Alba's banning
::After beeing banned from Jiiyd for a weak, because of a missunderstunding with Watchman Basha, Alba decides not to enter Jiiyd since she ask her for perdon. She refuses even to sleep at the in, extending her bedroll nights and sleeping under a tree near the gates::
Scutum shakes her head and steps over the body on her way out to vanquish some evil or another
((I never say I was banished, I said Alba didn't want to enter Jiiyd if Basha doesn't ask for pardon ))
((you do realize a week banishment is 1 RL day right? You were unbanished before your first post on the matter))
::When you aproach the healing wonder house you can see the dead corpse of Alba…who probably was killed by Hobgoblings, because she "couldn't" enter Jiiyd...::
She sleeps very close to Alba
//and everything else is up to Gonnar :twisted:
((Who said THAT is the wrong way? ))
((HAHA, that can be taken the wrong way ))
Belade goes to sleep with Alba