The Election Campaign of Eowiel Senella

  • After Eowiel's candidacy is announced she is generally seen around on the streets again after a short but notable absence.

  • During the festival atmosphere of the elections Eowiel's stands seem to be laden with the most delicious food imaginable, the likes of a banquet the Lords of Waterdeep themselves might attend if anyone knew who they were…perhaps, some jest, they are already in the crowds, eating their fill, such is the mouthwatering fare that is provided...

    In the sky at dusk, incredible displays of fireworks blaze accross the skyline, far superior to the ones Eowiel had previously used…incredible colours and almost musical bursts of noise fill the air above the city. Many fireworks errupt into very recognisable glittering images of sparkles, some blazing brightly in the starry sky for quite a few moments before fading away. One is of an enourmous blazing red anchor, white words bursting out underneath "Let the WAVES of Change BREAK" and under that "Vote Eowiel Senella" in cheerful yellow lettering.

    On the streets during the day as people are milling around various troubladours are prancing around in Wavebreaker livery, chanting some of Eowiel's more popular slogans in a catchy manner whilst handing out boiled sweets to any children they see, if the children are not already cunningly following them for the lucrative sugared profits.
    Many of them are comically and very melodramatically dressed as ancient looking men, with short beards gone yellow with grease, grey hair also yellowing with grease, they wear a gold looking crown on their heards with the Seafarer Emblem emblazoned on it, coin-symbols on either side and rather gaudy looking robes, likewise with Seafarer livery on them.

    They stalk through the crowds, shouting things like "Bah humbug!" and occassionally accost the other troubladours to steal the boiled sweets they are giving away, to the great ire of the children and the amusement of anyone else watching. The troubladours response is always the same, they turn to the crowd with a huge grin and a loud proclamation; "Its time we all did this at the booths, folks…" and promptly proceed to give the old King of Coins a great boot in the rear, causing him to promptly drop the pilfered sweets, to the delight of the children, and stalk off muttering before accosting another troubladour to begin a new act…

    Another feature of the election atmosphere brought by Eowiel is the sudden appearance of a vast number of quickly but very professionally made street side puppet houses, decked out in colourful paint, unsurprisingly in the Wavebreaker livery again. The puppets seem in many cases rather uncanny likenesses of their real life counterparts, though in some cases there are a few humourous inaccuracies. All the stands have "Vote Eowiel!" emblazoned accross them in bright lettering.

    The main show is of puppet versions of the King of Coins and Rath being buddies with Koreth, the King of Coins often slapping Rath upside the head in true puppet fashion for various idiotic comments he makes. At one point he looks out the window and comments he sees some men heading to a bar. "Whats this?", a scratchy comic voice declares, "they can afford to spend their gold on drinks? Bah humbug! Raise all prices, raise them I say! This is an affront, this is an outrage! I'm being swindled! Hard working men, drinking in the taverns!? I won't have it! That gold belongs to ME!" A few other shows also depict the Seafarer fleet abandoning Peltarch during the Civil war, but most generally stick to the very comically satirical King of Coins show.

    Eowiel herself is seen out on the city streets all hours of the day, urging people to vote for Change and answering any questions people might want answers about before making their final voting choice. Much of Eowiel's efforts go into urging anyone who hasn't voted to make their voice heard, reminding the populace that King Tidus fought hard to give them their freedom and their Senate, so voting is very important!
    "Everyone should vote! A vote uncast is a voice unheard!"

  • Senator Brynmor is said to have given a donation to Eowiel's campaign, and is heard speaking positively about many of her plans.

  • As the election finally rolls around, Eowiel makes a final speech before the people mill off to cast their votes…

    **People of Peltarch, this election has been a good one, as elections go. The violence and troubles usually surrounding them has not been nearly as apparant, for Peltarch knows now after Civil War and the latest Eastlander Wars, there are things more important than political bickering. Nevertheless, now the Elections are centre stage and I urge every one of you to take heed of everything we have said to you. I am proud to have taken part.

