
  • Legion

    Many legion members can be seen patrolling the old Gypsy camp of late carrying lots of holy water when they enter…..

  • Private Erugdish Greikoos of The Troff Legion has been seen talking to gypsies and pledging to help them if they ever decided to take back the camp, no matter what was standing in the way or who would stand with him and the gypsies.

    //Erugdish has no clue of the patrols and stuff in and around the gypsy camp, but he believes the legion will help him and the gypsies.

  • Legion

    General grag and arandor have been seen talking some recently and traveling together with gnolls not to far behind aran werever he seems to travel…

  • Legion

    General Grag and a large group of soldiers and freinds were seen in the nars confronting and making fun of the gnoll Bitch. After talks ti seems she was so madd at their mocking of her god she chased the general then proceeded to procalim Mirkili would be her first feast… Mirkili quickly vanisheed and hid out in Jiyyd. Rumurs were herd the gnoll bitch later challenged General grag to a duel to show her power not ot the death grag relctantly agreed and the gnoll bitch and the General went at it for a good hour before neither of them could land any blows.. the Gnoll Bitch sneered and barked and casted spels and brought forth minions in her displeasure that she could not hurt the General and then walked off back to her dogg pound....

  • DM

    Having organised the procurement of a lot of holy water recently from the Kelemvorites, the Magistrate Barrim hears of these plans and goes to offer the suggestion that perhaps someone can just bless the waterfalls and the source of the rivers that run through the gypsy pass.

    "I seem to remember a tale of a dwarf diverting a river down the norwick crypts long ago"

    The Magistrate is seen in the city after discussing with defenders and knights he knows about the problems here.

  • Now a quick question, is Grag standing in the forest as it's being covered? Because if so, then you'll need to double the amount easily…

  • ((
    The camp is a 16x16 aare so that's 160x160m so that's a total of 25600 square metres, so emough to cleanse that amount of area should do wit enough left over because of that massive bottomless pit 🙂

  • :? 8O

    //We could just go with the classic…... gather till the DMs say stop

    Though..... that is an amazing display of math.//

  • ((

    OK, here goes my fuzzy math. stick with me

    According to the info above, 5lbs of silver creates 1 pint.

    there 8 pints in a gallon

    so, 40 lbs of silver = 1 gallon of silver-rich holywater

    using Benjamin Moore's paint calculator at:

    we know that a 100 x 100 foot deck needs 26 gallons of paint. (1000 x 1000 requires 2500 gallons)

    I think that we can assume that a wooded area might need slightly less to be covered….because painting a deck requires 2 coats. lets divide our number by half. 13 gallons.

    Based on this, the camp will need 13 gallons of holy water per 100 x 100 plot of land. 13gallons x 40lbs of silver = 520 pounds of silver/100x100 area.

    Now, Silver armor requires 60 ingots and weights 50 pounds.

    10 suits of armor would weigh (roughly) the same as the silver needed for a 100x100 area. that means that 600 silver ingots are needed for every 100x100 area.

    I know that I am making some assumptions above....perhaps instead of the "one coat" of holy water, we only need a light spritzing? maybe just 4 gallons per area?

    How big is the area that needs to be treated?


    Dwin scratches his head I think we gonna need alot o silver, folks.

  • ((Consecrate needs holy water and then the same amount of silver again. Sooooooo at 25gp for Holy water, and 25gp per dose for the silver needed…. how many 'doses' will it take to consecrate the whole area LD?))

  • @10a4ed149b=Oreth:


    Bless Water
    Transmutation [Good]
    Level: Clr 1, Pal 1
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 1 minute
    Range: Touch
    Target: Flask of water touched
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
    Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
    This transmutation imbues a flask (1 pint) of water with positive energy, turning it into holy water.
    Material Component: 5 pounds of powdered silver (worth 25 gp).

    Bold added.))

    //Now look up and quote Consecrate components//

  • Legion

    makes sure daisy gave him the right batch and continues his patrols

  • ((

    Bless Water
    Transmutation [Good]
    Level: Clr 1, Pal 1
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 1 minute
    Range: Touch
    Target: Flask of water touched
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
    Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
    This transmutation imbues a flask (1 pint) of water with positive energy, turning it into holy water.
    Material Component: 5 pounds of powdered silver (worth 25 gp).

    Bold added.))

  • @008166a97e=Oreth:

    ((Isn't silver dust one of the chief material components in MAKING holy water?))

    ((PHB just says a bottle of water and a Cleric with the first circle 'Bless Water' prayer))

  • ((Isn't silver dust one of the chief material components in MAKING holy water?))

  • tala is sure to find grag and tell him of the necessity to add silver dust to the hold water to consecrate the ground against the dogs.

  • //moved//