*Letter to the Council*

  • The Half Elf/Orc known to most as Wog walks into the council building holding a neatly written letter and leaves it inside the building. As he leaves he pins another up on the noticebored insode the council building for the public.

    _Esteemed members of the Jiyyd Council,

    I am writting to ask for a condieration of the ban agasint the Collective. Many do not trust them for there own reasons and as i am sure many of you are aware i do, but i will not force any of my belifs onto anyone, i am only stating facts.

    Jiyyd has few real laws as i am sure you are aware. But the collective has done nothing agasint the town but aid it. They have emensly helped with the food supplies, helped watche the gates, although be it from the outside and evan helped defend the town from attacks. If they had truly been agsint thw town they would have aided the attackers.

    The fundimental ruling in Jiyyd is that "All races allowed". The undertsanding if they are running around with a sword in there hand killing innocent people may be agasint this since that would show they are evil. But isnt are the banning of the collective sort of making this "law" hypocritical? Many have assumed them non humam, or elf, or any race. They presume they are now the rocks. They crystals are alive as you know, so therefore are living, therefore are a race. So this makes a point that the ban being agasint the towns rules.

    Also, one of the few laws of Jiyyd is "No public worhsipping or evil gods". This is basicly saying you would prefer to have several cults of Bane or Talona who dont worship in public but do in privite rarther than the collective.

    The point being that the collective have done nothing but aid the town and Narfell but the ban is still in palce.

    I am asking you to at least reconsider it.

    Yours sincearly:
    Any Wogshurgh_

  • Mereppi takes the letter giving it a quick read

    "I will make sure this is delivered where it belongs"

    Always eager to help the letter is promptly delivered back to the Legion Hall