    I have promised changes to you all. Food for everyone who needs it. Safety for all who live here. Stability for our economy and prosperity for our merchants. I have promised to number the days the King of Coins reigns over us, to the very vocal ire of his minions and puppets. I do not seek to slander, nor to mudsling. Simply to change what we all know as reality, dispite what they say to us.

    All I want is a Peltarch for the People living in it. A Senate for its electorate and not for its Senators. A Senate for YOU. Like Mariston and Zephlin, I want Free Trade in the city. I want merchants to wheel and deal and make profits without the burden of an all pervasive guild on their shoulders. I don't want the Wavebreakers to become the new Seafarers, like Mister Aarron has claimed. All anyone needs to do is read a history book, or ask the old man living next door, and you will find the Wavebreakers have always put Peltarch before Profit. Mister Aarron, being a Seafarer candidate, would not understand that notion and so he makes such unfortunate claims about Mariston, Zephlin and I.

    My fellow citizens, we all know Peltarch, our glorious Jewel of the Icelace, has been through much grief, trial and hardship in recent times. Many have perished, defending Her honour and freedom, defending Her people, Her children and her families. Magistrate Barrim has proposed a memorial for these brave souls, the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, as many have read in the public notices. I salute every fallen defender of Peltarch, the brave soldiers of the Defenders, the merchant who fell defending his shop, the parents who fell protecting their babes…for now I pledge full financing of this memorial, when it is approved, for it is something that deserves recognition before it is forgotten after these elections when other matters sweep it aside, as so frequently and regretably happens. Not this time, I say, not this time.

    And finally, people of Peltarch, when you go to the voting stations, remember to vote with your hearts, for Peltarch needs the change I promise and you all know this in your hearts. Vote too, with your coinpurses, for Peltarch needs the noose removed from its strangled economy, I promise this too. Vote with this in mind, and so vote for Eowiel Senella. Thank you all...**

  • Captain Anakore declares that the official support of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars goes to Eowiel Senella.

    Eowiel Senella has been my Lieutenant for years, and as a Knight and citizen of Peltarch it is impossible to deny the decisiveness, vigor and skill she has displayed during that time. During the Eastlander War she has shown herself at the forefront of battle to be a woman of spirit, determination and leadership. The Knights are proud to lend their support to a candidate who embodies all the city needs in a senator.

  • Eowiel spends her time in the southern offensive camp in the Nars Pass, both fighting and doing her best to bolster the morale of the forces camped there.

    Fellow comrades, only war exists in this pass, the source of this violence and cruelty we seek to put an end to is that Eastlander hole over there, for years they have come to our doorstep, bringing death to us and grief to our families and now the time has come to return the favour! You are weary, you are worn but you are determined! You are the Defenders of Peltarch and all of Narfell, fighting for your home and brethren, and you will WIN…

  • Word spreads of Eowiel's daring and initiative in the recent fighting with the Eastlanders, as she is said to have dueled a powerful bandit mage and rendered his spells harmless, saving the lives of many troops.

  • Eowiel has been seen more and more frequently at the stands providing food to those who want it, assisting the fellows manning them and chatting brightly to the people around them, waving at passers-by and telling jokes and amusing anecdotes. As the elections draw nearer she often gives short emotional speeches in addition to her well publicised rallies, it would take a recluse to evade her message in the city.

    **My friends, now that the elections are drawing closer, the time is almost upon us to make a change in this city. A change for the better. You have all heard about my views and plans on Trade, Defense, Food and much more. I seek to right the issues which affect you all to the CORE. Like Mariston Thel and Zephlin Re'cual I seek to make a very REAL and significant difference in this beautiful city of ours. It has been my home for nigh on three decades and I love it. I have fought for this city, I have written songs for this city and I have sworn myself to this city now and forever. I have been the town crier for many many years, an advisor to three senators now and a Cerulean Knight. But more than all this, I have been a CITIZEN of Peltarch, the greatest honour this Jewel could bestow upon me. Now I am going to make good on my promises to you, I am going to give BACK to th city I love.

