Scouting for Gond

  • When asked by Dentin what he needs help fixing, Bub blushes, looking around at the others assembled. Then, coming closer, the bald rock gnome tiptoes and whispers in Dentin's ear:

    ~ I…ah...I broke me crossbow -er, ah, not broke, ezzactly. I took it apart a few days ago, an' I can't figgur out how ta put it back together. Mebbe, ah...well I thought since ya were one o' them Gond fellas ya could, well, you know...~

    Bub gestures back to the stump, a meaningful look on his face.

    "It's in dere," he says aloud.

  • Dentin continues visiting the remaining camp people, look for Arandor and asking him if there's been any progress in finding a solution, and if maybe his suggestion has been considered.

  • You can be certain, the Shrine to Gond or any god once found in Camp is not likely to be in one piece and tainted, especially when the hyena cackling of gnols grow near those having the discussion. Not far off is the feint gleam of a battleaxe or few, followed by the large beastly forms that wield them. One slightly smaller form emerges from among them. It's priestesss, axe falme with fould magics and her bark eachoing with a demonic bite. She chants, "Yeenoghu, Yeeoghu, Yeeoghu," over and over.

  • You hear a sound, not unlike a large animal shifting its weight. Then, rolling noisily out of the tree stump that makes his current home, a stumpy gnome gets to his feet, kicking up dirt and dried leaves. Zesty Bub stretches and scratches, half-listening to the conversation, half recovering from last night's bender in Jiyyd.

    I'll help ya, Gond fella. But you gotta fix sumptin for me.

  • If you run into Surtan sometime sitting near the fire by the ruins he tells of an altar to Gond that he used to pray at before working at the forge. If asked about any of the others who also worked there including the Master, he just stares coldly into the fire and mumbles about being away when "it" happened.

  • as the man called Strauss interupts the small groups revelries at the fires, a lean one eyed man tells him that yes there's a temple shrine to gond in the camp, feel free to go and visit at your leisure….pack your hammer and your holy water and bring freinds but do not exect any of us to help someone that has not offered some aid in return

    the group returns to its jesting before rearming and heading back into the pass to yet again assault the spiders and probe the gnolls and demons, returning many of them to their god before being forced back.

  • If Belade sees him there, she tells him that she knows where the shrine can be found.

  • // yes I meant an already existing shrine of Gond in the area. I'm pretty sure there used to be a shrine dedicated to Gond and a variety of earth gods near the metal crafter.

  • Sy leaves word that when he quits farkin' with his bridge, he may help him out scouting…

  • ((Maybe I'm just crazy, but I think "latent hostility" is totally IC for Arandor right now, so… yeah. Respond to it IC if you like. There is no OOC issue. 😉 ))

  • There is no sign of Star in the area during these scouting trips. Of course that doesn't mean she isn't there watching 🙂

  • // maybe I'm just crazy, but I think the vision is of an existing Temple to Gond in the area. Might be he's looking to verify if one is there or not.

    What's with all the latent hostility people? 😛

  • ::Being one quite familiar with the camp and it's layout… Arandor shuts his eyes tight upon hearing of this man, gritting his teeth and seeming consumed by anger for a brief moment, it passes quickly and he calms.::

    "First things first 'Strauss'…." ::He says the name with slight distaste.:: "…It is presumptuous of you to request our help for such a temple, when we have yet to recieve any help from you otherwise... ::He frowns.:: Take your 'vision' and stuff it, oh 'Disciple of the Hammer'… There are more important matters at hand."

  • Stepping from the shadows, covered in gnoll blood and undead matter, a famiular red head looks at the armored man.

    You dare ask people to help you scout, to build a shrine to Gond, yet I see your not out defending people's homes and trying to get this land back from the gnolls and the demons that rule it. Who the fark do you think you are?