New Camp DMs

  • YAY! Great! Congrats!

  • Congrads to both of you an your new positions,

  • I literally cried the other night when I found out there was going to be a chance to get the camp back. I have missed the rp there THAT much… and after all.. If I hadn't have walked in to the gc first time I ever logged in And pretty much demanded that TErrick , Dram , Dagoth and co help me learn the ropes...
    Well, I wouldn't have found some of the most wonderful freidns I have ever known and I sure would not have met Disciple Of the Forrest , AKA.. Terrick OAkwhsiper (Edwin) and we would not now be together. If you count the year and a half or so that i knew him only via internet... then we have been together for 2 and a half years.
    So , yes, I cried. I want my online home awy form home back and LIlith and Bridie will do anything they can to help this. I can't wait to get back into the storytelling here... I have been writing LIliths full story in the meantime , among other things . I might consider serialising it here.. well .. might.. no doubt i will. I love the camp .
    Goddess Keep , ANd Bright blessings
    Love , Marcia . that ausie nutjob.

  • @d089ce8318=NillaWafer:


    Personally, though, I always liked the idea that the GCPC's had to live with the fact that, in the end, they failed the camp miserably, and it couldn't be undone. Made for some lovely pathos. Or ethos. Or whatever.

    No one failed the camp. It was in the plot to destroy it. No actions taken by the PC's could have stopped it. Just to clarify for those who found this statement frustrating.

    Besides, like all the other stories in Narfell, it ain't over till someone pulls the ethernet plug πŸ˜‰ :twisted:

  • @ec5dc37e98=Fadia:

    Personally, though, I always liked the idea that the GCPC's had to live with the fact that, in the end, they failed the camp miserably, and it couldn't be undone. Made for some lovely pathos. Or ethos. Or whatever.

    No one failed the camp. It was in the plot to destroy it. No actions taken by the PC's could have stopped it. Just to clarify for those who found this statement frustrating.

  • grabs a pair of scissors So, when do we start neutering the dog faces? :twisted:

  • Yay, grats πŸ˜„

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gratz, Bubbles! ::hugs tight!::

    Personally, though, I always liked the idea that the GCPC's had to live with the fact that, in the end, they failed the camp miserably, and it couldn't be undone. Made for some lovely pathos. Or ethos. Or whatever. Either way….here's hoping for the best now πŸ˜„

  • YAY!!!! Congrats! πŸ˜„

  • Congrats, will be good to get our home back. πŸ˜„

  • Congrats you two :!: :!: :!:

    I look forward to -any- actions that are taken towards making the camp active again. And I know you both will do a great job. :hug: πŸ™‚

  • ((Suggests that we (former GC members) set up a time OOC to do an IC assault on the Gnolls and Demons. I vote New Year's. What say you?))