A Dwarf leaves the council building....

    • An animated and red faced dwarf is seen entering the council building, slamming the door behind him.

    His deep bellowing voice can be heard addressing the herald, speaking about wanting the council do deal with an issue of slander.

    Anyone near enough to the door can hear him mention "legion reports wit his name on it…disppearin". As he speaks his voice gets a bit more animated.

    Suddenly the door bursts open and he slams the door on his way out."

    <d>Farkin legion think dey can do as dey please, makin up reports about honest folk dat nae e'en live eer.

    Opens the door and slams it again. Red faced he stomps down the hill the building is now on, speaking to no one in particular.

    <d>Dis deh same shite dey did teh Uthger... Slander! Infamy! Dey run around judgin folk who have nae anythin teh do wit der own insanity.. Der senseless killin.. Deh wars dey provoke!

    Grunts loudly

    <d>It clear teh me dey want me teh do der dirty werk, by trickin me wit der slanderous anna misguided ways... Knowin I would kill dat elf, juss fer what dey is insinuatin..

    Grunts even louder turning red faced

    <d>Dis will nae stand... Me will meet wit deh council o'er dis, anna me will get satisfaction.

    • Walks to the West Gate and slams that on his way out muttering that the Bandits are more honest in their ways than the legion. *

    <d>Lost report me arse! More like coverin der lies!</d></d></d></d></d>

    • Looks at Grag with disdain *

    It was yeh legionnaires dat brought me teh yeh barracks about a report statin me sells cursed armor….

    spits and walks off

    Clearly, yeh is losin control of yeh own rabble...

    • Mutters about how convenient it is that once he gets to the legion base, the report "disappears" *

    <d>nae fit teh lead a herd of cows...</d>

  • Legion

    looks at foilir and wonders how many ales he had this day…

  • One particular half-elf watches the dwarf stomp in and out with a level of interest, before wandering off again

  • ::sends Foilir a copy of the report::