Aarron Ashalds Senatorial Campaign

  • ::Aarron stands before assembled groups of Defenders, Guards and citizens. A slight sadness on his face as he speaks::

    I would like to give my thoughts to everyone who has suffered by this war. To pledge all I can do to make your lives better, although that will not be easy, with so many lost. I must admit I have never been in a war before, it wasnt exactly what I had thought it would be.

    From the beginning, holding my position and following orders by staying on the walls as the defenders went out to fight. Not being able to sleep knowing our brave soldiers were out there fighting and dying and there was nothing I could do at the time for them. Perhaps I could have saved some, I dont know, but I do know that when I was finally called forward I was happy that finally I could do more, take an active part in the fighting and offer the blessings of the Lady to help our men.

    Then moving to the front lines and helping to heal the soldiers with such great people of our city, like Priestess Daisy and Miss Nyda. One women a long time servant of the city and the other a hero to us all for her dedication in the defence of the city. The wearer of the Jewel of the lake.

    From securing and patrolling the key areas of the battle field and the eastlander cave, to make sure none got close enough or came in behind our soldiers. It may not have been the most action filled duties but they were fulfilling. To know that my patrols along with several other people, disarmed traps that could have potentially killed many more people. It may have been a small part in the war, but to know that what we did may have made sure some of your family has come home, made it worthwhile.

    The final battle was a different thing to me, the screams, the dirt the catapults flung into the air right beside you, the blackness that takes you as you charge, knowing that you may die this day and yet your feet will not stop. Knowing that what I was doing is for the greater good. Knowing that what I was doing was for you all and the whole of Narfell.

    People say that the Ashalds run when trouble comes, when in fact I was trying to get to that trouble. Not because I have a wish to die, not because I had something to prove, but because I knew….that what I was doing, was what was needed to be done to help our city move forward. To make sure our men and women came home.

    The greatest feeling came over me when the word spread, the bandit king Atol was killed. I looked around to see the dead, on both sides and knew war wasnt what we wanted, wasnt what I wanted.

    We can move for peace and prosperity. We can move to better our city. We want a lawful city with good rulers, in your heart you know who those people are. Now the time has come for your voice to be heard, you to choose who is best for you.

    I admit I am young and may not have the stories to tell as most do that have been around for many more years then me. But I have proven that I work for you and this city, not only with words but with my actions.

    Vote for the future of the Jewel. Vote for me and help me make this city better.

    ::He steps down offering slight smiles to the assembled people and shaking some hands, offering condolences to any who have lost loved ones in the war and assuring them it will be better and thier sacrifice will never be forgotten::

  • As the crisp morning air of another fine Peltarchan day fills the lungs of citizens they are greeted with some interestingly sketched posters of the candidate Aarron Ashald

    ((my appologizes for the horrible quality and neverwinter nights engine renderings…my artistic ability is crap 😉 ))

  • Do you also want to vote for a Senator that will use her position to further her owns goals in life?

    Or do you wish someone who will work for you and see that you are taken care of and not exploited like the others wish to do to you. I am not a typical Ashald by what they say, even though thier proof is not real they seem to deem my family bad.

    The words from two people who happen to have criminal charges against them at one time or antoher, do you see me with charges like that against me? No, because i obey the law, I follow the rules given to me.

    Rath despite his trusting in Eowiel is blinded by the fact that she is none the less a crimianl, she wishes to support a group that has long wished to see the Seafarers go down to increase her own gold and thiers.

    The Wavebreakers support the city? I say they work for themselves, no one else. Lets get rid of a family that has long moved this city towards prosperity and get one up in power that has looked to ruin the name of one that has log served this city.

    Prove me wrong, you cant. They are only words and I question the personal vendettas against the Seafarers. Single minded words against a family that they see as a threat, yet they have never done anything to ever discredit themselves or the city.

    I wonder why these people are so threatened by the Ashalds. Is it the success they have achieved? Is there something so wrong with achiveing gold and success? Yes food costs more, it can be dealt with but to ruin the name of us.

