Evil adventure idea...
I'v been looking for a reson to play Denny. Lemie know ehn it is and I'll try to make it. If I'm playing Belma'r when the event is likly to fire up throw me a PM and I'll hop onto Denny unless otherwise in an event.
Sounds fun.
Count me in.
If you're going up against followers of Kelemvor, Jergal or Cyric, you can count my Velsharoonite in (if anyone'd care to ask him, naturally).
For a defender, my crossbowman would help without question (lest my Dutch captain tells me different)
I've got two evil characters willing to join the stealing, and a good character willing to defend.
I wouldl ove to kill kanen hightower, and i would also be willing to be the one to hire said mercenaries, also i have been meaning to steal a particular artifact from a location i have not yet been able to divine, should such information fall into my lap however i might be interesting in heading off such a tour
evil grin
Can i invite Kanen to defend the good place?
How about a couple Kanen'ish type characters there? You can lie and cheat them too. And depending on what the levels of the group is, I have a couple different characters that might also be interested in tagging along.
deffinalty intereasted in said event, Andrew Silva has a growing hate for paladins and would be gald to join.
Well… if we have good PCs vs Evil PCs... I suspect that any possible event will turn out less fun. I'm almost certain that stumbling upon Kanen Hightower, a celebrated paladin of the land, in defence of said innocents would increase the stakes somewhat.
No evil party worth their salt would go for a frontal assault against a matched team of paladins. I'd predict lying, cheating and other nastiness.
Anyway, it's not an evil job I had in mind... just one that may lend itself to evil method.
I have a few characters that would be intersted in this, need a sure time so I can check my work schedule though.
Get some more intereset, and I would be willing to run something for it, if another DM does not volunteer.
One question….
Can i invite Kanen to defend the good place?
Well my Allanon would definetly be interested. My Mercenary Character Vidar how ever is true Nuetral and it would depend on how much you pay him wether or not he helps.
If the pay is good enough however, he is in.
I've never killed a good NPC
DMs always spawn the evil ones, even if my char is evil.
That'd make me interested, I suppose
Sounds tasty… Especially if those unfortunate 'innocents' were followers of one of the deities of the Triad.
My Olivia is always gamed for such events … specially since she finds keira pretty interesting. i'm free this week so i hope you can get it going soon!
Dunno about "gushing interest" but on Card Fylath would be quite approachable on a matter of this nature.