    Lets make things BETTER. Every single person in this city, everyone, deserves this. Vote Eowiel, vote Mariston and vote Zephlin and together we will bring this city the change it desires, th change it needs and the change you ALL deserve!**

  • Council of Moradin

    Rath is still seen walking around giving his public endorcement of Eoweil.

    "I'm not sure what I did to upset her… Maybe it's just that time of the month?" ::shrugs::

  • Eowiel is often heard scoffing at the Senator's remarks..

    "The only Economic Visions Senator Rath Ashald has are short term and long term; long term being taking over his father's throne when the old man dies. Short term is how much money he's going to be spending on whores this evening." The short elf grins slightly.
    "Is THAT what I support I ask you all? You already KNOW it isn't, for I stand for change in this city as I have promised and sworn. It is as I said, the twisting of fact is simple but I say the Ashalds CANNOT succeed using ths method ANY longer because this election is one in which Peltarch WILL vote with its heart…something the Ashalds can neither influence nor understand."

  • Council of Moradin

    Senator Rath Ashald now publically supports his favorite advisor and good friend, Eoweil. Especially in the commerce district.

    "I can think of none better to promote my vision of Peltarch's economic future than her."

  • Eowiel appears in a no doubt anticipated and highly advertised rally in response to several issues raised by Lord Aarron Ashald, the advertising proclaims she will rebuke the unfortunate attempts at refutation…

    **People of Peltarch, Aarron Ashald has seen fit to begin discrediting my words. He has asked what difference it makes to support one guild over another. He claims NOTHING will be acomplished! Mister Ashald clearly does not understand the NEED for Change, a need that we seek to answer! Mister Ashald has questioned how different the Wavebreakers and the Seafarers are. Both are Merchant Guilds who seek to make gold, he claims. He is correct. I will add to this the fact that ONE guild has always supported the betterment of Free Trade and the People of Peltarch…and one of them has NOT. He makes an obvious attempt at scaremongering, trying to SCARE people into voting in favour of Seafarer Candidates when he says not doing so will result in LOSS of incomes. The Wavebreakers seek CHANGE, having them merely REPLACE the Seafarers would NOT be change and is NOT our Goal, any other claim is merely scaremongering and nonsense!

    We have seen problems in Peltarch and we WILL rectify them. We won't stand for the status quo to continue ANY longer. We bring change for the BETTER!

    Aarron Ashald has asked for PROOF of this claim! He claims I have NOTHING to back what I say up! Yet he also was quick to remind how I served as Rath Ashald's advisor, therin lies my first hand EXPERIENCE of the Ashalds! There is what SPURNED me to action in this election! I have not contested any previous elections, but now I have CAUSE! Now I have seen for MYSELF and I have been APPALLED! He asked for PROOF about my criticism of Vaster Ashald! He claims there is NONE! The proof is in your HEARTS! Every SINGLE one of you knows my words ring TRUE! And if that is not ENOUGH for Mister Aarron, then how about the single GREATEST proof there is!? Dare I ask you all to recall AGAIN for Mister Aarron's benefit, a noble city in RUINS, burning and war torn, and a fleet full of GOLD and GREED sailing to a safe distance!? A fleet with a certain merchant aboard!? I need NOT! You REMEMBER! Aarron Ashald might be quick to forget, but he is FOOL to think we ALL are!

    The Wavebreakers will NEVER be guilty of putting money ahead of Peltarch! They have fought and DIED for their city since Ignismons when Tidus formed them! They were formed FOR PELTARCH! The Seafarers were formed FOR PROFIT! Nothing has changed in these goals over the centuries! NOTHING!