    I have tried to be civil, I have tried to be a gentleman, but these continual insults against not only my family but myself have tired me out. I work for this city, i have shown that, let Eowiel and Zyphlin speak what they wish, it doesnt change the fact that I have done all I can for YOU. Not for myself!

    I say to you, let us make a new life for the city. Let us make a new life for the people. Vote Ashald and lets see that this city moves into the future the way it should Without corruption and personal feelings.

    Let us move further than we ever thought, let us move into the future.

    Voting Ashald will bring this, voting for chaotic people with personal vendettas will not.

  • Some may beleive this is the time for elections and speeches to end, due to the war. This is exactly the right time that everyone should think of the future.

    I was there at the last battle, on the front lines as the eastlander village was taken and Atol killed along with all the other bandits who didnt throw down arms and leave. It was a great victory for all of Narfell, but came at a large cost. The men and women who gave thier lives to defeat this threat will be remembered in our minds forever. They fought for your freedom and safety as did every person in the war.

    Although the war is over the lingering effects are not. We must move forward and make the lives of those who died worthy of such a sacrifice. We must look to honoring thier memories by making this city greater than it ever was. This isnt the time to sit back and do nothing, this is the time to act.

    We need to see to our children, all the families left without husbands or wives. With the eastlanders gone trade will grow and open more employment for all the people.

    I must say that I have seen very few things good come of war. We are free of the eastlander threat. The war has made me realize how short a time we all have here and the difference we all can make to better ourselves and our neighbours.

    To move forward we need good rulership, rulership in your name, not in the interest of a few people. Not rulership by those that would insult people they dont even know and call them childish names.

    We dont need people who continuely get in trouble with the law. Even if proven not guilty can we be totally sure they didnt do what was said? How many times can one person plead innocence on the fact that he was framed? The courts have proven the ex-magistrate innocent and I will accept and uphold thier decisions as a loyal citizen and servant of the city, but it doesnt mean I wont be cautious and not remember that the charges were there and he was only aquitted for lack of any hard evidence.

    Let us not have our city fall into the hands of a man that has been questioned so much about the way he acts in the eyes of the law. Is he truely innocent and does he really think people need to frame him to get him away? Does he believe that so many think him so much of a threat to them? Or is it the fact that he has found some way to dig his way once again out of being jailed for crimes he truely did commit?

    I am not saying he is guilty, I have no proof that he is and I only act of proof presented to me and not on simply personal feelings or rumors like some others, but can we, can YOU be sure that he is totally innocent? Can you be sure he simply hasn't found a way to mislead those around him?

    No one can know for sure and he can insult me all he wants and call me names once again if he wishes but the truth stands, that he has been brought up on charges multiple times and no one can be sure that he is totally innocent of those charges.

    Your time has come to make this city better, vote for yourselves, vote for the future.

    Vote Ashald!

  • Drelan having returned to the city streets has made a piont to watch many during the elections. During Ashald's speech he watches stoicly, though about half way through he just shakes his head and wanders off muttering a bit of gibberish on the way.

  • ::Aarron stands before the people in the commons::

    I would like to quote something from one of my fellow candidates speeches.

    Eowiel Said:


    "The Wavebreakers Guild has ALWAYS sought to bring prosperity to Peltarch, for this was why Tidus founded them. Now they seek to return the GOOD TIMES to Peltarch, and as I have promised, once your will elects me, this SHALL be done! The time of Merchants being vassals to the King of Coins is about to END! The time of people feeling the PANGS of hunger in this city is about to END! The time to vote for the GOOD of Peltarch is NOW! The time to vote for YOUR good is NOW!"

    How exactly does one merchant group differ from the other? I wonder exactly what this group does that is different? Can anyone tell me? Can anyone tell me what supporting one merchant group and bad mouthing another accomplishes? For you…..nothing of course. If these people see that the Seafarers are reduced in trading actvity and see that the Wavebreakers are set up in trading activity it will only accomplish one thing. Just so everyone knows and maybe some confusion that is set into my fellow candidates minds can be cleared away. The Wavebreakers are merchants and want gold to!

    People who work for the Seafarers will lose thier jobs and the supposed rule of trade will simply be in the hands of another group, but this one will be under the control of those who wish to discredit a good family that has long served this city and just happens to be more successful at it then the Wavebreakers.

