A figure in Red and Black Plate

  • The woman many know as Nyda has been seen for the last few days sitting in her armour and helm in Jiyyd. She does not move or react unless a woman in red and black robes tells her to do something or seems in danger, though she has been seen to buy a naked woman who arrived in town a set of clothes and give her some money before resuming her seat.

  • After disappearing completely for several days Nyda returns, in her familiar red and black gown, her friendly smile once more on her face and an almost serene cast to her features. She actually looks almost healthily pink as well instead of her usual almost white pale.

    Whatever was causing her to cry almost continuously before she vanished seems to have been resolved in some fashion, though she seems disinclined to speak of it.

  • After talking for some time with Nicahh and two very friendly and huggy hin the woman finally removes her helm and though tears stain her cheeks she seems to calm some and return to a more usual demeanour. Her smile is not often seen at the moment.. but she will speak to people.