    Does Aarron Ashald think the price of grain is NATURAL!? Does he think it is FAIR? Does he think that simply because The Seafarers Guild employs alot of people that its SINS should be IGNORED!? He asks if WE are doing anything to solve the hunger in your stomachs! He has the GALL to question OUR commitment when we are doing EVERYTHING to aid a problem fostered by policies of HIS backers! I need only point you to that stand THERE! And the MANY others in the city, giving out food! Better that I am the one to endure the villainous prices than you, the People of Peltarch! Until I can CORRECT this problem as a Senator I will deal with it in this fashion. I will NOT ignore it as he claims. I have made a promise and I am VISIBLY fulfilling it already, his paltry claims are nothing.

    Aarron has asked you to judge him by facts, and I urge you to do so. The only fault I have found in him is his allegiance to the King of Coins, but he also asks you to judge his family by the facts, and SO DO I. Judge them by the FACT of their ABANDONMENT of Peltarch in the Civil War, judge them by the FACT of artificially HIGH food prices! But I ask you to judge with your HEARTS as well. Facts can be TWISTED as Aarron has attempted, but in your hearts you KNOW the truth lies with me.

    Vote for the truth and vote with your heart. Neither will lead you to the Ashalds.**

  • Yet another public and highly advertised rally sees Eowiel addressing crowds near the markets in the Commerce district, her presdigated voice ringing clearly accross those gathered…

    **People of Peltarch, one of my opponents has said that my campaign is too harsh on certain people, a certain family, and indeed a certain King of Coins. My answer to these claims is quite simple. I am fighting this election for YOU, The People of Peltarch, and I do not intend to pull any punches! I would rather use HARSH words to end HARSHER times than to use polite ones that do NOTHING!

    Trade is the lifeblood of this Jewel of the Icelace, and has been since the day Tidus was crowned and formed the Senate of the People. Trade has benefitted the People of Peltarch immensely, determination and trade MADE this city all that it is today! However, I would put to you the PROBLEM faced by Peltarch is that while ONE man steers the rudder of Trade, our City shall sail ONLY into the Storm of Poverty! I have said many times now, this King of Coins is content to rule, but never to serve. The question is, People of Peltarch, are you content to serve HIM?

    This King and his Prince, the ones who backed the traitor Korreth. The ones who gave him control of his own private army. The ones who helped him secure a Senate Seat. The ones who ABANDONED Peltarch when their PRECIOUS Crusader turned on us? The greedy monarch of avarice, who has for decades sucked the prosperity out of the families of Peltarch and into his SWELLING coffers? Is THIS the man you bow the head to? Is this the man whose men you will vote for? The man who one way or another seeks to CONTROL the lives of merchants all over this fair city? Not only to control, no not only that, but to PROFIT from THEIR hard work! To be a financial success is a grand thing, but to take your success from the work and toil of others, from the SUFFERING of others, from the HUNGER of others and from the submission of others, THAT is what I, Eowiel Senella, ask you to vote AGAINST!

    The Wavebreakers Guild has ALWAYS sought to bring prosperity to Peltarch, for this was why Tidus founded them. Now they seek to return the GOOD TIMES to Peltarch, and as I have promised, once your will elects me, this SHALL be done! The time of Merchants being vassals to the King of Coins is about to END! The time of people feeling the PANGS of hunger in this city is about to END! The time to vote for the GOOD of Peltarch is NOW! The time to vote for YOUR good is NOW!

    I can see a Peltarch for YOU. A changed Peltarch, a city of PROGRESSION, not stagnation, a people who PROSPER, not suffer, and most of all…a Peltarch where profit belongs to those who EARN it.
    Vote with your HEARTS and vote with your COINPURSES and the best choice is STILL Senella! Vote for prosperity, vote for Eowiel Senella!**

  • A song begins to quickly circulate the city, the tune already very familiar, though the words are rather notably different to the previous rendition…Eowiel herself can be heard humming it on occasion herself, though it is perfectly possible she is humming to the old words...isn't it?