    So in the end, those with ties to the Wavebreakers will get richer and those with ties to the Seafarers will lose thier only source of income and possibly thier homes, making a greater problem in the future. More homeless and unemployed people isnt what this city needs, it needs someone with an objective and open mind that will not seek to destroy organizations that all work for the city, but to expand upon them and make more jobs available to the city as a whole.

    Perhaps another example of this persons campign that leads to the same end.

    Eowiel Said:


    "The Seafarers Guild have been an upstanding employer in this city for countless generations, and Vaster Ashald assures us this employment has brought the Docks more prosperity than any alternative. I ask you, does this assurance provide you with enough FOOD? Does it make your life EASIER? Does it keep the CHILL out at night? Does it stay the TEARS of your hungry children? The answer is no…it does none of this. And none of those things is too much to ask for, not one bit of it is too much to expect from this city, this Jewel of the Icelace."

    Well to say so much about my family seems a little obsessive on her part. Hard to believe that all the problems of this city seem to fall under the Ashalds and the Seafarers hands. Yet amazingly enough, no proof has been offered up to support it. Proof that anyone in the Seafarers or in the Ashalds is at fault for anything.

    Lets see some proof. I shall give you some to these problems and you can tell me if these words make me an evil Ashald.

    The city Guard is over worked, under supplied and many of them are tired from constantly watching over the city and its people.

    Fact…..I joined the Guard to help out, so I could try and get some changes that would see them improved in fighting force and in equipment. I joined to help keep you safe.

    The children of this city, the orphans and those with parents cannot afford to get schooled properly.

    Fact.....I in cooperation with Clandra opened a school to all, with no requirement of payment for the services I myself see to along with a few others.

    The city needs more funds to better the lives of the people.

    Fact....I have said and will stand by with you as my witnesses that I shall give all my Senators pay to better your lives, not my own. An idea that has not even been mentioned by any candidates, maybe thier gold is more important.

    Food is needed for the people.

    Fact....things are moving along to get farms closer to the city but that takes time. The Seafarers ship in food at greater cost. Well of course it costs more gold....ships and crews dont do this work for free, everyone wants to make enough to survive. So in the end it costs more, but at least it is here and feeding people, I'm sure they could stop shipments and then the population would simply go hungry and I dont want that, the Seafarers dont want that, as I'm sure none of you want that.

    Now correct me if I'm wrong, but employing people, shipping in food, opening a school, joining the Guard and offering all my gold and possibly suffering without food some nights myself, for you, is evil?

    People can bad mouth the Ashalds and they can put down the Seafarers for getting food to the city, but the truth doesn't change. I have shown you of what I am capable of doing without even being in the Senate while they spend gold on rallies and parades instead of the things that matter. It can only get better with me on the Senate. Judge me and my family by the proof offered, not by the words of those who wish to seek us gone for personal reasons.

    Ahh...wait, another fact.

    Eowiel Senella was an advisor for Senator Rath Ashald.

    Funny how during elections times she would blame a family that helped support her for years.

    ::smirks slightly and moves on::

    As my last word to you today, I wish to ask the question you were asked before and my response to it.

    Eowiel asked:


    does this assurance provide you with enough FOOD? Does it make your life EASIER? Does it keep the CHILL out at night? Does it stay the TEARS of your hungry children?

    Do the Wavebreakers and the support of people like these do this for you? Or are they simply more words?

    ::stands and waits for anyone to ask anything before walking off::

  • Aarron can be seen waiting for people to gather before addressing them. He takes a deep breath before speaking, looking extremely tired, yet the ever present smile upon his face

    I wish to speak about how I feel, about things that have been said about me and my family.I walk amongst the city everyday. I see the people going about thier lives. The children playing in the streets, merchants selling thier wares, the soldiers going about thier patrols with a smile on thier face. I have come to realize something. I am happy, no matter what anyone says about me or my family, I am still happy in my duty to this city and the fact that I am making your lives better. To make a difference in our city is one of the most rewarding things I have done in life. There is alot more to do, but it requires time.

