Depressed wolf

  • Lately, a wolf can be seen wandering around Jiyyd, whimpering from time to time. Usually, he just lays in the middle of the grass, a depressed look on his face. This particular wolf has a large scar going across the back of his neck and if his belly is shown, a scar can be seen across that as well. The wolf ignores anyone who approaches and doesnt seem to care what is happening around him.

  • _If the wolf is seen, he is now in a more cheerful mood. Accepting petting and responding more to those around him. He begs for food and scritches like he would normally do in the past.

    Though, as Cike's wolf, Kell, grooms him, he seems to enjoy it very much. The wolf's eyes are wide as she does it though and his back leg seems to twitch. He would pretend to sleep sometimes, then as Kell would sleep on top of him, the wolf would slip out from under her and go behind a building…

    Soon after, a man can be seen wearing green armor, coming out from behind the same building. He would sit next to the lamp post and run a hand through his blonde hair, glancing at Kell._

  • Kell strolls into Jiyyd happy as a pup and notices the wolf, she sniffs the air and immedietly goes into hyper-puppy-super-exciteable-mode. She hops and dances about the wolf often dropping on top of him spayed out licking at him and grooming him as if he were a pup. Playfully she nips at his tail tugging it or sits on him letting her tail tap him on the snout. Other times she naws on one of his paws drooling into his fine coat or licks the inside of his ear. After tiering herself out she will nap away ontop of the the wolf.

  • The wolf seems to be more responsive now, letting people pet him and acting playful at times. Though, it still seems he has a sad look in his eyes and occasionally, he'll lay in the grass, staring off to the east, not blinking.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The diminutive, bulette-clad archdruidess wanders over to the wolf and scritches for a good while, then says a few short words in druidic, and begins to apparently try to strike up a conversation with the depressed pup

  • Enzo, who frequently visits the countryside when his duties in Peltarch are not pressing, notices the somber wolf laying about. While finishing a bit of dried meat, he tosses a tasty morsel of it over at the creature's feet.

  • tala wanders over sitting by the wolf. Sitting compaionably in silence for some time she begins checking his ears for mites in what appears to be some sort of grooming ritual of long habit. Startling slightly when she gets to his back half she murmurs an appology.

    Sorry forgot you weren't winn.

    looking sheepishly at him.

  • Belade goes out the east gate, shoots three birds, puts them on a string, then brings them back to the wolf, and puts them down in front of him.

    There you go Wolf