Ormpur. Whats left.

  • Ormpur, a nice quiet town east of Jiyyd had been rumored to be having troubles, From Giants to Wolves, to crazy banites in the past.

    A note, presented to the Council, and posted in the Inn reads as follows.

    'Ormpur is a Ghost town, Everyone has been either killed, or has left further east.

    Many a day went by with no hide or hair of a hin, Who heading a rumor provided by a Nathander Steel, headed out to check if the town was indeed abandoned or not.

    A small party of 4 went to investigate, and see if they could find the hin.

    Silinia, A Druid of the Circle. Wog, Big tough fellow with a bigger sword. Pete, A skilled fighter and Elith, A magic user.

    The path was plagued by winter wolves mostly, with a few Worg. Nothing that couldnt be handled by the four. Upon arriving at the hamlet, it was discovered that there was noone left. Gore lined the inside of the buildings. And even the central road inside the walls of the town. The cave was no better. No remains were found, only blood.

    Rumors have it there was quite a battle there a few days past, but not one who participated has spoken a word about it, so it remains that, a rumor.

    Again, The town has been deserted. All that is left is some blood, and empty buildings. No sign of the hin was found in the search.'

  • Lilly frowns as she hears more and more rumors.

    "We were beset by trolls the last time we adventured there, though it isn't suprising given the circumstances.. but I noticed there was also a large amount of blood by the pond to the north of Ormpur. I didn't think much of it, but it is a rather strange place for there to be blood if the town was attacked by normal means."

  • Just'ene sits around the commons and speaks on the village…

    Place was just deserted….nothing left. All we found was dried blood on the carpets and floors of the inside of the buildings. We found a footprint outside, but no one knew what it was. The dwarf, Healea said that it wasn't a troll though and it sure wasn't a giant. We even found a cave that had a freshly killed deer in it....very fresh. Whatever was in there was interrupted when we came in. It left it's kill and appearantly dove into the water. The others said it was some kind of water creature.

    After looking around we found some bones piled up in the back of the cave....one wasn't animal. Looked like a leg bone. Think I best get some gear packed up.

  • Chaevre comments
    I bet whatever wards they had surrounding the town suppressing the curse of the Lycanthrope finally crashed, chances are the first to turn were the ones not found splattered among the walls. . .

    If your going to do a search I recommend looking for Werewolves first. . . oh, I also recommend to the Hin to get some Belladonna soon, if he did in fact taste the blood as it could be tainted with the curse. . .

  • A tiny gowned elf sits quietly in the town square hearing all the wild rumors. She just shakes her head after the millionth time she tried to explain what had really occured. She finally tells her friend Silinia, " I give up let them fantasize as they choose, after all their stories are far more sensational then the truth. I know I was there when it happened. " She just shakes her head, remembering her comrads near fatal struggle to bring supplies to a blood soaked ghost town. and falls in silent prayer for the fallen.

  • Upon hearing the news, Scorpius wanders off to find the members of the Silver Valley Council and tells them.

  • ((Looks like that little kid finally met some wolves he couldn't handle. :lol:))

  • ((note: the hin that is mentioned before its me 😉 ))

    Gonnar walks into the commons and speaks to those gathered

    I made a trip to Ormpur with a cleric called Allon ((or something like that..sorry Sentinell 😛 )) After defeating the many Worgs and wolves in the road we reached the city…and we found noone.
    As soon as we opened the gates we found some blood on the floor, I tasted it..human blood. Nathander Steel allready told us that he had heard rumors about Ormpur beeing empty...but did not mention anything about everyone beeing killed....
    We checked all the houses crefully, looked behind all the doors, even those with locks ::chuckles:: and did not find anything, but blood all around...mayhaps its not of interesst but I found a magic potion in a chest....that means that the villague was not assault by bandits nor someone that wanted to steal...it might me somehing more..evil.
    We decided to check the nearests caves too...and we found some blood there, too...human blood.
    My opinion is they were attacked by something or someone..and everyone run away to save their lifes...some reached the caves..mayhaps were captured later...some other might have run to the woods....who knows.
    I'd like though to make an expedition and go there to find the possible survivors...if any.
    By the way, there were some traps in the caves...be carefull if you try to go in there.