CRiminals Wanted for Crimes 11/30/05

  • Legion

    ((DM plz make this a sticky thread for us to post on this thread for wanted criminals only))
    **People wanted for crimes against the comonwealth of Jiyyd


    Arthus Goldman Description given
    Found and sentenced to death is now hanging outside our walls as a example. written next to it is* "Got Tha Un!"

    Wanted for numerous crimes

    Wanted for numerous crimes


    Wanted for breaking and entry in Jiyyd
    Wanted for defacing Jiyyd private property
    Wanted for evading the fines for such crimes**

  • Igor's captured by grag…


  • Rumours circulate that the badly scarred and mangled body of Arthus Goldmoon has strangely dissapeared without a trace. Speculations incur that it may have been the Oscurans, or perhaps some other unknown force at work.

  • @833d21f79c=Frank:

    ((I read the title of this and the first thing that came to mind was,
    "Grag's recruiting criminals to commit crimes for him?… wait a second..." :lol:))

    ///Ditto. The title of this thread looks like a Want Ad///

  • Belade asks whether Arthus has to be delivered whole, or if his head will suffice, stating that carrying a grown man wearing full plate is not an easy task.

  • Aelhaearn requests information on bounties to be paid.

  • Merum glances at the post noticing the name "Arthus Goldmoon".

    This man has caused enough damage on Jiyyd. I'm going to kill him.

    Tyr's justice shall be swift.

  • ((I read the title of this and the first thing that came to mind was,
    "Grag's recruiting criminals to commit crimes for him?… wait a second..." :lol:))

  • Inquires tactfully about the details and names of witnesses in the cases against Zanetar and Arthur

    [Persuade roll: 15+11 = 26]

  • Rando seems very disapointed that Grag wants Zantetar alive, but he is sure Grag would not mind if he was dead. Rando is heard to say as he walks out of the gates

    Time for my favourate hobby, Banite hunting.

  • (( Tush; come now. The least you could do is put a few coins bounty on my head. ))

  • Goldman? Its Goldmoon! lol… I guess "Goldman" doesnt sound half bad lol :?