    Here ye folks, come one and all, of a rich man this bard sings..
    Everyman should show their mirth, at the vanity he brings.
    Its time for every man and wife, each boy and girl be called,
    So they can hear the foibles of a man named Rath Ashald.
    Always drunk, always bored, his leadership ain't strong.
    So listen clear, and loath ye well, the subject of this song.
    Never once has Peltarch seen as lecherous a man as he,
    Always in the dock whorehouse, such generosity!
    Keep well the knowledge of this song, be always ye appalled.
    Everything turns sordid when its done by Rath Ashald.

  • The Following Posters of the now well known greasy looking old miser begin to appear all over the City, usually next to simpler posters with the slogan "Vote Change, Vote Senella" on them, as Eowiel heightens her Campaign Activities…

  • "The current Orphanage Administrator Ocean Fyne is doing an excellent job, there is already extensive planning on a new orphanage to be build which is magnificently over financed and the Defenders are taking in many orphans who are of an age to begin training for a future career there. The situation for orphans in this city is fast improving, however if there is anything I could possibly do to aid them further I have informed Miss Ocean to tell me and I shall do my very utmost. I already teach an elven class for the disadvantaged children of the city and have done so for decades, many of them happen to be orphans. One need not be in the running for election to aid these children, as you and General Lavindo have shown."

  • Sir Richard post a question in public to the candidate for the senate. "I have the upmost respect for those who wish to run for public office. I wish to ask an important question.
    With the war with the eastlanders the people who have been hurt the most have been the children of peltarch for their are many orphans who have lost their parents in this war. The city's orphanage is past full capacity their is no more space and their supplies are poor at best. What do you propose on doing to bring some sort of normacy to these children who have lost it all.
    I have seen the faces of these childrens and held them tight as they cry for their mothers and fathers who are no longer with us. I tell them things will get better and that their loved ones fought for the safety of the city. They where brave and courages and mommy and daddy ask them to be the same in the days to come.
    How will you deal with the issue.What they need is not a hand out but a hand up. A hand in helping them find new families that may love them and help them. How will you do this.

  • Posters and heralds spread word quickly through the city about an upcomming Parade to be organised by Eowiel, which promises to be an entertaining day out for all citizens. It has three different starting times, each district being treated to a separate parade. On the day of the parades the stands Eowiel has erected in the Docks and Commerce districts to give out food dispense fare of a more luxurious variety and a generous supply of ale to get the festival atmosphere started. Eowiel herself is marching in all three parades, smiling and waving to people as well as touching up a few of the presdigations from time to time.

    As the day rolls around the festivities begin in the Commerce District with a series of spectacular and probably gnomish fireworks heralding the beginning of the Parade. A long procession of men marching along in respendant red and white uniforms, capes blowing slightly in the brisk wind, carrying all manner of banners and placards. Many depict the traditional Red Anchor emblem and one group of marchers holds aloft a massive brightly glowing Red Anchor, trailing white sparks after it, an impressive living version of the well known Wavebreaker Flag. Yet another notable group carries a large poster between them depicting the slaying of an ugly Eastlander wearing a crown, clearly recognisable as their infamous leader Atol, by none other than Kaster Lavindo, wearing his traditional military armour. Another group of people bear a poster dedicated to General Devin Telan, his hardened face with the words "Never Forget" beneath him. Many others show images of kobolds in various levels of hillarity being crushed by Peltarch Defenders in various degrees of heroism. One group holds a massive banner which seems to be difficult to read at first, but it is not long before it is clear that upon it is witten a list of those brave warriors who fell defending Peltarch in the Civil War and it goes on to list names lost in the current conflicts too. Many other groups bear banners with similar slogans as the ones adorning the streets of the districts, and many urging everyone to exercise their vote for Change. The final group to pass by in the Parade in the Commerce district is holding a poster depicting an sly, greasy looking old man, seated upon a golden throne atop a mountain of coins. Below the picture is written "The King of Coins; should this monach reign in Peltarch? Vote for Senators not vassals!"

