GrayJay's char

  • What ho, Narfellians, new to the server! Hope to have fun here.

    -Cicero Summerwind-

    -Age - 39
    -Height - 5'11"
    -Weight - 160?
    -Skin Tone - Earthy, weathered brown
    -Skin Texture - Very rough and slightly wrinkled with years of being outdoors
    -Eyes - Thoughtful, honest brown with a hint of gold in them
    -Hair - Dark brown, wears a trimmed beard and mustache. Short, usually wind-tossed and messy.
    -Accent - Musical accent in Common, always seems to be on the edge of laughter. Slightly slurs his words together. Definitely not a noble's accent.
    -Recognizable Features - No obvious distinguishing marks, other than his ever-present hawk companion.
    -Commonly spoken languages. - Usually speaks common, sometimes Druidic when talking to himself or Arenia(his companion). Talks to himself or the hawk when he thinks there is nobody there to listen.
    -Race - Human
    -Equipment Worn - Wears dark brown hide armour, wrapped in a thick, warm green cloak. Cloak has designs worked in a silver-coloured thread depicting the wind about its border, and a prancing unicorn on the bottom left corner. Black leather boots protect his feet.
    -Equipment Carried - Carries no weapons other than a mundane staff, which is mostly used to aid in walking.
    -Left Handed or Right Handed - Right handed, but casts spells with his left hand.
    -Jewlery or Decorations - Cloakpin is a clear green stone with a few hawk feathers dangling from it. Wears no other decoration.
    -Relatives - Parents are living a quiet life somewhere far away. Has a younger sister… somewhere. :roll:
    -Body Build - Lean and wiry, moves in an easy manner.
    -Habits or unusual tendencies - leans forward and uses his hands alot when speaking; they take a very active part in his conversation.

    Bah, I have to go! I'll write the rest later.