    I have come to a conclusion, about something that has been on my mind for some time now. Many think ill of my family, not from any hard proof they have but from simple rumors. It bothered me that people thought like this for quite some time, I did what I could to change thier thought on this, but some just will only see what they want to see. It was seemingly passed onto me because I happen to share the last name. I've finally come to see that I cannot change everyones opinion on me. People see what they want to see I'm afraid, not many see who I am.

    Now I'm sure you will ask what it is I think I am. I am a man that has joined the Guard for the sole purpose of helping out our over worked soldiers and looking to see the streets safer than before. I am a man that has opened a school for all to use without any financial obligations, because I understand the children are the future of any city or civilization. I am a man that wishes to become a Senator to make this city greater for everyone to live in. I am a man that is at the mercy of the people, I have no power, nor will I ever have any, you have the power, the people.

    I am not going to have big flashy parades, I am not going to hold rallies to get you drunk. I am simply going to speak and you can choose if you wish to listen or not. You can make out the true meaning in my words. I am going to continue to work for this city always hopefully, whether that is in the Senate or in the Guard. I see a lot of things I could do, to better
    your lives, if you put me on the Senate, but I must wait and see if you think I am worthy of being there.

    Until that time, I am going to do my patrols with the Guard, I am going to teach your children at the school and I am going to listen to the rumors of me and my family with a smile on my face, because I know that no matter what people say, I am still doing the best I can for this city and they can't take that away.

    I am an Ashald, I am a servant of you all. I am a man that will always serve you and your best interests.

    Perhaps more people will do me the curtesy of seeing me as the man I am and not the fanciful monster some make me out to be. Until then, I want to thank all of you that have supported me in my campaign and have looked beyond rumor and doubt and seen the true me. To you I owe more than I could ever repay.

    He thens steps down and wanders amongst the crowd assembled answering any questions and shaking hands with the people. After awhile of this he walks away and reappears a short time later in his Guard uniform and begins his patrol of the streets.

  • On one of the more visible posters, in the commons, penned into the empty space

    "Koreth's armor should be blacker. Must've been hard to see him all the way from Hoarsgate.
    -A friendly art critic"

  • ((Sorry gotta say it, that poster is just great :D))

  • Council of Moradin

    ::New posters all over town::

    ::The figure in the drawing is clearly supposed to be Mariston Thel::

  • Council of Moradin

    The people seem pretty polarized on this one. A good portion really dislike anyone with the name Ashald. The others seem to revere the family and completely support him.

    Recently people have taken notice of the fact he was made a lieutenant in the Guard. Split along the same lines people say his family bought him the job, others say he deserved to lead.

    Pretty mixed bag.

  • Aarron listens to Richard, nodding as he speaks

    You have good questions there Sir Richard. Let me first address the the most important issue.

    The orphans are something that has to be dealt with immediately. Miss Clandras proposal is a exceptional one. One which I whole heartedly agree with and support. The orphanage is full and I hear word that Miss Ocean is seeing to another being set up, which I will gladly help to fund until these children can be found proper homes in which to live in. If elected I will work towards the end of seeing not only the families funded that wish to help these children as Clandra proposes but also to the orphanage getting regular funding to help those who have not found a home yet.

    As for the the school. This school is open to all, free of any financial responsiblilty. The children deserve education and so they shall recieve it. This school will be funded solely on the generousity of the citizens of Peltarch. If elected I will propose a set amount of the cities income go towards the funding and continued education of these children.

    Funding isn't easy to come by even if from the city itself, the city has many things to pay for, the reason I said at one point that all my pay if elected and any others who truely care about this city be put away to help the people and see that thier lives are made better.

    The pay of a Senator is a nice sum, I also wish to be able to survive and so have to earn my gold as any other, yet if I survive and the people do not then there is no city. It may not totally fund the school, the orphanage, the guard, and the caring people who wish to help these children, but any amount is welcome. If it sees one child off the streets and in a proper home and well educated, then we are moving towards something greater.

    I call upon anyone who has even a spare copper that they could possibly donate to the betterment of these children that have lost so much to step forward and help us bring in a new era to our great city.

