::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • visible from the south gate and wall of the Civic District were continious lightnign stirkes to the south in the lizard men lands, keen eyes would notice the lightning was shrouding around one figure near the open mineral mine, further in the distance wasa soft pink glow. Three figures were seen fleeing due west from the lightning

  • Rumors from Jiyyd that a group of Adventurers Hunted down and Killed the Dark Enchantress, they say it was because she murdered someone unprovoked..

  • A tall and strong redhead can be see wandering seemingly aimlessly through the streets of Peltarch, drawing buildings and trees and other things on a sheet of paper, occasionally adding a few letters which seem to take her just as long as anything else. From time to time she exclaims an Oh! When asked what she's doing, she replies with a sheepish smile: "Er just uhm finding uhm my er way uhm."

  • Mistress Eowiel Senella is often heard dissassociating Zephlin's work as Magistrate from his work as Headmaster. "They are completely separate and have no effect upon each other…" she is heard to remark...however, while defending the integrity of the College stalwartly, she never seems to go far enough to actually defend the former Magistrate...

  • Drelan Ashire, being his usual peachy self anytime politics are abound in Peltarch has seemed to avoid the streets as much as possible, though he can still be seen on occaision making rounds through the docks and to the guild house building. One time upon entering the city lately, he of all people went to the Seafarer's Guildhouse, and exited sometime later with his hand resting on his sword's hilt still not drawn from its scabbard, a fire in the man's eyes not seen in sometime. He disappeared from the city for a few days and has since returned and can be seen often kneeled outside the Seafarer's Guild with a very small fire burning in a tin cup before him. It seems most have seemed fit not to approach him while he performs such a rather odd ritual.

  • _Skyla Vea'Draeven has been seen outside of the confines of the college recently, sometimes in the company of some of the apprentices, and often with her two newborn twin children.

    While out, she often speaks in support of her fiance Zyphlin, managing complete composure, pleasantness, and perhaps a bit of her once famous charm when speaking of some of even the worst accussations._

  • _A very pretty elven lass has been spending more time around Peltarch lately. Some may recognize her as a bard of the college.

    She is wont to spend time in the Mermaid, sipping wine and talking casually with the lads brave enough to speak to her.

    At any opportunity, she defends Zyphlin's name and that of the College, composing and performing a few short tributes to the noble establishment of learning and art._

  • _…. a tatterd band of adventurers enters Peltarch from the west. one hin and three humans, as they meet people they keep warning them to go west into the giantspare foothills. They keep taking in each others mouth and for those patiant enough to listen they descipher something about them running into a band of heavy gnomish chavalry out testing their newest weapon. The fearful ultimate weapon as the gnome's apparantly said, the Automatic Chicken Thrower!

    For those who are interested the adventurers tell tales of the exploding chickens and how they forced the gnomes to continue their testing outside of the town walls of Peltarch, atleast one of them tell this tale. The person beeing a little known student of spellweaver.._

    //thanks deathcat, I am still laughing…

  • Elissa can occasionally be seen speaking up for Zyphlin, making a weak attempt at defending him.
    I'm sure that the Magistrate always only meant well, and that's why he might have bend the law a bit. It's not like he cold bloodedly would murder someone and he's always tried to make up for what he did wrong, too. Healing wounds and giving a bit of gold to the widows and orphans.

  • Dark whispers are spoken in relation to the former Magistrate. Some say the Senate will not stand for his attempt to run away before they could charge him.

    Some say he has been using the city, and was guilty of high treason, and bought his way out of a conviction.

    Others speak of the Bardic College, and how every election it tries to put its people in positions of power, all under the command of this criminal.

    The rumors spread like slow creeping venom.

    No one seems to question the enchanting girls that walk into the taverns of the city, and leave hidden by the fog of heated debate.

  • Zyphlin laughs when hearing the rumor and points out that his latest speech where he officially stepped down by his own choice occured well before these began. He chalks it up to those in the government already trying to skew the truth so that the people will go unheard

  • Rumor has it an attempt was made to Assassinate Lady Arien Ashald. She is seen to leave the city with her brother and then is seen in the city library among others and is busy and not so frivolously wasting time.

  • Somewhere in one of the unseen places of Narfell, a deep voice muses through thin lips in a tongue usually removed from any place but the Hells, "better late than never, my dear friend."

  • Council of Moradin

    ::rumors spread that Zyphlin has been fired as magistrate and is under investigation for abuse of power.::

  • _As night approaches the Lord and Lady Ashald are seen leaving the city in haste. None know exactly where they go as they whisper quietly to each other. Shortly after they leave, they return in the company of Miss Nicahh and The Elder Arandor carrying several large pouch's in thier hands.

    They move quickly to the temple and shortly speak with Daisy before exiting and heading for the Seafarer Halls. Almost a day later they emerge. Aarron and Daisy speak shortly after coming out, Daisy offering her thanks to him and his companions for getting the required ingredients to combat whatever this was that had infected Nyda.

    Aarron isnt seen for some days, he stays within the Seafarer Halls, only coming out to visit Daisy occasionally, curious as to the origin of the sickness and any adverse effects in may have on the populace. Aarron is heard saying that any who have any strange symptoms should seek out Daisy immediately._

  • Miss Daisy arrived at the Seafarer's building and disappeared inside for some time. When she eventually emerged, looking flustered and very very worried, it was to be greeted by a horde of shambling undead all in remnants of what looked like red and black robes. It included an undead hin that whilst attacking is reported to have muttered repeatedly 'Jus' gots be nice'

    Dispatching the nightmare creatures Daisy hurried off to the Temple, her prognosis seemingly poor for Nyda unless someone is able to come up with the requisite ingredients for a cure.

    Aarron Ashald emerges sometime later into a fresh wave of undead, still only females, and after he and some seafarer guards disposed of them headed off looking exceptionally worried to look for aid.

  • A unknown dwarf clad in duerger plate has been seen walking up in the commons and shoving corpses in the trash can.

  • As Aarron hears rumors of Nyda he prepares to leave the city. Upon his leaving it is in the escort of several workers he has hired. A trip to Jiyyd sees him returning carrying the body of a sick Nyda on a stretcher with the help of the workers and he sees it directly to the Seafarer Halls and sends a runner out to Daisy to come as soon as possible. Although she is alive she is coughing and sneezing and obviously is weak from the ordeal. The look of worry on his face is apparent as he disappears within the Halls and doesnt come out for some time.

  • notes appear plastered to various surfaces around the city, such as near the Lucky Ferret, Fenz' venting point, and Leti's Market

    (For more information on these notes:)

  • Miss Nyda has not been seen in Peltarch in some time, rumours have it she is laid up extremely ill in Jiyyd.