One Crazy Day

  • ICC

    Grog can be over heard talking to friends.. "Boy dat wuz one crazy dayz…I wentz fer a walk in de Narz un wut i seez? banditz demandin tollz at de bridgez affer turninz tree peeplez inta statuez! Den dey attakinz dem peeplez wut not wann payz..Wull Grog not gonna stand fer datz so jump in and helpz..affer long bloody fitez we fallz bak to jiyydz. Den yuz can heer dere war drumz beetinz so Rary goez out ta talk to dems but dat goez badz, so we make a gluriuz chargez un beet dem bak paz de bridgez. Affer dat we hedz bak to Jiyyd, tiredz un bloodyz but victuriuz, whn wut appen next? Heer flappy flappy uf wingz un big red lizurd name Rass swoop down un jiyyd burnin peeple un buildinz un everytin!! den juz up and leevez affer doin some burninz! Grog get kinna bured when tingz is quietz, butdon need dat much excitementz very oftenz!" He chugs dwon an ale and goes to get some rest….

  • When Elissa visits Jiyyd, she can be seen deeply troubled and often shakes her head. She checks on some of the people she knows and provides a bit of aid here and there, where hers is welcome. After hearing that tale she can be seen muttering occasionally: "It's quite something when the life of a man is no longer worth fifty gold."

  • Lyte rubs the back of her neck in agreement, and tells what she knows

    _"I was heading north towards the Oscura caves, and stumbled into a group of people facing a bunch of eastlanders on the road…and a couple people were petrified there already.

    The eastlanders refused to let anyone pass, and threatened to petrify all, including myself, if we did not pay a ridiculous 50 coin toll or tax for passing apiece....with a eastlander claiming that he personally owned the land._

    shakes her head

    _Eyewitnesses much later stated that the petrified parties did not attack the eastlanders first, but that one of the petrified had made threatening remarks when told to leave the area, which started off the incident.

    Anyways, clearly these eastlanders were acting as simple, lazy, evil, highwaymen. They do not own this road, and a person can no more own the land than the clouds or the Lady's living trees. Giving coin to these thugs would have only encouraged them to commit more crimes in the future.

    I cut down the mage who petrified the travelers as he tried repeatedly to turn me into stone, and a general conflict broke out. Many, many people poured in from both sides, and we overcame the intial robbers.

    The battle escalated as dozens of eastlander captains and casters and priests with unknown gods appeared, and I got my myself nearly killed in the fray. Lady Kara bravely held the entire eastlander contingent off as we collected the petrified persons and all fell back to Jiyyd.

    As we tried to find a way to re-flesh those frozen, Raryldor went out to try and parlay a truce. He was followed by a contingent of Legion, just in case.

    As I was inside the Healing wonders talking to Vroka about some salve or scrolls or other de-stoning materials, I heard a roar outside, and rushed out to find Rass flying overhead, the front gates on fire, and people running about hither and thither.

    She actually landed, and was tossing wagons and lampoles about, and causing considerable property damage. She is huge and fearsome, and few could stand anywhere near her without fleeing in fear.

    Eventually, she flew off. We spent some hours putting out the fires with water from the well.

    I cant imagine why Rass would help these second rate bullys who were trying to shake out the pockets of travelers on the road…surely she is mightier than they, and doesnt need pocket change.

    But, it seems likely that the two events must be somehow related."_

    Lyte squints, looking up at the sky