  • Sir Richard post a question in public to the candidate for the senate. "I have the upmost respect for those who wish to run for public office. I wish to ask an important question.
    With the war with the eastlanders the people who have been hurt the most have been the children of peltarch for their are many orphans who have lost their parents in this war. The city's orphanage is past full capacity their is no more space and their supplies are poor at best. What do you propose on doing to bring some sort of normacy to these children who have lost it all.
    I have seen the faces of these childrens and held them tight as they cry for their mothers and fathers who are no longer with us. I tell them things will get better and that their loved ones fought for the safety of the city. They where brave and courages and mommy and daddy ask them to be the same in the days to come.
    How will you deal with the issue.What they need is not a hand out but a hand up. A hand in helping them find new families that may love them and help them. The school is a wonderful idea but will it be open for those who can not afford it? What of the children in the orphanage and their future? And how will you if elected bring a sence of normacy and deal with the children of the overcrowded orphanage in a long term basis?

  • Aarron and Clandra can be seen moving desks and boxes of supplies into a empty warehouse. After a few days of this they stands before the warehouse addressing all within the area.

    Good people of Peltarch, we stand before you to announce that finally, a place to school your children has been found and is open to all. This building, and all the supplies needed to teach your children the basics of reading, writing, mathematics and astrology is the first step to the promises that I as well as Clandra have made to you. We will be taking the time out of our lives, as well as my sister and Hermina, an accomplished tutor of both the Ashald household and the D'Arneau household to see your children get the education they deserve.

    It is small at the moment, but we can make it greater, with the continued help of any who wish to donate to the betterment of this school. People have been saying none have done anything to prove thier words, we just have, we have organized this for your children, those who cannot pay for schooling. If elected we will see that this is expanded upon and made greater, establishing a formal school within the city.

    Any who wish thier children to attend may bring them by, we will try to accomidate as many as possible until something better can be found to accomadate the whole populace. Even if we are not elected, we will still run this school as best we can, as long as we can, we only hope it is a permanent feature within the city. Something that will benefit future generations.

    Scans the crowd for a moment before holding his hands up.

    I would like to explain something. The recent events that had one of our loyal and loved friends and citizens expelled from the city has been dealt with through the combined efforts of the Church of Tyr and the Lady Siamorphe, Nyda has recovered from the illness she had and has been helping to furnish and supply this school for the poor children of Peltarch to be educated.

    Let us move into the future and make this city better for all people.

  • Although he has been absent from the city for weeks, Aarron can be seen once again on the walls with the soldiers. When asked where he was he simply says he was helping someone and tries to avoid anymore questions. Although word spreads that he was being tended to by the priests and nurses within the Divine Shield Tower in the foothills for many days along with the Lady Kara and the elf Raryldor. He looks very tired and has a large scar now trailing down his right forearm to just above his knuckles. He can be seen constantly rubbing it. He assures everyone with a slight smile that he will continue to run for Senate, nothing has changed.

  • Posters begin to appear periodically throughout the city. The quality of the posters is not extravagent, but it shows some little skill with brush and pen. Each poster is tacked up to public boards and placards with four penny nails in each corner. The paper is a cheap vellum easily posted and reposted as necessary

    posters depicting a happy provincial life for all farmers and merchants are first to be seen

    the second poster to be seen is often the open book depicting the senatorial platform

    the last poster to generally be seen is the one depicting the mounted Defender of Peltarch with wonderful equipment

  • With one hand our fine Magistrate declares that all of this Cities ills, all of it's woes and all the troubles of it's populous reside in the existance of the Seafarer's. He tells us that his entire platform, his only policy is to do away with some kind of mythical monopoly they hold over trade in this beautiful place. With the other hand he pledges his support for an organization dedicated to the raising of coin for themselves through the instigation of trading monopolies. One which would gladly support this man and see thier riches grow greater than before. He would remove one of the only organizations, run by my Uncle and dedicated for years to the service of Peltarch, in order to create a single, unaccountable power in the city in the Wavebreakers. This is not a policy designed to improve your lot. It will not put food in your bellies or coin in your pocket. It is a policy that can only end in poverty and tighter restrictions and why does he promote it? Is it because of the political power and money it will gain him? Maybe, maybe not. I think it is a personal vendetta against my family. Is this the type of man you wish in the senate, one who uses you and your city for his personal vendettas?

