A Tutor is Sought...

  • Recently, it has been heard amongst various circles of nobility that Celeste D'Arneau seeks a tutor in the subjects of Literature, History, and Music for her daughter Andrea. However, a stipulation has been made by Lord Armand D'Arneau that no man or woman referring to themselves as "bard" may fill this position as to avoid filling his daughter's head with foolish ideas.

  • Poor kid

  • It is shortly after the announcement that an elderly woman cultured and fine is seen with Andrea D'Arneau poking and prodding her…and not accepting any sass.

  • After long deliberation, Lord Armand D'Arneau finally decides to employ the Ashald's Nanny, as not only are her references excellent, but the Nanny is no doubt already cultured enough to function smoothly in high class circles. He does so with hopes that she will perhaps impart her knowledge of etiquette and responsibility on his daughter Andrea, as well.

  • A letter penned on soft parchment with a flowing script

    My Dearest Lord D'Arneau,

    I do hope this finds you and your imminent family quite well. The news of your search for a tutor for your daughter has come to my attention. I write to inform you that I have in my very employ a Nanny of the highest skill and caliber. She was my own nurse and tutor until I was sixteen winters old.

    Our house is empty of children now, and she does desire to teach. Since she is in our employ and a emminent scholar in history and finer graces of society without the taint of the bardic flourish, I will offer her to your graces to teach your dear sister until such time as she is old enough to decide for herself on the further implementation of her mental faculties.

    Your ever dutiful friend,

    Lady Arien Ashald
    Headmistress, Spellweaver Keep

  • Lord D'Arneau announces his list of possible candidates for the Tutor… Elissa's name amongst them. He will interview each individually. Each applicant will be subject to some test of Lord D'Arneau's devising to see if they are competent in their subject areas, and they will also be subjected to rigorous aura-testing to determine the purity of the would-be tutor's soul. Armanda D'Arneau, Tormtar, surely wishes no corruption to come to his daughter.

  • Rumors begin to circulate around the city after servants at the estate are overheard speaking of Vincent D'Arneau.

    "It's a miracle the master hasn't started a bardic witchhunt by now."

    "Bah…Despite what Lord D'Arneau thinks, the boy's made quite a name for himself in Waterdeep. Court composer and all..."

    "That doesn't change the fact that his father believes that all the D'Arneaus are destined to serve the Temple in one way or another - and that 'silly art' stole his second born away from him."

    "Stole? He was a member of the College himself for a month - t'was his own choice. Besides, Andrea can choose for herself."

    "Who? Vincent?"

    "Aye, he even showed me the bottle of Carabinieri he had to carry arou-"

    The servants stop speaking abruptly and scramble off pretending to be in the middle of some important task as they realize Lord D'Arneau has been standing behind them for the last mintue.

  • When this reaches the ears of Elissa, she ponders for a moment, then sets up a letter and has it delivered to the D'Arneaus, offering her broad knowledge and reassures them that she has never had even the slightest intention to participate and much less look for any kind of adventure. She also admits that her calling is, of course, one of debate, but she has good reasons for it and would welcome a chance to meet the family and the student, pointing out that such a meeting would be a chance to get to know each other.

  • DM

    Ahh history… the eminent Magistrate Barrim remarks... what makes us all, and defines us all, the zenith of study indeed...

    I think the young child should learn law at the earliest opportunity also, quite the height of intellectual endeavor.

    his remarks to henry over a cigar or two continue... at infinitum..

  • When hearing of the news Zyphlin laughs, stating that it is too bad he would not like an intellegent, free spirited, knowledable, and friendly bard to teach his child. He goes on to state though that he's sure he can find someone with no real knowledge but the ability to teach his daughter whatever lies he wishes somewhere in the city.

  • Mirkali could easilly teach her those subjects… provided he wasn't a natural danger to those around him, and would likely completely demoralize her self values 😉

  • Alejandra hears of the notice accidentally as she walks by the City Hall and scowls. Pssh. foolish notions! she thinks to herself, then sees several flowers budding between two paving stones, picks one to put in her hair, and walks away sighing at the beautiful, fluffy clouds above, giggling as her mind makes exciting shapes out of them.

  • After hearing this through her noble sources, Clandra speaks with all her non-bard friends with knowledge on the subjects, and persuades most of them to promise to not take this place.

    She also acts very offended, thus gets the sympathy of many.