Eeeeeeeevil Frost Giant Slain!

  • A group of battered adventurers comes back, carrying two dead female elves healing place. A bard in gaudy ancient-looking black and goldish/yellow clothing, wearing a green cariboo helm is seen carrying a large axe and dragging behind him a set of armor made for a humungous person. After a while, he comes out of the healing place, holding the axe, looking to everyone, carrying the axe, clearing his throat… he casts an amplification spell.

    "People of Jiyyd… be wary of travelling East along the roads of Ormpur. For we encountered a giant on... one with -this- mighty axe. He claimed he was hunting, and that he was... he said we were killing all -his- skins, which are the worgs along the way. I started skinning one, handing it to him, and he attacked me... I was handing -him- the skin. Then he chases us off, and I took... a different form, and we went back and forth for a long while, trying to kill eachother, all of us."

    Smiles to everyone

    "I was rather pissed that he hit me, and took my kin's helm… such a b'tard. Though I sort of felt sorry after we killed him... Until I grabbed his axe... Ah yes... I thought him just a pissed off hunting Frost Giant... no no... this plot thickens, my friends..."

    He hunches over slightly, peering at all of the audience, before continuing rising the axe in his hands in the air

    "This was found! This axe… while it had a cold enchantment when he attacked us, most likely through some sort of potion... When I examined it, it was the axe of that of a Blackguard! The same ones the bugbears use!"

    The crowd is likely stunned at this admittance

    "I myself can handle this evil object, for I am able to bypass such magical wards… But think about it people... Frost Giants are training... Blackguards! I doubt the giant has the magical betricksing skills such as myself, for he seemed niether cunning nor bardic-y. We might face a great threat on the horizon."

    Mirkali nods sagely to the crowd, then smiles a bit

    "As such though, I've taken the liberty of dragging his armor, which is mostly worthless, in front of the crafting hall, so that it might be melted down into something that could aid the protection of Jiyyd. Symbolic, if you will…

    The axe itself is being taken care of by a locale hinnish paladin, and is being disposed of. Just be weary all... You can ask some of the other fellows there were there about what happened."

    Mirkali then bids all a good day, smiling, and murmuring something about going to find Lilly for some loving or some such. The townspeople approach those leaving the temple and such (post on your own participation, ya lazy adventuerers :p)

    OOC: Thanks Maythor aka Morthos Troff for the event, had fun ;).

  • Healea mutters about his helm being stolen…and having to chase after it himself trying to get it back..

  • Cike Stands by Wolf and Oreth and whispers to them.

    "Ah truth I was there Sir Oreth, twas the first time I had seen such a fearsome giant. Ah it is as sir Mirkali said, we did try to speak with him and ask him his purpose, but he was most angered and adgitated. Ah he claimed that we were waisting HIS skins, as if he owned all in the road. Ah why do some take it in thier minds that they OWN anything of nature? Ah tis a gift of the land to us until tis time for we to return the gifts. shakes head getting back on track

    "Ah to make peace sir Mirkali did skin a hide as he said and offered it to the Giant. Ah then the giant did attack sir Mirkali. Ah even when sir Mirkali did cast invisibility on himself and continued to try to speak with the giant he did continue to strike out at him and we; flailing his axe about at the sound of Mirkali's voice. Ah truth if we did not try our best to sooth the Giant from force I know not what we could have done. Ah truth he would have made the road a danger to anyone by staying there, worse so than the worgs and wolves he hunted.

    "Ah what would you have done sir Oreth?"

  • A man in green armor, sitting and leaning against one of the lamp posts, just sighs and shakes his head.

  • 😮

  • ::As the gathered crowd mills about a rather average looking feller spits and is heard to comment::

    He was a mite bigger than I reckoned he'd be…Lars yes.

    ::the man, his lower lip plump with chaw, refills his hip quiver with bolts and walks off::

  • A nearby man in grey robes chuckles softly as the militant druid muses aloud about non-violent solutions.

  • And it won't occur to anyone to….talk to them. In a non-contested situation. ::waves vaguely:: Not my problem.

  • ::happily smelts the armor he finds outside and makes

    4 plows
    12 hoes
    12 shovels
    12 axes and a handful of other farmign instruments who he gives to the farmers in the area::

  • ((cough hinnish priest cough cough))

  • _Many of the audience recall that several days before the frost giant's demise a dark woody-skinned elf had come into town shouting with concern in her pleasant melodical voice that a group of hardened frost giant battlemasters and a shamanistic leader of some kind were preparing something nefarious in the eastern pass. She spoke of an Oracle of great wisdom with whom she was visiting, and of a giant's staff comprised entirely of human bones strung together by preserved sinew.

    Some of those present had edged away from the sorceress as she confessed being under a curse of wild magic, concerned about their own safety, but when she returned not a few hours after the brave and virtorious hunters there was talk of her participation in the epic battle._

  • A set of giant-sized full set of armor sits outside the crafting hall, very stinky and very smelly, almost begging to be smelted