Arthus... Evil?
Let me clarify…
My post was not targeted at any other posts or comments. What alot of people are forgetting is that while you have described maybe 14 PCs the majority of the NPCs, both the factions and general population are infact, nuetral.
What the city ends up in a RL year is up to the players. If more and more become evil with more evil organizations then yes, the cities alignment will shift but at the moment, the influence of the evil organizations simply has corrupted the majority of the population.
I apologize, an offhand comment and joke by me seemingly was blown out of proportion.
If you say so.
Oscura is neutral. Some leaders are evil, some are not. You could look at some of the laws as more liaise fair than anything but it depends on a perspective that I am not willing to argue over the forums at the moment.
In the end, Oscura is neutral.
This doesn't happen often, but I agree with Zane wholeheartedly. If the government is evil, the laws are evil, the clergy are all evil, and all of the truly active citizens are evil, then it really doesn't matter if the barkeep pets bunnies and gives candy to children, he lives in an evil city.
We are neutral here, not evil.
Kicks a helpless bunny across the street.
Looks around
I would think of Oscura as being neutral with evil tendencies.
Besides, the PCs active shape the town, don't they? People used to consider Peltarch neutral / evil, or so say old posts I read somewhere, but now it's often viewed as good / neutral. Why? Active PCs change; government changes.
At present, Oscura's government is largely evil. There are no less than three Banites on the Tribunal, one Aurilite, two followers of Shar (whether neutral or not, they follow an evil god, and they emit a potent evil aura – good enough for me).
I'm not sure about some of the NPC Tribune members, but I know all of them (minus two, I think, who didn't cast votes), were in support of legalizing the trade of slaves in Oscura. Slavery is a very blatantly and profoundly evil practice.
Then there's Oscura's merchant queenie, Chaevre, who is not a good girl by any stretch of the imagination.
The only temple in town houses sanctuaries to three very wicked gods.
My point is that if PCs and major-role NPCs (that is, not the masses of assumed commoners) have anything to do with shaping the sort of general alignment of a city, Oscura is being shaped to something much less than kind and wholesome.
That sounds a bit unrealistic, either a griefer has been at it, or something had gone very wrong. I don't know any event short of a large scale town attack where ten characters would die and be littered, unless the dm has done some miscalculation, or there been some accident. Maybe somebody has used it for corpse storage place during a town attack.
Beside, that is no excuse to say the place is 'evil', or that the pub is 'evil', it is hardly something you find everyday.
It was a griefer, they created character after character and threw them at one of the NPC's there trying to do enough damage that one of them would eventually kill it and could loot it/get xp. They never succeeded, but it was funny listening to the running commentary (no DM's were around)
And no, IMO Oscura itself is neutral, it's just suffering from very very bad PR and only evil PC's going there.
Yes yes… apparently I haven't been keeping up my reading in F&P to have noticed the change to Kelemvor's domain set. I suppose its what happens when you wander into parts of the game you don't know so well.
Thanks for the redirect.
Just don't get in the way of Ezachiel's and Sara's evil plans, or Belade's smiting
Not to mention that they replace the death domain spells with the forgotten realms' 'repose' domain, which is all about destroying undead. Which means…no clerical necromancers.
As for the original purpose of this topic....meh, whatever floats your boat. Enjoy yourself.
…i don't know where in the world you're getting that from. Kelemvor loathes undead more than almost anything else, has a prestige class based around the soul purpose of slaying and destroying all undead, and its one of the key differences in him compared to the former god of the dead. Where did you read he's a close assossiate to a Lich of all things? O.o
Certainly not all dark places are evil, nor all beautiful ones good. And its too sterotypical to say all "evil followers" love dark, dank dungeons covered in blood. The tharchion and zulkirs have homes in Eltabbar that are luxurious palaces by the standards of any in Faerun, but you would be hard pressed to find a more evil group of people in the entire realm.
And to the point of the Mithral Mug… Enzo does love that comfortable spot to have a nightcap. He is very fond of the library of well, which looks far from evil in its scholarly appointments.
I'm also interest in starting a temple to Kelemvor in Oscura. Apparently in Narfell, Kelemvor is regarded more like a Torm-like diety, though he is widely worshiped in Thay as the Lord of the Dead. Kelemvor is a particular favorite among arcane necromancers and clerical necros, and has by rumor direct associations with Szass Tam, the zulkir of necromancy and one of the most feared evil creatures known to live (or live in undead as is the case). A little balance on the faith of Kelemvor within Narfell seems fun. I'd love to see the paladins of that faith visiting the temple in Oscura
shar-vertisement :lol:
Also remember that only clerics of shar or of any evil diety have to be "evil".
Shar is one of the easiest dogma's for a neutralish character to "slip" to, espicially in oscura. Much like umbrelee in water heavy cities, the goddess of the underground is likely at least paid respects for safty. As well, a goddess of secrets, loss (one of the big reasons why people slip to her without being "evil", a major loss pushes you to try and find SOMETHING to grip onto and she's usually there), and the caverns could very easily be loosely worshipped by folk that are neutral or even good…it just depended how much they just prayed to her and saught her for comfort and how much they REALLY pushed her dogma.
and yeah
good to see Arthus out there. I remember a talk in the spider woods with him and corde some time ago, and ever since he's been one of my prime examples in sermons
That sounds a bit unrealistic, either a griefer has been at it, or something had gone very wrong. I don't know any event short of a large scale town attack where ten characters would die and be littered, unless the dm has done some miscalculation, or there been some accident. Maybe somebody has used it for corpse storage place during a town attack.
Beside, that is no excuse to say the place is 'evil', or that the pub is 'evil', it is hardly something you find everyday.
The first time I went to the mithril mug I found ten player corpses.
Uhuh, so the main inhabitants of Oscura-Sharrans, Banites, etc. are definitely not evil. :lol:
Just because most of the players are Sharrans and Banites, does not mean all the NPC's are. You will find plenty of neutral and good alligned NPC's of faiths even as surprising as Illmatar, plus there is a large dwarven community of all types and alignments.
I keep pressing this, there is nothing stopping a good aligned or neutral aligned character from moving in to Oscura, even building a temple to a neutral or good God. They will naturally experience challenges, but Oscura is a neutral and tolerant city who allow evil aligned and worshiping character, it does not mean Oscura itself is evil.
There are plenty of Oscura's citizen who are there because they are outcasts, cripples, alcoholics, hiding from some dark past, ex criminals, perhaps criminals on the run?, none evil thieves, freaks, half drows, fallen paladins etc. etc.
Oscura is a town for those that seek the darkness to hide/work/live, for whatever reason that is.
Go to the Mithril mug and tell me if that place look evil to you.
Uhuh, so the main inhabitants of Oscura-Sharrans, Banites, etc. are definitely not evil. :lol:
Oscura is supposed to be Neutral. (i believe)