    Monopolies holding down the city? How many in this city have employment and a regular income from these "monopolies"? Not only the Seafarers, yet also the Wavebreakers.

    I have often heard that this Magistrate is capricious and frankly chaotic in outlook, although I had not seen it for myself. It appears I have seen first hand now. He doesnt wish to help the city. He wishes to use the city and its resources for his own personal gain. He proposes that none have given any indication as to how they will accomplish the promises they have given to you, the people. Did I just not stand before you the other day, bloodied and beaten from fighting eastlanders and give you a beginning to the betterment of our city? Did I not give a beginning to a solution to rebuilding our guard and educating our children? To lowering taxes for all people? I am aware that this is only a beginning and a small one at that. But it is a beginning.

    Maybe most are silent on this because thier purses of gold are more important to them than you are.

    Do not listen to this man. He serves the city so long as it benefits him and those allied with him. He would seek to topple an organization that has made sure this city recieved food in times of famine, one that has employed numerous people and made sure that they and their families had a home to live in. And he seeks to support another organization that will benefit his ideals of this city and see his pockets lined with gold. I assure you, there is corruption within this city, I see it myself, I only ask that you work to be rid of it and not support it by supporting this man.

    Some of you will be telling yourselves that I speak only in defense of my family. And I say to you, DAMN RIGHT I speak in defence of my family. I am proud to be an Ashald. I am also proud to be a Peltarchian. And I am Proud to stand before you and ask you to let me help this city be the greatest City we can make it.

    I have faith in the people and their decisions, I know you will make the right choice.

  • As the brave citizens and allies return to Peltarch after the battle in the pass, Aarron can be heard addressing all the people in the commons

    Fellow citizens, I once again stand before you to speak about the fate of our fair city and to ask you if my ideals are what you believe in. The elections grow closer and I see all candidates giving speeches, holding rallies, offering you food and frink to quench your thirst and fill your stomachs for an afternoon. I will not offer you those things. I wish to see the hungry fed and everyone have a good life within the city but I will not offer only a day of it to you in the hopes you will vote for me. I seek long term solutions to our problems.

    I will help feed you. I will help to educate you and your children. I will arrange to better supply our over worked and under equipped guards force and I will work towards lower taxes in the city for merchants so that they can supply you with the essentials of life at a cost you can afford.

    I will do so in a different way though. I will not only sit back and see who truely cares for this city of ours, who is willing to give what is required and suffer themselves in giving it. I will lead by example!

    Do you see this pouch of gold? [holds up a large pouch and shows it to all attended]. This is the beginning of something greater for you all, something that will see the promises I have made to you come true in time. I cant do it alone though, I need all the citizens of Peltarch to help in this.

    1000 gold is in this pouch, I intend on seeing it put into a fund for the People. A fund to help build a proper school open to all. To help supply our soldiers with better equipment and more man power. To help to decrease taxes for all and to help purchase food on a regular basis for the people. I realize it isnt much, yet it is a beginning. I also offer this to you…..if elected to Senate, -all- my pay for doing my duty to this city will be put in this fund to continue to help the people. I will also if elected, work towards the installment of a law, stating that all senators, even those who currently hold the position are to not recieve any pay for thier service, all that gold is to go to the betterment of this city and its people.


    If you truely care about this city and not only your coin purses, it is time to prove it. Support this, lets start to give more back to the people of Peltarch. Let us see a new and glorious Peltarch arise this day.

    Service to the great people of Peltarch means more to me than any pouch of gold ever could. I only hope that others are equally unselfish.

    Now, even more than ever in these trying times we need support such as this. We are at war now, with the ones who kill your families. I was there at the first major engagement of the war along with many others, I admit i am no soldier, I almost died fighting these eastlanders in the pass, yet I know that as a citizen of Peltarch and as a man who cares for this great city and its people, I will gladly give my life in the hopes of a better Peltarch for all.



  • Council of Moradin

    A good number of people in the crowd clap and cheer.

    Some walk off before it really starts.