Poltergeists and young girls

  • _It seems that recently a couple of ghosts made their appearance inside the walls of Jiyyd. Reportedly the spirits are easily banishable, even by clerics of such callings as Elissa's, who reportedly called onto her goddess to banish a number of these ghosts. Whether any good can come of such an act is very much doubted.

    In any case, it seems obvious that the banishing is not permanent and the true source of the appearance of these ghosts lie with the spirit of a young girl.

    Whether people should worry about solving the riddle of a spirit or rather invest time in bringing supplies to Jiyyd in these troubled times is a rather controversial topic._

  • Rumours speak of a small group that went back down under the well in the bat cave to try and learn more of the spirit after several attempts by a previous group to 'cleanse' the spirit failed. While exact details are known only to the group that descended, they all seemed to emerge from the cave ( Khaya, Wolf, Raisa, Naiya and Callain) looking a little more singed than usual. It's said that an altar binding the spirit was destroyed and the spirit itself faded away with the settling dust.

  • It has been seen that a halfling squire by the name of Merum has been fighting this ghost, although unsuccessfully, but his bravery and resistance to the ghost's illusions far surpasses the average commoner of Jiyyd. The small rumor is slowly dieing away. But lately a new rumor is rising. Merum is now currently hunting this ghost while calling for divine aid. His hopes are high that he'll be able to smite this so called "girl" in the name of Tyr.

  • The latest rumour is that Aarfari, 'Mar, Genzir, Gears, and Ginger chased an evil spirit out Jiyyd's East gate. They returned the next day, grimly remarking that the spirit wasn't in Ormpur, and was last seen headed to the Dark Enchantress's lair.

  • The druid Raisa is seen entering the cave with a gift of a small doll and a few sweet cakes.