Rumors heard throughout Oscura.
_Keira is enquiring of known mages and other students off oddness about localised odd magic phenomena. Patches of darkness, haste spells, other strange things. Unlike most Oscuran oddness, this wasn't happening at the well and seemed to follow her about.
Probably unrelatedly a nondescript elf seen at the monastery disappeared in a puff of lightning just in front of the Red Falcon library, leaving no trace behind him_.
Rumours are heard throughout Oscura, that the destructive forces of Talos are planning to sweep the land in the coming times… A posted note can be found in the oscura town square... It reads: To any of those, lost, or without a lord... Talos beckons you... If you wish to join up, talk to Arthus Goldmoon, the ex-paladin of Torm... He should usually be dwelling within the forgotten city. Only "worthy" applications shall be accepted... Arthus will show you the way to a relationship with the stormlord.
at the bottom of the note is a drawing of an explosive blast of lightning
Many citizens of Oscuara would notice a slow rise in new citizenship. Nicahh is seen leading several members of the Black Sails to the under city; them returning with a familar cloth wrapped about their hands.
-As of now it seems the legionares are still free to enter the Temple whole, though they are restricted from access of the Banite Chapel. It also seems however that those Legionars of a goodly heart find themselves unable to pass the doors to the Chapel of Shar. When people have asked Corde as to the reason for why the ban has not overtaken the entire Legion he states that-
"The Neutral Chapel is there for any Oscruan to give praise to thier deities and as such no organization will be denied access until said organization has attempted or is found to be attempting harm upon the City of Refuge."
The guards however do keep a keen eye on any of those wearing colors of some of the more goodly forces of Narfell; the legion, the phoenix, the divine shield, and others. If any are seen harassing Blooded or speaking ill of the gods housed within the Temple, they are asked to leave rather sternly.
Orders are subsequently established barring all Troff Legion personnel from the Temple of Bane, and – unless the church of Shar or Mask should object -- the entire Temple of Caverns establishment.
Many close to the Town well of souls ( or whatever you call it) noticed a large male in metal escorting Dania back to her home safely… some say it was one of those legion do gooders... He might have been seen snooping around close to the temple of bane by many... On his way out, the well of souls casted spells on him and he ran for it screeming for mommy they say... :evil:
A blue robed elf with the air of a wizard has been studying in the library in recent days.
(if someone could help me out with a source for history of the city?)
The strange masked woman that passed through Oscura on many occasions has not been seen at all for quite some time.
The Templar Corde is seen with some of his clergy heading to the Gaurd barracks to tend to any of thier wounded. It is said he is searching out the Captain of the Guard to begin plans for securing the defenses
Once again, the guards report having been attacked at the Raven Rift. This time no drow were spotted, but plenty of kuo toa and kobolds assailed the guards. Some minor injuries were all the guards sustained while fighting off the attack.
One quiet eve not a fortnight ago, three men stood about Oscura idly bickering over the importance of social graces amongst governmental leaders.
Goodman Rob came to speak with them, telling them of meddlesome dwarves in the chasm ready to smash any being coming or going.
His Honor, The Templar Corde Sharr'dak, and His Honor, The Treasurer Zanetar Den 'Kath set forth across the Raven Rift with a Thayan Diplomat and a small entourage of guards.
The dwarves were quite hostile, but were rather easily defeated, much thanks owed to the Treasurer's great mastery of enchantments and the Templar's talent for taking a few blows to distract while the former casted. The guards did very little and the Thayan man shot one with a crossbow.
Strangely enough, guards were seen carrying the three bodies to the Temple of Caverns after the incident.
Allanon has not been seen at all within the city lately…or outside either it seems. Even those who may have noticed him regularly giving silent thanks Bane, in an Infernal tongue at the Altar of Bane may notice that he is absent from the Temple as well.
It is heard throughout Oscura that an attack was made on the City by what seemed to be a wandering band of drow with some slaves and a few drider. Many Kuo Toa and Kobolds were killed along with two driders and two drow. It is assumed by the guards that more drow were about, but did not show themselves or attack.
((Next time selunites that are known to Corde [IE we've sat there with interactions before] routinely go into the church would you please PM me and let me know as the guards and clergy under him there would likely let him know
Prior to the interdiction Nyda had certainly visited the Temple of Shar several times, reading the religious pamphlets and hymnals, but when the guards begin to bar her way she bows and if anything seems happier.
However she was recently seen fleeing Oscura at a dead run and has not been back since.
_If Nyda is ever seen in the Temple of the Caverns the guards within always keep an eye on her, and never speak save for if she approaches the left side. If she does she is quickly met with blades blocking her path telling her the area is off limits to her.
Corde can be seen around the city much the same as always. Extolling the blessings of the Lady of the Deep on those around, explaining how these hallowed halls are her domain and it is through her protection we are kept safe and thus we should give thanks. He tells of how so many in this city have felt loss, but we must use it as strength to further our efforts in this life and use it to push forward yet still give it the respect it deserves for allowing us to do such._
Miss Nyda seems to have spent a deal of the last few months, when she has not been noticeable by her absence, wandering Oscura with a perpetual joyful grin, calmly telling people they should embrace the Light of Selune and then walking on laughing merrily.
A singular traveller, dressed in darkened armour and covered by a cloak of black silk was seen entering Oscura with the cowl around her drawn up. Although not particularly tall, from what could be made out, the traveller had long red hair, drooping down from the confines of the cowl and a lithe body, offset by broad shoulders and visible indicator of a cleavage. She had been said to head towards the Red falcon library and spend a considerable amount of time looking through the books within the old tower, rarely speaking with anyone unless approached.
Olivia can be seen walking the streets of Oscura looking around as if studying the place. Once in a while she leaves the town but comes back not long after with traces of bloodshed on her cloak and armor. On one of her trips she asks a town guard for info on how she can can become a guard
Some would have noticed Mirkali walking out of the Shiney Coppers with a large sack of gold, the next day the patrons were seen entering the Wailing Banshee, drinking various fine wines, some pale red, others that were light green and glowed, and another a nice topaz, enjoying the fine wines imported from the grand frontier trade city of Saerloon, in Sembia, just south of Narfell.
((would have to ask Wykith if you're interested in buying a bottle ;)))