Murder at the West Gate

  • Rumors have spread from various sources that Peltarch's most recognizable Thayan, Enzo Ifferial, was slain at the West Gate. His body was found hastily hidden within a hedge of bushes between the West Tower and the main wall of the city. He was stripped of possessions and left naked; a scene of obvious struggle lay nearby. Two of the Peltarch Guard, their names unknown, were rumored to be involved in some manner. One of them was seen earlier in the area acting in a unusual manner with a large amount of blood on his hands and armor. When the body was discovered, both of the Peltarch Guards on duty had fresh injuries, but they refused to make any statement as to the incident or their possible involvement in it.

    As he was a known faithful of Kelemvor, Enzo's body was removed from Peltarch shortly after the incident and taken to Norwick. It is said he was tended to with honor by the priests and priestesses of the Judge and then laid to rest in the graveyard near that town.

  • Council of Moradin

    Dunderstone doesn't have a report on the incident.

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim writes to Captain Dunderstone asking for a formal report from him on this incident.

  • Roland tries to make some inquiries with Lisa concerning the murder and which guardsmen were on duty at the time.