradin

    Other than a few scuffles in the docks district things are going well. A few arrests were made. Far more of the dock types are hanging out in the civic district than usual.