    A short while after the Commerce district's parade ends it begins in the Docks District, the number of marchers increased. There is alot more music and drumming and presdigated amusements. Many people in the Parade are throwing out to the crowd boiled sweets and other things favoured as treasures by the city's young. The same heraldry and splendour is used as in the Commerce Parade, however there are some key differences. On many posters are written in huge lettering "PRICE OF GRAIN: Damara: One Gold/Bushel. Rasheman: One Gold/Bushel. Southern Narfell: One Gold/Bushel. Peltarch: FIVE GOLD/BUSHEL"
    Again, many groups carry banners with slogans adorning the streets of the district. There are more posters of the King of Coins in this parade, showing him in various levels of Avarice, one poster showing his golden throne being carried through what (aside from him and his throne) is a typical image of the destitutes and starving in the docks, the parade passing quite near the street that was the source of the image. Beneath each picture is written such damning slogans as "His Crown, your suffering!"
    One gigantic poster near the end of the Parade shows a scene that still haunts many citizen's memories; a fleet of ships with obvious Seafarer Flags sailing away from a burning city and away from other dark ships attacking it. On one of the more prominent Seafarer Ships is the King of Coins, looking in worry into a cargo hold overflowing with gold. Beneath the whole masterpiece is a slogan **"Content to rule, but never to serve, but PELTARCH is NOT content with THIS! Vote for CHANGE!"

    After another break the parade begins in the Civic District barely in time to evade dusk. This parade has a marching band, a few rather enthusiastic acrobats flipping up and down along the parade impressively and once again banners and posters reflecting the ones adorning the streets. In this parade the first prominent and massive poster is immediately familiar as the one recently circulating which presents Mariston as Korreth. Over the image is a huge question mark and directly next to it there is a poster depicting a slightly confused and foppish looking Rath Ashald shaking hands with the golden Koreth himself, with the caption underneath saying
    "Who backed the Crusader every step of his way? The Ashalds. Who abandoned the fight against him? The Ashalds. Who did NOT? Mariston Thel!"
    Another huge poster shows three figures, grandly illustrated looking out benignly at the crowds, clearly recognisable as the late Senators Ayanie, Shana Je'laan and Myrie Makare. Underneath is written "Remember the last of the People's Politicians…vote for another, vote for Eowiel!"
    There are still images of the King of Coins and many of him turning his back on various Coats of Arms, all representing various families living in the district. Slogans such as "One way deals are merely servitude!" and the same "Content to rule, but never to serve!" are underwritten.
    The final poster is massive and depicts a pair of interesting and expertly drawn images; The Senate Table with Nine Senators seated, the three new ones with hoods covering their faces but their cloaks bear the Red Anchor emblems, the other Senators are smiling (even Evendur!) save for Rath and Torin, who look edgy and scared. Gelon is softly applauding. Beneath the Senate picture the King of Coins is being teased by a group of Peltarchans, merchants, commoners, nobles, some children, who are tossing his crown back and forth between them while he is in the middle of running back and forth in a futile rage. The people are all laughing and smiling happily. The Caption is simple for this magnificently illustrated painting; Vote for this.
    The parade ends with more gnomish fireworks lighting up the coming dusk incredibly.**

  • Mog has been seen cheering Eowiel on of late and bringing some of his own supporters to Eowiel events

  • Overnight a series of wooden stands appear accross the Docks and Commerce districts, four in each, the next morning as people start bustling into the districts for work it seems the stands are each manned by two men and are giving out food to anyone who desires it. From the hungry, to the workers who want a more hefty feed at lunch time, everyone is welcome, there are large banners accross the tops of the stands, with the usual Red Anchor symbols adorning them. They're there every day, restocked with food and ready to attend to anyone who wants it. Eowiel herself can very often be seen at various stands, talking cheerily to people and making sure everything is going smoothly.

    "Line up here and feed yourselves for today…Vote Eowiel Senella and feed yourselves for LIFE!"