Whispers at the Fire

  • A rumour goes around Norwick how Jandor's guard ran inside and locked their doors when Atol came to town. Jandor was told of the attack, but sat on his throne and did nothing. Only local merchant Frago and some brightly-clad adventurers stood up to Atol. Frago beat him back to the north gate too, until his band of Eastlander thugs showed up to tip the balance. The Eastlanders eventually withdrew back to the Nars, and Frago resumed selling his wares.

  • ICC

    Grog can be seen wandering Norwick, talking to long time residents and any learned people he can find. It seems he is looking for any information on weapons and magic to fight demons…...

  • With the news of Jirka's death travelling up through the towns, a lone woman in purple and silver full plate stands upon the overwatching tower at the south gate, a cloak drawn about her. During the night, she is seen to stand for hours, merely watching out into the distance of the quiet forest with a collected expression on her face, quietly grieving the loss of a friend.

  • A bloody body can be seen thrown out of the crypts, a skull and crossbones eatcheted onto the side of his face. It is said he dropped to his knees, praying quietly infront of the crypts to Kelemvor, before peeling green paint off his armor revaling Leigon colors and limping off

  • A group of Legionares and Druids returns from the woods, rumors fly that they faced many demons, and ran into a mysterious group out in the woods.

  • Hearing screams from the woods, a group of five people were seen venturing south in search of its source. Almost a day later they emerged from the forests looking beaten bruised and scorched telling tales of goblins masquerading as children, portals, beholderkin, harpies and squid-faced-brain-suckers.

    His once-fine robes now torn and frayed; one of the group, a slender moon elf, is heard to observe to the others that "If that goblin-witch is foolish enough to reopen her portal then the land will have more to worry about than crystals and bandits"

  • Upon hearing about the skull-faced man wandering about wreaking senseless acts of destruction, Oreth pipes up in the general vicinity of the guard

    Gee. I've only seen one person wearing that garish skull-helm style recently. Put it on to hide his face when we were giving him trouble for threatening us…in norwick, actually. Hmm.

    He makes a great show of tapping his chin in deep thought

    This gent didn't happen to be wearing black armor with yellow-ish around the shoulders, would he?

  • _The mercenary guards who observed the skull-faced man receive firm lectures from the chancellor.

    Any further sign of a man similarly showing overt threat to the town brings the accustomed call-to-arms. Barbarian toughs leap out immediately to chase him down and archers in the towers don't hestitate to drive a few shafts through his head._

    //ooc on
    Please understand that NPCs are not all imbeciles, and the Norwick militia are notoriously aggressive about masks and keggings …especially since they've had their barracks kegged at least once that I'm aware of. They wouldn't likely shrug it off just because the skull-masked fellow changed his mind. Not until they'd given him a few good headshots. 😉
    //ooc off

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Recent rumors speak of a heated argument between the local archdruidess and a pair of talosians at the south gate of Norwick…it seems she's seen fit to start banning those who threaten the circle from entering the rawlinswood.

  • A man with his face concealed by a skull faced helmet was spotted yesterday evening by the guards, fiddling with something in a backpack that looked to be about the size of a keg…

    He was said to have dropped it on the ground outside the gates of norwick, then pulled out a torch to light it aflame.

    Strangely after looking to ponder it a moment, the guards say they saw the man pick up the backpack, put out the torch, and leave almost as quickly as he had come.

    No one was able to identify him.

  • Nalio, Lilin, and Lyte had headed out into the woods earlier that morning, and were having a tea party before Fadia came running in looking for hunter, exclaiming that the city was under attack from the goblins.

    The three quickly packed up the party and headed towards the city, which was between attacks, and the group, along with several druids which included Caldor, Fadia, and Wolf among others, and Jirka and Kara. They repeled several waves before the attacks paused for several hours. Kara and Jirka left, and shortly after they resumed again.

    No casulaties were recorded through out the strugle and all fought bravely against the sea of goblins, and there was literally a wall of goblins piled at the gates once the fight was done.

  • Rumors spread that many a dead goblins and a few lone Bugbears lay dead in the North East Rawlins slain by numerious arrows so fine they seem to be of Elven quality. For the experianced tracker many many light footed footprints MIGHT be found, but mostly there is hardly any indictation of the presence which fired so numerious a quantity of arrows that little space was left in the Goblins and Bugbears.

  • Word spreads of a tall half-orc donned in shiney plate planning to ask a certain crimson-haired half-elf out to dinner at the Boarshead. Rumor has it that the half-orc has been gathering flowers from the surrounding woods for the past few weeks.

  • Word spread about a possible attack that was to be launched upon the druid glenn by several green skins. Rumor says two rangers, one a tiny crimson haired creature, the other a dark haired lordly man, were seen battling no less than 20 of the goblin's best assassins. When the assassins could not pass the two, a line of archers were set up. All were slaughtered quickly and efficiently. The crimson haired lass leaves word at the glenn with the first druid she finds for them to be on guard.

  • The Bugbear Dinner Affair

    Recentlly the trio of Moe, Kara and Hedia returned from out deep in the rawlinswoods. When they were in sight of Norwick's gate they were ambushed by horsed of goblins and bugbears. For A whole day the trio held the horsed of bugbears and goblins at bay. The whole fight shouts and accusations of "It's all your fault" could be heard to be hurled at Moe. Rumour has it Moe aggrivatedt he bugbears when he banged on the Warren's door with his double axe wanting to apparaently invite them over for dinner.

  • Before the next festival for the coming winter a heafty stack of meat is found outside the south gates of Norwick. It seems to be a tribute of some sort. Druids may grumble about the amout of dead animals in the rawlins but all seem to have been lame and would not have survived the winter anyway. Mecc might immediatly recognize who made such a tribute.

  • With crime at an all time low, the tall half-orc known as Orc Man but commonly called Moe is seen to be increasingly bored on his patrols, to keep himself enteratined he has begun to sing to himself as he patrosl the streets. His naturally deep barritone voice is forced to the higher pitches where it constantly breaks as he struggles to keep pitch and tone in his voice. When told he is a horrible singer he meerely replies "It sounds good when I have my helm on!"

  • Word spread that the Goblins and Bugbears work togeather again training Worgs, Beetles, and Umberhulks. And have been attacking sporadically the Southern Gate.

    On another note, Rumors start to spread of Demons and other nightmarish looking creatures wandering the Rawlins. The large nightmarish Demon even being spoted right outside the Southern Gate. These rumors continue even though the last sighting was a while back after a group of adventurers traveled into the woods following the Large Demon.

  • Mog is seen pulling several bodies into town of large ape like creatures(dire apes to the Lore types). Seems a band of them decided to ambush Mog in the East Rawlingswood. Mog tells everyone to becareful that the woods seem to be occupied by strange creatures of late.

  • Word spreads of four women and one man in dark plate entering Norwick, heading to the inn, all covered in blood. Guards would tell of how they spoke of being attacked by a rogue band of Eastlanders while walking through the pass. However aggression did not stop once they entered town. Several Eastlanders were seen in the inn attacking the man in dark plate, the blonde with a gut wound, and the pissed off red head. The blonde girl was held prisoner in the inn and robbed of all items bandit related and beaten to a bloody pulp while the other members of the party were outside trying to arrange for help from the Norwick militia. No Eastlanders were seen leaving the inn although the wounded blonde girl vaguely remembers seeing them using potions of invisibility before they left her to die in the inn. The message from the Eastlanders seemed to be clear: Those with Eastlander gear will be attacked and the Eastlanders will reclaim their property.