Dwin stands on a bench...

  • With all of the dangers we face…be it trolls to the East or Eastlanders to the, er...west, havin a good set of armor is more important than always.

    If'n ya be needin armor, and i am not talkin about that used shiite that they sell here or in the city, then see me or one of me masters in the Union. We'll custom fit the armor, no matter what yer shape is...Dwin glances at Vroka and smiles, nervously

    I do have a set of Steel Platemail right here if anyone is interested or wants to see an example of the work. I'll tell ya right off that i am lookin fer 6500 for it, which is a bargain by any standards.

    *Dwin steps down and waits for any interest. *

  • Ginger pipes up

    You see that bench Dwin is standing on? It doesn't break under the pressure of a dwarf in platemail standing on it because it's fine Union craftsmanship. For the best in bows, crossbows, shields, clubs, and other wooden goods, come see a Union woodworker for custom made goods. Our prices are fair and our quality is tops.